students who don't seem to study and do so well

Nursing Students General Students


I started level one at the end of january of this year. it's been only a few weeks since school has started and there is this one girl who is in my class. she's always late to school and has been absent twice already. she also sleeps during the lab times. i know the professors told her not to be absent anymore because absences are important. the other day, we had an exam for one of the level 1 classes and she was in class but she spoke to the professor and allowed her to take the test another time. everyone knew she wasn't ready for the exam so she told the professor something. everyone says it's unfair as to how she took a spot for someone who really may have wanted it. recently, we had validations and she never ever practiced in the labs, yet she passed. i thought it was unfair. sure, she may be smart, but all of us try so hard and yet she seems to just pass with flying colors.

I agree...why care so much?

In addition though, how do you know how much she studies? Do you only study in sight of your classmates? How do you know what she has going on in her personal life right now?

Focus on you, let the instructors worry about this other student.


I have a gift for it ( thank you LEGOs! ) but for you to come on and say its not fair?

Mannnn I bet you when my Lego racecar beats your Lego racecare, you're gonna say it's not fair lol!

People accused me of cheating during school because I never took notes or freaked out about the things they did. I was always a relaxed person who never sat there spitting out facts before tests(so many times people would just say plain wrong things before the test, which started me bringin my iPod with me). During lecture, I would sit there and draw like I always loved to do. When I'm sitting there relaxed, all the stuff the teacher says sticks with me. And some people would think I'm not paying attention, but I could answer any question the teacher asked the class(and no I didn't blurt out answers for EVERY question lol, just a couple). If I sat there trying to take notes and what not, I'd hate going to class. Also they would talk about me for not going to class, but you know what? The teachers knew ahead of time I would miss class, cuz I would tell them. I was close with all the teachers...I'd stop by to say hey, ask a quick question, chat about life and graduation plans(which opened up some good recommendations and landed me my externship, and eventually the RN job I have). And since I did well in class, I would tell them that I might miss a class, and they said "oh well that's fine". I'm in no way bragging, but it's a fact...some people need to study and practice hours on end, and some don't. I find jealousy funny almost, I got scholarships from the school and people would be quick to say "omg how'd you get that, you don't even study".

Not to brag, but I was totally that person during nursing school. I was going through a horrible situation in my personal life and I had to work one full time and one part time job while going full time in nursing school. I showed up for my clinicals and labs since they were mandatory and I would fail if I didn't go. I only showed up to lecture if it was an exam day or if I had to give a presentation. I didn't get straight As, but I did get As and Bs. My jobs were both in the nursing field. I never cracked open a book and wrote all of my papers and assignments at work during my downtime. I was able to get good grades because real life experience in healthcare was far more valuable to me than reading a book or going to lecture. It also helped that I've always been good at multiple choice tests.

Stop stressing out about the other girl. It's not like she's cheating. She's just doing what she needs to do and she's getting good grades, so don't worry about it. Just focus on your studies and figure out what works for you. Not everyone needs to go to class to succeed.

Allow me to let you see how you look to the other girl who gets by easily.

There is this girl in my class that is so unfriendly to me. I have no clue why she gets upset whenever she finds out that I did great in my exams. I think that she is the kind of person that likes to see others fail. I dont understand why she is not doing so well. She studies so hard! Maybe she should go speak to someone who can give her a IQ test.

OP, nursing school is the easiest thing I have done my entire life. I cant remember the last time I touched a textbook, and my GPA is way above a 3.5. Accept the fact that some people's cognitive capacities are different from yours.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Worrying about someone else while in nursing school will only make you crazy. Just worry about yourself and your own performance. You will see this everywhere you go in life.

Do you know what is going in her life? Not trying to be mean, but I would focus on myself and not what somone else is doing. Unless it affects me, I'm not bothered. How is it unfair if she passed the skill? Some people in my class prefer to practice at home and not in the lab. They come to check off and do well. Everyone has their own learning style,preferences and their preferred way of doing things.

Just worry about you. Good Luck!

Specializes in Pediatric Hem/Onc.

I don't think it's fair that some people are born with the ability to eat whatever they like and remain thin.

I don't think it's fair I'm diabetic and most people aren't.

It certainly wasn't fair that I had to work full time at night while going to school full time during the day.

I have a natural talent for absorbing information. I was that person you're complaining about in grade school, high school, and college. I avoided all study groups and usually didn't hang out in the lab to do endless repetitions of the same stuff. I didn't boast about it, but lots of people complained about in a (mostly) good natured way. I also make a mean cheesecake. evens out, one way or another :)

I can't comment on the skipping class, other than it doesn't affect you so why worry about it? Instead of being part of hater nation, make that person your friend. People knew I was more than happy to help explain something if they asked. Were they being nice to use me? Maybe, but teaching the material to them helped solidify it in my brain. It all worked out.

In the final analysis, it is you against the nursing license exam.

Focus only on your studies and clinical. What you do on exams and clinical affects you,

not what others are doing. The issue is between that student and the nursing instructors.

So note it in passing, and let it go. Refocus on your studies. Nursing school is too challenging for most students to get pay attention and get upset over this type of issue.

Focus on taking care of your health, take a walk, participate in a sport or any

hobby which can take your mind off the stress and give you a break from studies.

I can understand being frustrated if she has a habit of being late for class, because that directly effects her classmates as she enters the classroom. It's disruptive. We have a girl who used to make a habit of being late for everything, including exams. It was very annoying to be in a silent classroom, focused on the test, when the door would bang open and she would thump around with her book bag, whispering loudly to the teacher, rustling around as she got her materials, etc. It was disrespectful. One of the instructors must have finally put a stop to it because she hasn't done it this semester. She also slept in class, but I didn't care about that (well, unless she started to snore, which she never did LOL). I later learned that she has a mentally handicapped child at home and also worked full time. And, she is brilliant.

The other things that your classmate does...well, that's none of your business because it doesn't effect you. Life isn't fair, time to get used to that idea.

I'm glad to know there are others that are relaxed in the classroom. I don't/won't whig out over it either, lol. Refreshing since the vast majority of people here and in class are constantly freaked out about class.

I hate going to most of my classes. I just don't learn by sitting there with 30 people and having the teacher read powerpoint slides to me, especially when these classes happen to be around 7 am. The only reason I attend most of my classes is because the teachers take attendance. I study on my own or with friends who I can discuss the material with on a 1 to 1 basis. But classes to me are kind of a waste of time unless I need something explained that I can't figure out on my own. I missed half of my med-surg I classes because I didn't see how they would benefit me and my teacher didn't take attendance. I studied on my own time and I have straight A's. Maybe I look like a slacker to you, but that doesn't mean that I am.

I don't skip class, but frequently doze off during class. I work full time and have kids, so I am pretty much exhausted in the morning. I may sleep through alot of class, but I study my rear off when I am not in class (and more awake). I don't learn very well from having Powerpoint lectures read to me, and gain much more from my independent studying. I am usually partially listening while snoozing and try to take notes if anything is emphasized.

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