Student nurses do the darndest things

Nurses General Nursing


I remember when I was a student nurse,the instructor telling us about a student that she instructed to give a fleets enema to,when she went in to check on the progress of the patient,she noticed the fleets enema sticking out of the patients mouth!

Specializes in Adult Oncology.

Just this past week I gave myself an IV bath. I was switching the tubing from the old bag and the new one, and didn't take the old bag down before unspiking it. The nurse was watching me and she knew what was coming. It was just NS at least, and it was less than 1/4 full. The nurse said everyone does it at least once, and since it was just NS she didn't stop me in hopes that this would be my one time.

Specializes in ER.
i am a student nurse. You know what, i was so unfortunately where my schedule for posting earlier than my clinical practice. That day, i weight a baby with his buttock sticking with **** on the weighing scale. Oh god, i just not prepare to do it... my clinical lecturer saw it and scolded me very loud in-front of every students and baby. oooh... it just so embarrassing. However, without that, i couldn't have learned.:nurse:

Dude, don't weigh the poop.:nurse:

Just this past week I gave myself an IV bath. I was switching the tubing from the old bag and the new one, and didn't take the old bag down before unspiking it. The nurse was watching me and she knew what was coming. It was just NS at least, and it was less than 1/4 full. The nurse said everyone does it at least once, and since it was just NS she didn't stop me in hopes that this would be my one time.

My IV bath was D5W in 1/2NS. Talk about sticky. :rolleyes:

I am still a nursing student, and this just happened a few months ago...I had never given a suppository before. My instructor was watching me like a hawk and I was trying to check my 2 pt identifiers, get the suppository lubed up, explain to the patient what I was doing, and listen to everything my instructor was saying to me. I went for it, got it in, and then my instructor starts explaining something about the medication and then in the middle of her sentence she said "Oh honey, get your finger out of there".....yeah, because I was trying so hard to concentrate on my instructor, I forgot to remove my finger from my patient's butt after I inserted the suppository...:pntlft:

I can see myself doing that because of nervousness. Poor patient.

During my OB rotation I was watching a mom deliver and the baby was crowning---then I saw the mom tear and that was pretty much it. I got hot, saw spots, and the last thing I remember is my instructor and another student dragging me out of the room by my armpits. :eek: It was the best birth control ever for an 18 year old, LOL!

This was the first thing I thought of when I gave birth to my daughter and my doc asked if I wanted a mirror---ummmm....NO WAY! :D

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.

I got taken in by a sweet little ole man. They had him restrained and I just couldn't figure out WHY! So I untied him, then went to lunch. Luckily, they found him BEFORE he got on the elevator. Never made THAT mistake again.

LOL Solstice... Yep, got my IV bath in nsg school!

I remember my first clinical in nursing school. It took me all morning to give a bed bath (on one patient). It took me three hours, without doing anything else. It was in a nursing home and every time I turned the patient, she would void. Then I couldn't get the stupid diaper on right. Finally the nursing assistant came in and helped me diaper the patient and get her out of bed. I was mortified. I did not think I would be able to take care of more than one patient or let alone one patient all by myself if all I could achieve was one bed bath. I called my mom as I was walking out and told her that I did not think I could finish nursing school. Five years later and hundreds of bed baths later, I am still trucking along. But I will never forget that day.

Sounds like my first bed bath (except I think it took me 4 hours :eek:). Why? I was following my "cheat sheets", index cards where I had written the instructions for a bed bath from the Potter & Perry text (minus the rationales - I wasn't that far gone). :o At least the pt seemed to enjoy her thorough bed bath...


The problem is that we know intellectually not to try to catch a falling needle, yet our instincts kick in. I mean, who really cares if a syringe of saline hits the floor?!

Haha, I know, right? I have been so clumsy all my life that I had become accustomed to catching falling objects loooong ago, so that instinct is well ingrained too! LOL :o

Ugh. I was in my surgery rotation and not enjoying it. I was about 18yo and I had NEVER been exposed to stuff like that! I made it through the gruesome tonsillectomy, but my next case was a knee replacement. I was hanging in there until the doctor actually opened the knee and started moving the joint around. To say that I went down like a rock was an understatement. Not only did I pass out, but I contaminated the instruments, the patient and the surgeon on my way down.

The OR requested that I be reassigned.:cool:

Got me rolling:D

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.
Just this past week I gave myself an IV bath. I was switching the tubing from the old bag and the new one, and didn't take the old bag down before unspiking it. The nurse was watching me and she knew what was coming. It was just NS at least, and it was less than 1/4 full. The nurse said everyone does it at least once, and since it was just NS she didn't stop me in hopes that this would be my one time.

I've done this before. It mainly happens because I'm in a rush but I can't tell you how many times I've looked like I just got done participating in a wet t-shirt contest.

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.
A student nurse once changed a pad saturated with lochia---- WITHOUT GLOVES....:eek:

Is there a single word that sounds nastier than "lochia"?

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