A Hit With The Ladies BSN, RN


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About A Hit With The Ladies

A Hit With The Ladies has 8 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Psych.

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  1. Secondhand smoke? Alcohol abuse doesn't affect others around them? Sure, within privately owned facilities (e.g., Walmart, CVS), the owners can say "no mask, no service", if the proprietors so choose. Those laws cannot infringe on our natural liber...
  2. Who said anything about getting sent out to die? When there's a greater than 97% chance of survival, you can recover at home with your O2 tank with you. And those stadiums are explicitly set up for overflow patients - nothing irrational about sending...
  3. But that would mean the "intelligent, educated, experienced, career experts" would be half-competent at their jobs and be getting rid of this Corona. And they have failed miserably on this front. If all their wisdom and expertise adds up to nothing, ...
  4. Because we don't surrender our civil liberties based on the "current evidence". The current evidence says tobacco and alcohol are bad for you. Doesn't mean we go full-blown ISIS on those who partake in public health "vices". If you want to wear a mas...
  5. Oh no, I'm just like Anthony Fauci. I can make any baseless assertion I choose, and then ever-so-conveniently do a 180 and say the exact opposite two months later, because "we just didn't have the science at the time" ?
  6. Well said @herring_RN! Those leftists can keep wishing that we'd all just stay at home all the time, let the U.S. go back to the Stone Age, and entertain a massive spike in suicides, mental health problems, social upheaval, etc. just to vainly hope t...
  7. Ah, classic "move the goalposts". Governor Abbott, and most other Southern governors, did right in reopening their respective states because the cases were ridiculously low when they were reopened. Oh, you mean the same people who use hospital servi...
  8. We already met the criteria for phased reopening and everything was reopened appropriately. The socialists really want everything to shut down, and the hospital systems to go bankrupt, so they can nationalize healthcare (and everything else possible)...
  9. Likewise, the leftists were all about defying authorities (whether it came to sanctuary cities or toppling statues or violating their own quarantines because "racism" or whatever), all up until they found Anthony Fauci to be their infallible Lord and...
  10. It's Fauci who is the pathetic cult leader. If you don't want to obey Trump, Trump supporters aren't going to demand you surrender your freedoms over to Trump's spoken words. The same cannot be said for Fauci. These are some "Fauci Facts" in action:
  11. A Hit With The Ladies

    How Does This End?

    The former is the foundational ideology of socialism, while the latter is the individualist ethos of American liberty. We had to deal with two of those countries' nationalistic impulses (the third was a hostage of one of those two) from 1941 to 1945...
  12. The New York Slimes had zero journalistic integrity to begin with! Remember when they alleged that John McCain (war hero) was having an affair to try to bring him down against Obama? It'll spin any and every story - almost as badly as CNN - to put up...
  13. A Hit With The Ladies

    How Does This End?

    You don't have to buy it. I don't engage in ad hominem personal attacks, anyway. By the way, you should bring up your "face masks is common-sense" argument up with Fauci, since he's flip-flopped his story since March: March 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci ta...
  14. A Hit With The Ladies

    How Does This End?

    I am being consistent. I don't harass people and they don't harass me. In America, everyone is mentally pre-occupied in their own lives and let others do what they want to. So if Fauci decrees tomorrow we can only be out in public with Hazmat suits ...
  15. A Hit With The Ladies

    Texas Hospital making nurses resign or take care of COVID patients

    Yet, again, you have way more cases relative to your population than we do.