
Nurses General Nursing


How we seek status. Get the LPN so that you're better than the CNA, get the CNA so that you're better than the housekeeper. Get the RN so that you're better than the LPN, CNA or houskeeper. Get the BSN so that you're better than the ADN, and get the MSN so that you're better than just the ordinary BSN. But lots of people have MSNs so leave nursing altogether and become an NP And then go for the PhD, but don't stop there! One really needs to also be a fellow of the american academy of nurses and have a national certification. But then you're going to need a job to go with all that, so go work for the government or get on some editorial board of some nursing journal, or scrounge for research dollars at a university. Whatever you do--make the big bucks, because that's how you really prove you're better than just a bedside caregiver.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about power and status--I just want the real thing. I want the power and status Mother Teresa had. have gone through ALL those degrees and finally found your calling, ey?? what is this false power/false status stuff....

i will tell you what.... you come back here in 5 years after wiping butts, cleaning puke....better yet...go work in an ED - then come back in 2 years after you have been assaulted, called every name in the book and taking care of druggies - and then let me know how "your calling" is going....

you are preaching to the choir little see - we've have all been there and know of what we are speaking w/ no experience and making yourself look a little dim.

Real power comes from within and most people on this board already know that. They are nurses and if they didn't care enough to humble themselves they wouldn't continue on with their practice.

If you care enough about the subject that you posted, please do a search on this BB. This has been debated to death. I don't believe the good people here believe they are better than others. (example housekeeper vs. CNA) They know that the function of each individual discipline brings something special and necessary to the table and when all work together for the good of the patient, then the patient is well served.

I cannot determine if someone who is in a position of "power" has a good heart of not or what the person who desires more education will do with it, and neither can you. People are capable of change and I wholeheartedly believe that NO ONE would stay in nursing if they didn't already have inside themselves what it takes to endure such responsibility for other human beings.

If you want the power that Mother Teresa had then you need to stop looking at the world with a critical eye and just start living. I shudder to think about all the good that would have gone undone if this woman would have stopped and worried about what others were doing, if they were real, if they meant it for good or not. Please read my tag line. Life is a journey, not a destination and we all get to where were going, we just don't all follow the same path and we are not meant to.

Originally posted by 3rdShiftGuy

Striving to be Mother Teresa or Jesus is not on my agenda. I would love to be like them, and I think most Christians hold up Christ as the example of how to live their lives.

I hate to say, that while I'm not in nursing for the money and power, I'm not in it to give my life away to the poor and suffering, without any return.

I'd like to think that those striving for higher education aren't necessarily doing it for power and prestige.

I think your career in nursing is going to be very frustrating if you expect to find Mother Teresa's running around. Plus, if you're expecting that of yourself, go for it, but you're in for a tough ride.

Did your name used to be Mario? j/k

I don't mind a tough ride. I came into the world for a tough ride. It's pretty hard to stop a man who doesn't care if he fails. You see, striving to be like Mother Teresa and Jesus is on my agenda. But I hear what you're saying. I want to get paid, too. I have to get paid. And God knows it. In fact, He's kept me in a position where I need to get paid, because He knew I'd never be a nurse otherwise. I want to win the lottery, and I pray to God that I never do.

you obviously know nothing about what and whom you are bashing.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by ADNRN

I don't mind a tough ride. I came into the world for a tough ride. It's pretty hard to stop a man who doesn't care if he fails. You see, striving to be like Mother Teresa and Jesus is on my agenda. But I hear what you're saying. I want to get paid, too. I have to get paid. And God knows it. In fact, He's kept me in a position where I need to get paid, because He knew I'd never be a nurse otherwise. I want to win the lottery, and I pray to God that I never do.

Best wishes. I understand, if more people strove to be Christlike what a wonderful world it would be indeed. Just remember what you said about failure, because you are going to fail. That's a given. If you are a Christian, you know there was only one perfect person. And you ain't him. :)

Specializes in Nursing Education.

Ok ... I have read thru this entire post and remain confused as to what the topic is. I know I just got up and am a little fuzzy, but is this discussion about power?

Um, let me think .... caring for the ill, aged and infirmed equates to the power to care, but I am not sure it equates to much more. Pehaps if you care and you serve a group of people that need your care, they are thankful for you and your help, but I am not sure how that equates to power.

If you want to be in a position of power, I would suggest becoming the President .... of course, this thread has confused me a great deal and I may be talking totally off topic .... help me understand Tweetie.:confused:

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
Originally posted by ADNRN

.............................Don't get me wrong, I'm all about power and status--I just want the real thing. I want the power and status Mother Teresa had.

ADNRN "wannabe" (your NOT a nurse so why do you use that title???)

Anyhoo:rolleyes:......With your present day attitude about nurses and nursing, even Mother Theresa would have scolded you. :( Of all people, don't compare yourself to her. She exuded what most people couldn't begin to exude from themselves. She had heart, determination, a spirit of caring and compassion for those who truly needed her kind of spunk and spirit for living........the list is endless. Using her name the way you do only proves you are trying to jerk everybody's chain here at allnurses. What is it that you are really seeking besides the negative attention you are drawing to yourself so far? How can we really help you?

Life's lessons prove that no matter how much power and status a person seeking power and status have, they always want more. Some people think they are above the law, and even above their Creator God when it comes to power and status. You wouldn't be one of these people now would you?

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
Originally posted by ADNRN

First off! Does OP stand for original poster? I think it does, but it could stand for obstinate private part. I'm just not sure.

Mario, is that you?

Some posters make me embarassed to be an ADN nurse.

Originally posted by Nurse Ratched

If you think there is a nursing shortage now, just take away any monetary incentive to perform the job. Make it a holy calling. I've read there's quite a priest shortage...apparently servitude ain't what it used to be.

Don't get me wrong - I get my warm fuzzies out of nursing, and I like my job, but I'm not doing it for free. Atheists need to make a living, too. :)

Ah, the sordid topic of coin. We all got to make a living, that's for sure. I know I do. But imagine if you worked, as some propose, where your nursing services were billed by the procedure--like the MDs. Imagine the poor old lady who has to have her urine output estimated because her insurance won't pay a nurse to monitor a foley catheter. Imagine if a hospital bill had an entry: end of life hand holding: $55.93.

I got to make a living same as you, but mercinary nursing is an attitude, not a fact of life. Yes/No?

Originally posted by athomas91 have gone through ALL those degrees and finally found your calling, ey?? what is this false power/false status stuff....

i will tell you what.... you come back here in 5 years after wiping butts, cleaning puke....better yet...go work in an ED - then come back in 2 years after you have been assaulted, called every name in the book and taking care of druggies - and then let me know how "your calling" is going....

you are preaching to the choir little see - we've have all been there and know of what we are speaking w/ no experience and making yourself look a little dim.

Paragraph 1: What do you mean?

Paragraph 2: I've was a nurse aid in a dungeon medicare/medicaid nursing home for a year and I've worked at the county hospital now, almost a year. I've done lots of perineal care and changed lots of occupied beds and been assaulted by lots of demented patents. So what? To clean up someone who can't clean up themselves is glory. To not judge a druggie when the other nurses and aids do is real status. To have a patient tell you that you should become a nurse when they don't know you're in the last semester of nursing school is God talking to me.

All of what you think is so bad is life in the Kingdom of God for me, and I am taking that Kingdom with violence and force.

Paragraph 3: "little one" "little dim" You don't get it do you? You just made me the greatest in the Kingdom of God. See, now that's real power for me; that's real status.

Originally posted by purplemania

you obviously know nothing about what and whom you are bashing.

I know. If they knew what I am and where I came from and who my father was they'd never be bashing me like they do. Thanks for the support. I needed it.;)

Originally posted by 3rdShiftGuy

Best wishes. I understand, if more people strove to be Christlike what a wonderful world it would be indeed. Just remember what you said about failure, because you are going to fail. That's a given. If you are a Christian, you know there was only one perfect person. And you ain't him. :)

Gosh. Why does the candy you just gave me taste so much like almonds?

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