starting over...again...


OK, I have been a member of this board for about 7 years. I have had many many false attempts at starting pre-reqs for nursing and have always talked myself out of it.

This is my dream. I want this. But I just kept getting in my own way. I'll tell myself it will be too hard, it will be impossible. I project into the future and put up road blocks and obstacles that may or may not be reality. I'll tell myself that I want to pursue something else and will try that something else only to come back to nursing. I've wanted to be a nurse since I was 5, just haven't taken the leap yet...

In 2006 I took chemistry and it has since expired (5 year rule) so I think I'll take baby steps and start with just that this fall. I should add that I also work full time and have two young kids so I can't take on too much at once right now.

I'm writing this because I need some encouragement from my fellow pre-nursing students to stay motivated and not get off course again.


Specializes in none.

if you want it, really want to be a nurse go for it.

it is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. - theodore roosevelt

Go for it.. speak with your Councillor and make a plan of which pre-reqs/classes you need to take and when you need to take them. that will help you keep your eye on the target and keep you on track.

when i first started my pre-reqs/general ed classes, i thought to my self "ov vey, this is going to take FOREVER!" but it went by really fast.. i even lost a semester because i failed my anatomy and had to retake it. now here i am about a year and a half later and ill be done with my pre-reqs at the end of the semester and starting to apply to nursing schools.. and ill be done with my general ed classes (hopefully) by the end of the year and have my AA!

i also work full time and i was limited on the amount of classes i could take on (i usually took 2-3 classes at most)

the biggest advice i can give you is make a plan.. that will help you tremendously on helping to keep on track

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics.

I am in the same boat as you. I actually went to school for nursing and dropped out of nursing because I was insecure. I have had multiple chances to go back and like you got I my own way. Now I am determined to go back and complete my dream. I too have a child (1 year old) and working as a teacher. I was starting to get insecure because I am not sure I can get into nursing school. But I prayed and toldmyself what I look like trying to be a nurse without self-confidence. We are going to achieve are goals and be great nurses. Hopefully this will give you some support and we can lean on each other!

1) Don't start with the sciences, get the hum. and math out of the way.

2) perhaps a few sessions with a counselor to help you overcome your self sabotage?

OK, I have been a member of this board for about 7 years. I have had many many false attempts at starting pre-reqs for nursing and have always talked myself out of it.

This is my dream. I want this. But I just kept getting in my own way. I'll tell myself it will be too hard, it will be impossible. I project into the future and put up road blocks and obstacles that may or may not be reality. I'll tell myself that I want to pursue something else and will try that something else only to come back to nursing. I've wanted to be a nurse since I was 5, just haven't taken the leap yet...

In 2006 I took chemistry and it has since expired (5 year rule) so I think I'll take baby steps and start with just that this fall. I should add that I also work full time and have two young kids so I can't take on too much at once right now.

I'm writing this because I need some encouragement from my fellow pre-nursing students to stay motivated and not get off course again.


I've got almost all my gen eds done already. The only classes I have left are chem, a&p1&2, and micro. The only gen ed I have left is sociology.

ah, so you have that base covered.

I've got almost all my gen eds done already. The only classes I have left are chem, a&p1&2, and micro. The only gen ed I have left is sociology.

So that being said... Do I take it super slow and start off with soc- it would add an extra year to my process but I'm in no rush, could even fit it Cna training along the way- or jump into Chem and save soc for a summer once in the program? Like I said I'm not in s rush but don't want it to take longer than necessary. I'm already about to turn 34 and would love to be done by the time I'm 40. Just my personal goal...

Specializes in cardiac-telemetry, hospice, ICU.

OP, sounds like you are not yet committed. If you really want to do this "not being in a rush" may just be your way of putting it off again. I am not trying to be mean, but if you are sure you want this, then do it! I can tell you that when you get into a program, you will be swamped with work, if you are ready for that, why not do as many courses as you can handle right now and reach your goal? You just might find satisfaction in working hard and reaching for your goal. Good luck.

OP, sounds like you are not yet committed. If you really want to do this "not being in a rush" may just be your way of putting it off again. I am not trying to be mean, but if you are sure you want this, then do it! I can tell you that when you get into a program, you will be swamped with work, if you are ready for that, why not do as many courses as you can handle right now and reach your goal? You just might find satisfaction in working hard and reaching for your goal. Good luck.

Gonna have to agree with this one. This is my THIRD attempt at nursing school. I started at 19, got half way through an RN program, was in a bad marriage, young mom, and wound up quitting. Tried again about 10 years ago. I started a business to pay for school. Business took off and had to choose. At the time the business was the right choice. I could work from home and be with my kiddos. Sold my business 3 years ago and decided this year the time was right to follow my dreams. I have no regrets with any of my choices. My kids are almost all in school. I'm more mature and I've learned a lot about self discipline from running my own business. Anyhow, when I decided I wanted to go back to school it was a big risk for me. I went back and forth and back and forth. All $ going into school was coming out of pocket and it's a big investment. I was scared that I'd spend the money and something wouldn't work out. I had to put a lot of thought and prayers into it, but then I started thinking about things. I don't want any regrets in life. Right now I have none. I decided this was my last shot at it so I could either go big or go home! I jumped in with both feet and haven't stopped. You can do this, but I am with the previous poster. You have to want it or you will find another reason to stand in your way.

I know exactly how you feel. I always wanted to go to college and become a nurse, but I was too afraid. After high school I went to work at a factory because I did not know about financial aid and loans. Therefore, I figured I could not afford to go to college. I moved out on my own and had my first child, so now I had responsibilities and could not afford to quite work and attend school. In 2007 I decided to go for it. I stilled worked full-time and took 2 classes that I paid for out of pocket. My son was 1 at the time and me and his father was on bad terms. I really did not have a support system. I was doing excellent in my classes and realized that I could actually do this college thing. Then me and my son father got back together and it was tiring trying to go to school, work full time, take care of a 1yr old, and still find time to spend with my man. I quite school and became content with my life just as it was. I found myself regreting quiting school. In 2008 my cousin encouraged my to go back to school, but it would be for Medical Assistant. I worked and went to school successfully. I was determined not to give up this time. By 2009 I got laid off from my job, and was pregnant with my second child. I graduated from the program in 2010( would have been sooner but I to take time off due to my pregnancy). I decided that since I had accomplished finishing school I want to go further. I enrolled back in JSCC in the Fall 2011 so that I could pursue a nursing degree. I got a seat for the Spring 2012, but I had to forfeit because I was due to deliver my 3rd baby. I had to reapply for the Fall 2012 program. Now I am waiting to see if I made it in again!! Patience, Persistance, and Perseverance

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