Published Mar 31, 2016
42 Posts
Basically I called wrong doc during the night and got an order from them, they weren't supposed to be taking call until 7 am. I am still feeling so bad about it.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,980 Posts
The doctor has the credentials to provide orders, so there shouldn't be an issue there. Yes, you called the wrong person. It most likely won't be the last time. In the scheme of things, this is a tiny little boo boo and not anything to be concerned over. In fact, I'd say the doc handled it pretty well- called back, didn't rip you a new one.
NurseOnAMotorcycle, ASN, RN
1,066 Posts
You are VERY ok! The order is valid, she is part of the care team. I completely inderstand how you feel because I was new once too. I did things that had me waking up with night terrors. Now looking back, I don't know why I got so worked up about it.
if you're new, that means you are most likely still in "nursing school mode" and you think that all providers are going to yell at you and that you will lose your license if you are 2 minutes late to check a finger stick. you have been in panic mode for your entire degree and your instructors have scared the heck out of you by telling you all of the ways you could be fired or lose your license.
Take a deep breath, then take 2 more. You're ok. You are not stupid and you are not incompetent. New does not equal stupid. New just means new.
The doctor doesn't sound like a jerk since they gave you the order and didn't hang up on you, etc. I might just apologize the next time you see them, but it doesn't sound like they are upset about it. What if a new intern called you by mistake and then apologized? I don't think you'd hold it against them, either.
Hang in there. It really does get better. The nightmares go away. Your stomach stops feeling queasy when you're getting ready for work. You start helping new nurses get through their first few years. You will look back and smile when you think about how nervous you got when you called the wrong provider and they helped you out anyway.
396 Posts
Hi there! You made an honest mistake and it's nothing to be too worried sounds like the MD was reasonable, and you got what your patient needed.
I have had to contact MD's who weren't "officially" on call, because the on-call MD wasn't responding, and I need a new order for a patient..... so there shouldn't be any problem with the validity of the new order.
Hope you're feeling better about it. ((((hugs))))
12,646 Posts
It's okay. :)
Davey Do
10,651 Posts
I've done the same, getting admission orders from the wrong Doc. I later informed both Docs and rectified the situation.
I went as far as to send the mistaken Doc a funny little greeting card that said "OOPS!" on the front of it with a hand written apology inside, saying I hoped that this wouldn't mess up our good working relationship.
That Doc is long retired now, but it seems that, if anything, my actions and his gracious acceptance of my apology enhanced our working relationship.
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
**gasp** You called the wrong doc. You did not wake up GOD, you woke up a person.
If doc/god gave you an order...I would be more concerned about the accuracy of the order, than anything else.
I've done the same, getting admission orders from the wrong Doc. I later informed both Docs and rectified the situation.I went as far as to send the mistaken Doc a funny little greeting card that said "OOPS!" on the front of it with a hand written apology inside, saying I hoped that this wouldn't mess up our good working relationship.That Doc is long retired now, but it seems that, if anything, my actions and his gracious acceptance of my apology enhanced our working relationship.
I just self flagellated until I felt I was cleansed.
Should have done the greeting card.
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Lol I have done that! No biggie. They are still a doc and you got an order.
845 Posts
Don't beat yourself up, no harm no foul :)
i I once called our wonderful pulmonologist--who is one of our most awesome and well-respected docs--by name...only the name was wrong and the name of probably the worst doc we have at our facility. He stopped, turned around and said "Who?! I'm Dr. X, not Dr. Y" I knew darn good and well who he was but somehow the other name was on my brain. He was nice about it, but I was mortified!! Believe you me, no one wants to be mistaken for that Dr. Y at our facility :***:
ArrowRN, BSN, RN
4 Articles; 1,153 Posts
I've also called the wrong doc at times, and yes I'm on nights. With a huge hospital especially a teaching hospitals where new residents come and go and rotate all the time, its very easy to happen, even with experienced nurses. Don't worry about calling docs at night. It's there job, even if some of them have an attitude about it. However, if it was the wrong doc of the wrong service team, they should not have written the order, they should have corrected you that the pt is not on their service list, not just blindly write an order for a pt they do not know. Secondly, upon realizing this you should not have carried out the order, if that is what happened. Next time, call them back, apologize, tell them to cancel it and find out who you suppose to contact.
Note however, If the doc was part of the team caring for pt but just a day shift doc you called instead of calling the night shift doc on the team of the pt, then it's ok and no need to cancel the order. Most they would do is get annoyed with you, and say next time you need to call number xyz who covers night shift so got the job might get chewed up if you call an attending at night
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Here's the 'win' in the situation: Whoever you woke up has no CLUE who you are!! #nightshiftrocks