Skipping Pinning

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Specializes in CNA.


Anyone else here decide to skip it ? It was just stressing me out and it’s over two hours away from my home. We had to do everything the music the speech the spending of 100 dollars for a pin ughhhh. So I officially told the dean I won’t be there and I feel great! Anyone else ? 

didn't go to pinning or graduation.. no regrets... 

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

Passed on it (decades ago). Never regretted it.

Specializes in NICU.

Skipped it. Why purchase a pin that I will never use. 

Specializes in CNA.
1 hour ago, NICU Guy said:

Skipped it. Why purchase a pin that I will never use. 

Yes and why are they so expensive!?

Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.

I went to pinning but not graduation.

For me it was a final piece of closure to that chapter in my life.. 

Specializes in oncology.

I graduated in December, so there was no all-university graduation ceremony. I was very proud of receiving my pin at our small 'pinning' ceremony. I have always worn my pin ( second first one was stolen with my lab coat.) 

On 7/23/2022 at 4:15 AM, FiremedicMike said:

For me it was a final piece of closure to that chapter in my life.. 

For me it wasn't was a celebration of my resilience and drive to succeed (my mother died when I was in college and father.....well let's say he was happy any dependence on him was completed.) Wearing my pin has also shown my pride in my school. 

Specializes in Med-Surg.
On 7/23/2022 at 5:15 AM, FiremedicMike said:

I went to pinning but not graduation.

For me it was a final piece of closure to that chapter in my life.. 

100% of my class went to the pinning but only about 1/3rd went to graduation.  I thought that strange because to me graduation means a cap and gown and walking across a stage.  That was for my ADN.

15 or so years later when I got my BSN I just had them mail me my degree and didn't attend anything.  

Skipped the pinning and ring purchase. I was a mature adult and these honors meant nothing to me.

Saved me a lot of money and time. The instructors, however, gave me a lower grade, as they were really pushing it.

No regrets though.

Specializes in Case Management, CCM, CNL.
On 7/21/2022 at 11:08 PM, 203bravo said:

didn't go to pinning or graduation.. no regrets... 


I went to pinning. A small ceremony with the students who survived clinical and studied with me and faculty I knew. I skipped graduation, with a thousand other students herded through to collect a piece of paper from some college official I never saw before. Never regretted not going.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Ortho, Trauma, Staying Calm.

I was in a concurrent enrollement program with a community college and a university. There were 2 pinning ceremonies and 2 graduations. Skipped all 4, no regrets. With how overwhelming nursing school can be, there's no shame in skipping. You got to do what you think is best for you.

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