Published Dec 28, 2005
85 Posts
I started working at a small rural hospital the end of November, and was orientating on Day shift, I loved it, I got to do a lot of things I hadn't done since graduation 6 months ago and alot of new things, also I loved the nurses I worked with they were great at helping me.
Tonight was my 3rd Night Shift, The first night, I didn't know what to think, I worked with a bunch of very immature nurses who goofed off and made noise all night, it got pretty annoying, I was worried about getting in trouble that night:chair:
The last two nights I've worked with other nurses, and the one who has been in charge is only a few years older than me, but she talks to me like I'm stupid and acts like she knows everything, I'm afraid to make any suggestions or comments, cause I don't wanna listen to her go on and on about how I'm wrong. (Sorry I'm rambling)
Anyways this morning when I got off work and saw the day shift nurses I almost cried (I'm not sure why, maybe b/c I was relieved to go home, but wished I could work with them instead) Then again it could be totally unrelated and it's just cause my hormones are all out of wack right now. On the way home from work I was mad and depressed and wanted to cry and felt so wired that I don't know if I'll ever be able to sleep! I seriously thought about quitting, but I know that I just need to give it a little time, but I don't know if I can stand another night.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I'm sorry you are feeling this way. Best wishes to you.
medicrnohio, RN
508 Posts
Night shift in many places tends to have younger nurses. I am 27 and I'm one of the oldest nurses on night shift on my floor, I think there are 2 older than me plus the sups are older. At times the lack of maturity shows. People are loud and they goof off. Patients complain and then everyone gets in trouble. Please note: I am not saying all or even most younger people (nurses) are loud, immature,goof offs. I personally have noted less of that in older nurses.
So how do I deal with this? I separate myself from these people. I don't get loud. I ask other nurses to quiet down if they get too loud (they get mad about me asking but the patients come first). I make sure that patient room doors near the nursing station are closed if possible so that the patients can be somewhat shielded from even the normal noises of the phones, monitors, call lights, etc. I go to work and I do my job to the best of my ability.
Good luck to you!!!
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
Is it not an option to transfer to days or at least put your name on a list? Where I work the day and night shift are so totally opposite. I don't think I could work with the other shift. I think they would be unkind to me also. Unfortunately it's this way in many hospitals. Hang in there a little longer and see if it improves. If not, I'd start looking elsewhere. Good Luck.
4 Posts
Sorry to hear your new job is not making you happy.
After so much work and schooling it must feel like such a let down. I hope my new job wherever it might me works out better. best wishes
1,553 Posts
Im sorry things aren't working out to your liking so far. Give it a little more time and try to get to know the nurses. Maybe they aren't so bad after you get to know them.
928 Posts
I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I would definitley apply for a day shift position and be persistent about it. Also getting used to night shift is hard on the body, and I don't think your body ever really gets used to it. I can remember working night shift for 6 months and feeling the same way you are describing. Best of luck. Keep us posted.
15 Posts
Sorry you are feeling bad. It is very difficult to move from the world of school where most everyone is trying to do things just right, to the world of work where sometimes people are not so idealistic. Continue to do what you know is right. I'd suggest you find a mentor somewhere in the hospital, even if they work a different shift. Ask around about who other nurses would want to be their nurse if they were in hospital. If the same name comes up several times, approach that person and tell her you had heard many compliments about her and that you'd like to be able to talk to her sometimes when you have a concern. Tell the other nurses on your shift that you are trying to figure out what makes a good nurse and ask the them their opinion. Do a lot of listening. Who knows; you might inspire some of them to get back to the core of nursing.... don't give up, you sound like a fine nurse; Dan
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
I'm sorry your feeling this way and I hope that it gets better for you. Best of luck.
grinnurse, RN
767 Posts
Sorry that you are having such a difficult time with this and will keep my fingers crossed for a day shift opening for you!! Maybe a little more time will make it better-if it does great, if not, hopefully they won't want to loose a good nurse and find a way to switch you to days with the other shift.
Good luck and best wishes
493 Posts
Lots of sensible things have been said by all the other posters. Please also remember that night duty has different effects on each of us - only 3 nights in your body may be taking time to stabilise... your body clock will be haywire... don't be too hard on yourself, but be true to what you know. Give it a bit more time and if ou still feel the same way, go to someone more senior you respect and talk to them.. and of course, remember we are always here...
177 Posts
I'm not a nurse yet (May 06) but I have worked in healthcare for the past 15 years with 8 of those in management positions. One thing that I have learned as being "new" in jobs is that the people who are condescending usually have a superiority complex of their own and as a result the person on the other end (you) feels stupid. Try to look at it this way- Believe that you are a credible nurse who has enough integrity to ask someone for advice on a matter. They cannot make you feel stupid even if they try to because you have a higher opinion of yourself. You respect yourself enough to get the information you need. Let this person succumb to her own superiority, she will soon meet someone who puts her in her own place. People like that eventually run into a brick wall. Never make the mistake of labeling yourself stupid or feeling inferior to someone else. Let your confidence shine. No one knows everything. Who knows you may be in a position to show her something someday.....Heather