Published Nov 2, 2016
77 Posts
Just wondering what you all do with the kids who come in the day after having a fever? They are supposed to be staying home for 24 hours after the fever, but of course that rule is not frequently followed by parents.
I had a kiddo go home with a 101 fever at lunch time yesterday - and teacher is freaking out because he is here today. His temp this AM was 98.0 - I told her he is fever free and feels totally fine, so I can't force him to go home. It was already like pulling teeth yesterday to get someone to pick him up yesterday!
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
Generally if i send them home and the parent sends them in, I call them and make them pick their child up to set the precedent that we're enforcing that policy. Parents usually won't play that game with me twice.
Now if a child tells me they had a fever at home, I will probably just check them. I don't usually go for fever heresy unless the kid looks awful to go along with it - then I call the parent and ask them about it with that piece of into thrown in.
Besides - I can always check them at noon when the Tylenol's worn off.
1,250 Posts
All our handbook states is that students with a temp over 101 in the last 12 hours should be kept home.
MrNurse(x2), ADN
2,558 Posts
I like that interpretation. I feel it is pretty rough to exclude for 2 days if they break the afternoon before.
723 Posts
I agree with Flare. I would call also so they know that we enforce the policies.
I also hate that it is worded fever free for 24 hours...the parents can say well they didn't have a fever at 12:00pm when I got them home, so they can technically come back at 12:00pm the next day. When class starts at 9:30am, am I really supposed to say pick them up for 2 hours? Who knows when they were even truly "fever free". And in this case I know that nobody will pick up so I'd be stuck with him in my office, which I've had to do for a few hours before.
I've also had nurse parents argue with me that if they were there all morning, they were already spreading the germs, so what's the difference if they come back the next morning (if they are feeling well and fever-free). I guess I'm just tired of dealing with the garbage! Why can't people just follow the rules...
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
I hate the 24 hour rule - I also use a 12 hour rule and for a temp above 101 (without medication). If they truly had a temp that high within the last 12 hours, usually I can tell the moment they step into my office, especially when the acetaminophen wears off.
3,393 Posts
Another aspect to consider is that a fever may pass but the body is still hard at work on the cellular level fixing the problem. The student will be fatigued and the fever could return as a result of stressing the body by coming to school. I like the 24 hour rule (though difficult to enforce)
tining, BSN, RN
1,071 Posts
Exactly, the student is still miserable and not able to function in school at a well level. I tell the parent that argues, they will be counted absent anyway coming in after noon. I also explain to the student when they come to school knowing they were sick they pass it to their friends and get them sick - is that fair to your friends? Parents also will say - "but she wanted to come to school," my reply is "but your the parent . . .
454 Posts
Parents also will say - "but she wanted to come to school," my reply is "but your the parent . . .
Seriously, this is the worst excuse I get from parents! Because half the times the kids are coming to me because they can't make it through the day anyway. And I want to yell at the parents that they get to make the rules!
Yep, I was in this spot with my daughter twice in the last two weeks of school last year. She stayed home for stomach bug and at 9pm we were literally in the bathroom with her head in the toilet and between retches she was telling me "I'm not staying home two days. I'm going tomorrow" and then in the ER with her broken arm, she was coming out of the propofol at 11pm saying "I'm not staying home tomorrow, Mom. I can go"
She stayed home both days.
100kids, BSN, RN
878 Posts
I call the parent and have them come pick them up. It's the only way I can stop parents from trying it in the future. I have 1 parent who will wait exactly until 24 hrs and bring them in. She did this until the one time she brought her back 24 hrs later ands he vomited 2 hours after that. Seriously? I'm amazed that the same parents who do this will also keep the kids home for a simple cold and rush them to a Dr. but don't think 24 hours to recover after fever or vomiting is important.