
Nurses Uniform/Gear


Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I just wanted to leave a complimentary thread about the new Sketcher sneakers advertised on television with the rocker bottom-which is very similar to MBT. I purchased two pair last week, a white for work and black for casual wear and they feel like heaven. I was interested in purchasing MBT at first, but they were too expensive. Thank goodness I waited, because now, I was able to get these for $99. each. Well worth the money, folks!:up::yeah:

I am in total agreement with this. I haven't been able to bite the bullet and actually buy some yet, but I walked around in the store with them on for quite some time - I think the salesperson was wondering if I was ever going to take them off!! :)

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

Avon sells the rocker-bottoms also. One of our nurses got them. She said she woke up in the am without hip or back pain! The commercial for the Skechers looks good and I think I'll go ahead and get some this payday!

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
Avon sells the rocker-bottoms also. One of our nurses got them. She said she woke up in the am without hip or back pain! The commercial for the Skechers looks good and I think I'll go ahead and get some this payday!

If you are talking about the Sketchers Shape Ups, they are WONDERFUL!! I got a white pair for work, black for home and they even made sandals---got those in dark brown. Worth the money to me!!

Specializes in Postpartum, Antepartum, Psych., SDS, OR.

Thanks for the information on Sketchers. I have been thinking about buying a pair. Black is my choice of color and am very glad to hear they come in black also. :up:

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Yes. Thanks for the info. I'm in the market for new shoes and have seen the ads for these -- but haven't seen the actual shoes in the stores yet. I was waiting to try a pair on before spending the money on something else. I'm getting tired of waiting and was wondering if they were worth it.

I guess I'll just have to wait some more. Eventually, they will come in and I can try them on.

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

Well, I've had my rockers from Avon (Curves) for about 2 weeks now and LOVE them! :redbeathe

I seem to be standing taller with improved posture. Received many questions about them. With tax, I paid $54. I've heard the skechers are around $100. I would recommend them. They also come in wide widths....;)

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Hey, if they'd help me shape up a little like the ad says they're supposed to, they'd be worth the money......but they look like they are heavy and not really easy to move in. I have some balance problems, plus I like a shoe that's light---I drag around enough weight as it is.

I tried a pair of these shape up shoes on tonight and they seemed very comfortable. I wanted to see how other nurses liked them. More comments?

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
I tried a pair of these shape up shoes on tonight and they seemed very comfortable. I wanted to see how other nurses liked them. More comments?

I have 5 pair. Two white ones for work, one black pair for casual wear, two sandels-one black one brown. Totally addicted.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

So...if I wear these, as I walk around, I will lose weight? What's that part of the advertising all about?

They even claim to help you sleep better at night....

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