Student rotations in the Health Office


Specializes in school nurse.

Hi, all.

What are your thoughts about being assigned BSN students doing their Community Health rotations?

I enjoy students and it can be fun to teach them some of the ins and outs of school nursing, BUT...

It's become assumed in my district that we'll do it. You know, you get asked the FIRST time and from then on you receive an email telling you when your students will be coming. And in spite of admin saying "you've got some extra help", in reality, if you're doing it right, it's more work.

Also, these students are paying big bucks for their tuition and their clinical instructors (who check in maybe once during the rotation) are certainly getting paid. Should we be doing this for free?

Specializes in School nursing.

A couple of schools I've done it for have given me the ability to take a free college class if I want to. So some compensation, but never exchange of money.

Specializes in school nurse.
A couple of schools I've done it for have given me the ability to take a free college class if I want to. So some compensation, but never exchange of money.

Decent enough thank you, I think...

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

I started refusing students a few years ago. I would not change my mind even if I was compensated. The disinterest, indifference, and lack of social skills of most of those who rotated through my clinic was alarming.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

Rumor has it (in our district this is very political and only a chosen few "get" to precept) that there is a stipend.

If you're getting voluntold to do this AND there's nothing constructive for them to do (like help with the screenings and such) I guess that's a little awkward. I personally would love to precept someone but I don't think I'd be quite so gung-ho if there weren't some sort of learning objectives.

Specializes in school nurse.
I started refusing students a few years ago. I would not change my mind even if I was compensated. The disinterest, indifference, and lack of social skills of most of those who rotated through my clinic was alarming.

I must say that I've loved the students I've had so far; they presented well and it was nice to teach them. Also, it's not primarily a money issue, more a "taken for granted" one...

Isn't this the same as a teacher having a student teacher? I would find out if teachers are compensated (financially) for having a student teacher in your district. And having more than on BSN student is more challenging.

Isn't this the same as a teacher having a student teacher? I would find out if teachers are compensated (financially) for having a student teacher in your district. And having more than on BSN student is more challenging.

The teachers at my school get a paid day off without using any of personal leave days - now I don't know if it is a district wide thing or just something my principal does to encourage the staff to have student teachers.

Our nursing supervisor usually lets us know when she has students available and if any of us want a student nurse - the student nurses I have had are here for 1-2 days a week around 4 hours or so for 6-8 weeks. I am sure it is incredibly boring for them since they can't do anything except practice assessments.

I must say that I've loved the students I've had so far; they presented well and it was nice to teach them. Also, it's not primarily a money issue, more a "taken for granted" one...

I would call it being taken advantage of. You are being asked to do additional duties with no extra pay.

Specializes in NCSN.

I hope to have students once I have a few years under my belt. I used to be the main preceptor at my previous position and I like showing nurses that life can be pretty awesome outside of the hospital. I wish someone made it clear to me that it was OK to like community nursing, I might not have wasted my time inpatient.

Specializes in school/military/OR/home health.

I never even thought about precepting anyone. Back in the day, when I was in the OR, I precepted once but I must have gotten a reputation as a meany--it was only the once! In my defense the nurse was crazy rude and condescending because I was younger than her and she was halfway to her master's degree while I was "only" a BSN. I was also only 24 but whatever, I digress.

While I was in school I did get to spend two days with a school nurse, and my thoughts were that it looked like fun and she was a very good nurse but I would NEVER do that kind of nursing...she did teach me a lot though. And here I am, a school nurse. Funny how life takes you places you swore you would never go.

What was my point? Oh yeah, you should get something in the form of compensation or at least they should be asking you prior to the semester's start if you would be able to have a student. What if you weren't there anymore?

I look forward to the students coming in! We're chartered through the local university, so no stipend here. BUT! The students help me TREMENDOUSLY with all of my screenings. Being part time and having over 400 students to screen by myself in 3 different cities (that number will increase next year as we add grades to all of our campuses), I feel a little overwhelmed and their help takes a lot off of my shoulders. I've also never had a bad experience with the students either. I'm sure it will come, and I will cross that bridge when it gets here, but so far so good.

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