Speaking of adenosine

Specialties Emergency


The ER doc was once a FP doc who moonlighted in the ER. Pt came in with SVT and he ordered adenosine "slow push". I reminded him about the half life and he said he went to a conference where they said that adenosine pushed fast can cause the heart to stop.

Um............ain't that what it's s'posed to do?

I hid the port from his view and pushed it fast.

Specializes in ED, Pedi Vasc access, Paramedic serving 6 towns.
Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.


Are you kidding me?

Specializes in PCU, Home Health.

If you are going to give it slow push you might as well just give the pt a saline push- would save money and accomplish the same thing. Did this doc take ACLS?

Yes, he took ACLS but he also attended a conference where a cardio was one of the speakers who said that adenosine fast push isn't safe because it can stop the heart.

I talked to the ER med director who rolled his eyes and said "I'll talk to him."

Specializes in cardiac/critical care/ informatics.

ummm duh that is how it works by stopping the heart, I think he maybe should take ACLS again or rather for the first time.

He probably doesn't give Benedryl cause it makes his patients "sleepy".

Not that I have ever heard of this either, but there are a few drugs that can bring a patient out of svt, maybe there is something to this in that a heart rate racing so fast and then a heart "stopped" is very dangerous for the patients outcome.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma.
Not that I have ever heard of this either, but there are a few drugs that can bring a patient out of svt, maybe there is something to this in that a heart rate racing so fast and then a heart "stopped" is very dangerous for the patients outcome.

But pushing it slow would negate even giving it at all because of the short half life (what is it, like 6 seconds?)

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Education.
He probably doesn't give Benedryl cause it makes his patients "sleepy".

Reminds me of the patient that was allergic to "adrenaline" because it made her heart race...

Reminds me of the patient that was allergic to "adrenaline" because it made her heart race...

:lol2: When people say they're allergic to codeine I've learned to ask what it does to them.

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