Should nurses be getting involved in the Reopen America protests nationwide?

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I'm actually broadly sympathetic to the protesters. When you have 22 million Americans unemployed, massive lines at food banks, and even more projected layoffs, even a Second Great Depression, people are going to have had it. Even nurses and other hospital workers cannot get paid if the economy tanks and there's no money cycling through the U.S. system.

I think the quarantines have gone on way too long. We should have gone the Sweden herd immunity model in the first place. If people are still that scared of this Coronavirus they ought to quarantine themselves. The rest of the country shouldn't have to keep catering to the susceptible minority much longer. I'm grateful that I live in Texas and my governor seems committed to reopening our state in early May, whether hell or high water.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 minutes ago, juniper222 said:

So what you're saying is that Trump and his advisors said that corporations are influencing the "open up America" movement? No, I'll have to look and see.

Of course Trump and his advisors are influencing this movement...they are the most powerful voices in the country.

4 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

The government, in fact, can pay for people to sit at home until it's safer for the population at large...

I didn't know you were an expert on our economy! Please explain with what money we can do this with and how will it impact our economy when we have to pay it back.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
Just now, toomuchbaloney said:

The government, in fact, can pay for people to sit at home until it's safer for the population at large...

with what? The country is so far in debt (to China I might add) already and now we are adding how much more to that debt. I am not saying the gov should not spend any money but it needs to be minimal, not all the crap they are putting in these bills (you do realize that Pelosi et al held up the last bill for entities that had zero to do with covid). Somebody has to pay for all this, guess who that will be.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
4 minutes ago, juniper222 said:

I didn't know you were an expert on our economy! Please explain with what money we can do this and how will it impact our economy when we have to pay it back.

Please share where I claimed to be an the absence of that clarification I'll just catalog your remark irrelevant posturing.

2 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

with what? The country is so far in debt (to China I might add) already and now we are adding how much more to that debt. I am not saying the gov should not spend any money but it needs to be minimal, not all the crap they are putting in these bills (you do realize that Pelosi et al held up the last bill for entities that had zero to do with covid). Somebody has to pay for all this, guess who that will be.

Tax revenue.

That's how the wealthiest country on the face of the planet can care for the vulnerable.

Derp. Are you concerned that there's not enough revenue with those huge tax breaks to the wealthy?

1 minute ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Please share where I claimed to be an the absence of that clarification I'll just catalog your remark irrelevant posturing.

You are right, I'm sorry for that needless remark. However, I would like to know why you think we can keep up the spending. The numbers are astounding and it WILL impact us greatly.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
3 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Of course Trump and his advisors are influencing this movement...they are the most powerful voices in the country.

Trump put out a framework for each state Governor to follow at their own discretion based on what is happening in their state because each state is different.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 minutes ago, juniper222 said:

You are right, I'm sorry for that needless remark. However, I would like to know why you think we can keep up the spending. The numbers are astounding and it WILL impact us greatly.

Because the priority of our federal government and that is the states is literally We The People...not Only the Wealthy and not Business First or Too Big to Fail.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
4 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

Trump put out a framework for each state Governor to follow at their own discretion based on what is happening in their state because each state is different.

And now Trump is calling to liberate some states from his recommendations. He is supporting revolt against those measures.

Specializes in School Nursing.
7 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

with what? The country is so far in debt (to China I might add) already and now we are adding how much more to that debt. I am not saying the gov should not spend any money but it needs to be minimal, not all the crap they are putting in these bills (you do realize that Pelosi et al held up the last bill for entities that had zero to do with covid). Somebody has to pay for all this, guess who that will be.

Even as a liberal I agree with you we are too far in debt already and adding trillions might be the straw that breaks our economy. The only solution is raise taxes and reduce spending across the board. Republicans added plenty of pork to that bill too.

It's time to end all massive tax cuts to the top that have occurred over the last several decades. Cut back spending EVERYWHERE, keep safety social nets for the most vulnerable only. The ultra wealthy need to pay back some of what they've taken.

The government needs to go back to be by the people, for the people.

2 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

And now Trump is calling to liberate some states from his recommendations. He is supporting revolt against those measures.

You don't think the situation should allow for adjustment as needed? It's always nice to look at Trump's decisions with hindsight and criticize solely for political bias. How has any other U.S. president handled Coronavirus? Oh wait, there are no others. It is reasonable to allow for change as the situation changes. You would never say the things you're saying if it was Obama.

3 hours ago, juniper222 said:

It seems like only the big cities are the hot areas at this point. You have to take into account that this whole thing started by just a handful of people. Following the curve I think this will be behind us by June.

Sounds like a whole lot of wishful thinking. If it wasn't a remarkably easy virus to catch (airborne) it wouldn't have spread the way it did. So now we have 125 person clown cars blocking traffic and ambulances, standing on top of each other and yelling and calling the Governors who have worked tirelessly for months filling in for failed Federal leadership, trying to obtain PPE and keep people alive, as "Nazis".

Gee, what could go wrong. All for the "rights" of these people to slaughter an entire generation and their "right" to interfere with paramedics and hospitals operations.

4 hours ago, juniper222 said:

You are right, I'm sorry for that needless remark. However, I would like to know why you think we can keep up the spending. The numbers are astounding and it WILL impact us greatly.

Except you weren't worried about deficits when George W. Bush turned Bill Clinton's surpluses into astronomical deficits. You screamed about the horror of deficit spending when Obama inherited a near depression and made up nonsense about 9trillion dollar deficits (in reality he reduced the deficit every year in office) When Trump immediately cut the last of taxes on the wealthy and turned over 2 trillion dollar annual deficits you were quiet as a churchmouse.

Now, in the middle of a pandemic you want to say that we are just too broke to do anything for the main public (but not to broke to ask the wealthiest that own pretty much everything to chip a dollar into the federal tax coffers)

Seriously, I wish you types would just be quiet. Your last name is not Rockefeller , Kushner or DeVos anymore than the rest of ours is. You don't need to do their bidding 24x7. They don't do yours..ever.

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