students who don't seem to study and do so well

Nursing Students General Students


I started level one at the end of january of this year. it's been only a few weeks since school has started and there is this one girl who is in my class. she's always late to school and has been absent twice already. she also sleeps during the lab times. i know the professors told her not to be absent anymore because absences are important. the other day, we had an exam for one of the level 1 classes and she was in class but she spoke to the professor and allowed her to take the test another time. everyone knew she wasn't ready for the exam so she told the professor something. everyone says it's unfair as to how she took a spot for someone who really may have wanted it. recently, we had validations and she never ever practiced in the labs, yet she passed. i thought it was unfair. sure, she may be smart, but all of us try so hard and yet she seems to just pass with flying colors.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Mannnn I bet you when my Lego racecar beats your Lego racecare, you're gonna say it's not fair lol!

People accused me of cheating during school because I never took notes or freaked out about the things they did. I was always a relaxed person who never sat there spitting out facts before tests(so many times people would just say plain wrong things before the test, which started me bringin my iPod with me). During lecture, I would sit there and draw like I always loved to do. When I'm sitting there relaxed, all the stuff the teacher says sticks with me. And some people would think I'm not paying attention, but I could answer any question the teacher asked the class(and no I didn't blurt out answers for EVERY question lol, just a couple). If I sat there trying to take notes and what not, I'd hate going to class. Also they would talk about me for not going to class, but you know what? The teachers knew ahead of time I would miss class, cuz I would tell them. I was close with all the teachers...I'd stop by to say hey, ask a quick question, chat about life and graduation plans(which opened up some good recommendations and landed me my externship, and eventually the RN job I have). And since I did well in class, I would tell them that I might miss a class, and they said "oh well that's fine". I'm in no way bragging, but it's a fact...some people need to study and practice hours on end, and some don't. I find jealousy funny almost, I got scholarships from the school and people would be quick to say "omg how'd you get that, you don't even study".

I have had that exact same problem. Last semester I was informed by a friend that there was a rumor going around that I must cheat because I never seem to pay attention in class (I doodle all over my notes while the teacher lectures because that's how I am. I have to be moving while I listen) so people behind me saw me doodling the whole time, they overheard my friends and I talking and I we were talking about book buyback and I mentioned that I never even opened some of my books. So these girls went telling people that I must be cheating because no way could I pass and do pretty good because I didn't read my books and I hardly studied. I never freaked out before a test. (although I do get post test anxiety, once I am done I am one of those people checking if grades are up every 5 mins. lol) The stupid thing about it all is I sit in the front row right in front of my instructors and I am always the first person done with my test. Maybe 5 times in 2 years have I been the second person done. So if I was going to cheat you would think I wouldn't sit where I do and I might need to wait until others are done so I can cheat.

I also passed my skills checkoffs without having to practice. I watched the teacher do it, I watched my friends do it because they were very in to practicing, so I helped them but I wouldn't do it myself until we had returns and I did it in front of the teacher. Never had any problems.

It's stupid and it's all because a few petty people can't possibly fathom that for some people, nursing school is no where close to the hardest thing we have had to face. In fact I have done far better in nursing school than I did previously and without a whole lot of effort.

Anyway reading your post I could have practically written it myself.

Now hopefully I didn't jinx myself when I have only 9 weeks to go.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Oh and you should have seen all the hushed whispers and glares that happened when I got an award for having one of the top Hesi scores in Pharmacology. Guess I cheated on that too ;)

Specializes in Cath Lab/ ICU.
Mannnn I bet you when my Lego racecar beats your Lego racecare, you're gonna say it's not fair lol!

People accused me of cheating during school because I never took notes or freaked out about the things they did. I was always a relaxed person who never sat there spitting out facts before tests(so many times people would just say plain wrong things before the test, which started me bringin my iPod with me). During lecture, I would sit there and draw like I always loved to do. When I'm sitting there relaxed, all the stuff the teacher says sticks with me. And some people would think I'm not paying attention, but I could answer any question the teacher asked the class(and no I didn't blurt out answers for EVERY question lol, just a couple). If I sat there trying to take notes and what not, I'd hate going to class. Also they would talk about me for not going to class, but you know what? The teachers knew ahead of time I would miss class, cuz I would tell them. I was close with all the teachers...I'd stop by to say hey, ask a quick question, chat about life and graduation plans(which opened up some good recommendations and landed me my externship, and eventually the RN job I have). And since I did well in class, I would tell them that I might miss a class, and they said "oh well that's fine". I'm in no way bragging, but it's a fact...some people need to study and practice hours on end, and some don't. I find jealousy funny almost, I got scholarships from the school and people would be quick to say "omg how'd you get that, you don't even study".

Sounds a lot like me n nuring school. I went to lecture because I had to, but I drew all over my notes to keep me from getting bored or falling asleep. I never freaked about anything related to nursing school. And I never had to study either. Nursing just comes easily..

Allow me to let you see how you look to the other girl who gets by easily.

There is this girl in my class that is so unfriendly to me. I have no clue why she gets upset whenever she finds out that I did great in my exams. I think that she is the kind of person that likes to see others fail. I dont understand why she is not doing so well. She studies so hard! Maybe she should go speak to someone who can give her a IQ test.

OP, nursing school is the easiest thing I have done my entire life. I cant remember the last time I touched a textbook, and my GPA is way above a 3.5. Accept the fact that some people's cognitive capacities are different from yours.


There is a difference between "studying" and LEARNING. Many people do learn without studing much or at all.

Quite honestly, it is a matter of knowing HOW you learn best and HOW and WHEN to put extra effort in. Those that have figured it out, utilize learning correctly from the start, don't waste time, and appear not to study at all....and sometimes don't have to study at all because they retained all the needed information the first time around. They are also less stressed about getting all the information and less stressed by tests (generally) because they know how to process the information and know that they know what they need to know.

Those that haven't figured it out may read the book in depth, take notes like crazy during class, record and relisten to lectures, re-write/type up notes after class, make a gazillion note cards, and still struggle because they haven't yet found what works best for them.

Me with my prereqs, I have had a couple classes (online) that I have read every single word of the text, and never done anything else. Have had other classes that I never opened the book, and took detailed notes in class, and barely looked at them again other then to clarify one or 2 points before a test. Had other classes where I used the text as a reference book, only reading sections that I personally needed to, skimming the rest and using the figures/pictures diagrams as needed and then took notes in class. Most classes I do little "studying" after the initial learning. I just have learned how to process information best for myself, and know what information I do need to go back and reveiw, and how works best for me to do so.

The girl you are talking about, you dont know her home life, why she is late/absent/tired enough to fall asleep during class. And you dont know how she learns. Maybe lecture does nothing for her. Maybe her best methods of learning are things she does in her own time. And if she is truely slacking and not learning, I doubt she is passing with flying colors or will last long.

In nursing school, you will learn very quickly to focus on yourself and not worry what the others are doing. Yes, lots of people cheat and yes, lots of people will skate by while you work your butt off. I am a 2nd degree student and I found nursing school to be fairly easy, with a few exceptions. It was balancing work and a large family in addition to nursing school which was hard. I used to let the hype freak me out and I would start practicing over and over but I realized that I didnt need that.

My advice - focus on yourself and do what works best for you. Once I realized this, nursing school was a lot easier for me.

I bet this girl is hot.

OP, nursing school is the easiest thing I have done my entire life. I cant remember the last time I touched a textbook, and my GPA is way above a 3.5. Accept the fact that some people's cognitive capacities are different from yours.

You win at life, madfowl. :up:

You win at life, madfowl. :up:

Was that comment written with a touch of sarcasm? I sometimes am unsure, when reading over the internet.

Specializes in Cath Lab/ ICU.

Touch of sarcasm? Or jealousy?...

Touch of sarcasm? Or jealousy?...

Sarcasm with a touch of jealousy and side of envy. :yawn:

Specializes in Case Manager.

Tag to read later.

My best advice is to keep your comments to yourself. Don't be 'that' person. I am one that reviews a powerpoint once, an hour or so before an exam and I pass the test. I never read my book. I'm blessed with the ability to recall lecture, especially if a story is told.

I do not show up for study groups. In fact, I loathe them. What good is it to have 3 or 4 people blurting out irrelevant facts and questions minutes before an exam is given? It just causes confusion to me. I tune everyone out and converse to my friend about something OTHER than materials for the test. And you know what? My friend is doing awesome in class too.

Neither of us do more than what I've said above, yet we get accused of either 'being tight with the teacher *wink wink*' and getting answers beforehand or just not caring. Neither of which is true. One person in my class always says "How are you making good grades when you do not even study". 1. She doesn't know what I do or do not do in my home., 2. What's it to her?

It does annoy me, but I smile and change topics. I hear it even more at the end of the term when I come out of there with an A or B.

Worry about you. That's all that matters. If she truly is slacking, it will catch her in the end.

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