So, who are you?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

40 years ago, the first thing out of my newly graduated mouth was "I'm a nurse!".

Over the years, that has changed:

I am a: Christian, wife (well widow now), mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, nurse, teacher, dog lover (have 3 at the moment), Scout leader, crocheter, hiker, traveler .....

So, who are you? How do you define yourself?  Where is nurse in that list? Have fun!

Specializes in Wound Care, Med-Surg, Rehab.

Hi! I am a Christian, a wife to an amazing man for 19 years, a mom to 2 teenage boys, 4 dogs, and 2 bearded dragons. I love to read. I have seen every episode of Seinfeld at least 87 times. I love to laugh and when I do I “cackle”. I have an unhealthy and poorly managed obsession with collecting fairies. I worked hard to get to NP and now have the best job in the world taking care of wound care patients. I have an amazing life and am beyond blessed. 

Specializes in Mental health, substance abuse, geriatrics, PCU.

Is it pathetic that being a nurse still comes first in my identity even though I'm not a starry eyed new grad anymore? I'm also a spouse, slave to a dog I adore, musician, sci fi geek, and have an obsession with the musical "Phantom of the Opera".

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

Isn't Phantom wonderful?  We've gone to the off Broadway shows when they come out west here, twice to Phantom.  I'm as impressed with the staging moving so seamlessly from scene to scene as I am with the singing.

Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

This is fun! Weirdly, the first thing that I always think of but rarely say aloud about who I am is a writer. I haven't published anything I've written, though that is a goal I'm always working toward. I've written two full length novels and hope to finish my third once I graduate this Spring, and I have several ideas for stories I want to tell afterward - once I finish revising what I've already done, of course. That is probably the most consistent way I've thought of myself since a very young age, so yeah! I'm a writer.

I'm also a med-surg nurse, a grad student, a girlfriend, an aspiring mom (dog mom, cat mom, bio mom, and foster mom - can't wait to finish school so I can bring all of these things to fruition), a runner, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an avid reader (especially of cozy mysteries), a true crime junkie, and a pen pal. I think that covers the big stuff!

Hi I am a wife to a wonderful man going on 41 years ,a mother to two wonderful girls a Mimi to a 9 year going on 19 granddaughter. A sister Aunt friend . I'm also a nurse nearing retirement



Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

"I'm merely a rumor." - Paul McCartney, in a 1970 interview from Heaven.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I am many things I guess. depending on who you ask. Wife to amazing man nearly--- 32 years. Mother to two grown kids. Mimi to 3, expecting grandbaby (it's a boy!) #4 in August.  Veteran of the USAF of 10 years' service, former military wife for 21.

I am a lover of the outdoors of the state I live in (it is amazing here) and an avid reader and internet junkie. I also dabble in sketching/painting and am a starving artist at heart.

Oh and I happen to be a nurse.

That's about it. ?

Specializes in ER.

I am a medical heretic and well paid medical mercenary as a nurse. 

Also a backsliding Christian,  widow, artist, mother to many and grandmother. 

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
8 minutes ago, Emergent said:

Also a backsliding Christian

In 1976, as I lay in a bed, recently having regained consciousness after a three week comatose state, multiple surgeries, right leg in traction, casts on both arms, and other stuff, I asked a wise clergyman, "Do you think God will be mad at me if I say that I doubt in His existence?"

The wise clergyman paused, looked at me, smiled and said, "I think God would say that you have to doubt before you believe".

Sometimes, Emergent, we have to backslide before we can forge forward.

I'm a daughter of Ireland (half Swiss), Christian, poet and writer, genealogical researcher, an avid fan of British mysteries, a decent mom and grandmer and a proud Hoosier!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I have backslid so far I don't know I will ever come back! (as a Christian).

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