Sen Clinton walks a day in a nurse's shoes

Nurses Activism


"I think that as a result of our time together, Senator Clinton has a better understanding of the energy and hard work it takes to care for patients for 12 hours and then come home to raise a family," Estrada said in a statement. "I'd welcome her back on the job any time."

It was only a day, but it's a step in the right direction.

Specializes in or/trauma/teaching/geriatrics.
we need to get away from the idea that if we don't vote for hillary it is because she is a woman

that if we don't vote for obama it is because he is black

i would vote for either one of these before i would vote for john edwards..i just get a creepy feeling when i watch him on a debate..i guess that is not he way to use your vote but i just don't trust the man but plese note he is white, male and highly educated

maybe we should vote for the best person for the job even if it is Fred Thompson and he isn't officially running yet.

Guess what folks? USA is way below all industrialized nations for preventative healthcare AND morbidity, mortality, including INFANTS. Look at the World Health Organization data. We've had this untruthful mantra for decades that we're the best.

IF police protection, fire protection, education and even MAIL is federally run, why isn't basic healthcare a right for all? Don't be spooked by the word "socialized." That's just a throwback from McCartney years. Too bad it's still going on and people believe it's the devil. Medicare (except for the atrocious medication "benefit" package passed by Bush and cronies that doesn't let the federal gov't barter for pharmacy fees) has worked well. Instead of 15% of fees going to administration of the private companies, it only uses 3-5%.

Guess what, the USA reports infant mortalities and overall mortalities by the UN standards. We are the only contry in the worl at this time re[porting by this standard. this makes our numbers look bad in comparison to the worlds at large. But hey...since when should we be allowed to play on an even playing field? As for the police and fire priotection being federal...think again. This is run at the state and city level not the federal level. As for education we need to get the fedearal government out of it completely. The post office is mandated by law to run at a profit. They technically are a business of the federal government.

Specializes in ER, OR, MICU.
22 yo son told me he's voting for Hilary as need a women to run this country after past 8 yrs.


Guess my multitasking impressed him while working for me.


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Hillary stayed to ride her dh's coattails. ;)

Even if I agreed with her politically, I agree with you . . .I could not vote for her due to her bad example to her daughter.


I think Ms. Clinton did a fine job with her daughter. She turned out o.k. didn't she?

But then again:

Her mom was first lady, is a Senator and running for president and has taken a lot of hard knocks and still stands up. Not a bad role model for a young girl if you ask me.

I too however, judged Ms. Clinton harshly for standing by her man. But do we really know the dynamics of their marriage and her motherhood to judge her like that?

Specializes in or/trauma/teaching/geriatrics.

Everyone is judged harshly these days when they are in the public eye. You do not need to be an elected official to suffer this fate. Has this country really judged Mrs.Clinton too harshly for "standing by her man" especially when doing so is more than likely very politically motivated...............................

I don't really care about the dynamics of their marriage. What I do care about is the example that it sets for all. There are many things that couples must overcome, and forgive. I don't believe that infidelity is one of them.

The relationship is never the same, and a level of trust is gone that can never be what is was even if the marriage is saved.

Just think that this country could find a better "leader"

Nurses know that health care must change and we must as a group be at the forefront of this change if we are to survive.:idea:

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Focus of thread is

a. Presidential candidates promoting healthcare --- win for nursing overall

b. In order to get union vote, must "walk a day in members shoes"

Please keep discussion specific candidates vices/virtues in Current Events

This is a woman who has chosen for professional and personal reasons to remain with a man who has philandered for the entirety of their marriage. While she may be a smart Marxist leaning attorney, she's weak in my view....a REAL WOMAN would have kicked his sorry butt to the curb, taken her daughter and raised her to not look the other way when a man disowns, disrespects, and devalues his wife and child, and then lies about it on national television...yes...we have had some real dooseys in office lately....but woman to woman, I cannot bring myself to support someone who didn't have the backbone to address the worst lie of all, that of a cheating me it's a basic character flaw in someone who won't honestly face that and act on it....I could see maybe a reconciliation if it happened once, MAYBE.....but Mr. Clinton was chasing anything with a skirt from the get go.....and Hiliary stayed in the marriage because it was an image thing for who would sell themselves out like that makes me wonder what else she might roll over for .....she wouldn't even set an honest example for her daughter....or her Self....that's troubling....

I also have wondered why, when she was First Lady, a NON ELECTIVE position, a position that does not fall under any branch of the federal government, would have over 90 FBI files in her office on people who were in office at the opponents of the Clintons....that doesn't bode kind of smacks of Watergate....except no one has ever impeached a First Lady...

Speaking of First Lady....can you imagine Bill decorating the White House for Christmas??? Cigar anyone???

Wow. I disagree with Sen. Clinton (and her husband) on so many levels, but here I am, defending her.

In the aftermath of their personal (and the nation's) debacle, Hillary Clinton said she was staying with her husband (I'm paraphrasing here, but I'm pretty close) because she loved him, and because she believes in marriage.

Until shown otherwise, I'm inclined to take politicians at their word. (Which, incidentally, is why I'd never vote for Clinton). But she says she loves her husband, she forgives him, and she believes in their marriage. I happen to think that that's quite a gutsy thing for her to do. It is relatively easy for folks to leave a marriage, and few people would have criticized Hillary Clinton had she done so. But she didn't. And I think she set a great example of love and forgiveness and real grace: to her husband, to their daughter, and to millions of people who saw her real personal tragedy played out on a scale none of us would have wanted to have had to deal with.

I'll argue with Sen. Clinton all over the map about her political views, and plans for America, should she be elected president. But on this matter of her life, I happen to admire her a great deal: she showed grace, spunk, and a huge amount of class. It's easy to say that she did it because of the then-future Senate race, or because of future presidential plans. But she says she stayed with him for other reasons. Let's cut her a little slack on this, and take her at her word.

As far as her "walking a nurse's shoes." Frankly, it's a little presumptive for any politician to try to do so. Following a nurse around is at best shadowing. Sen. Clinton is not a nurse, and the most she can do is see the outward behaviors the nurse in question is doing. She cannot know the mental work going on in this nurse's day, the intellectual work that's an essential part of nursing practice. Yes, it's a gimmick. Every politician does such gimmicks. I wouldn't want a politician following me around. It gets in the way, and does nothing for those you're providing services for. Politicians have their jobs. Nurses have their jobs. I don't want to walk in their shoes, because I really can't, ultimately. Neither can they walk in mine.

if she had not hitched a ride on his coattails both before and after the whitehouse years she would not be where she is now, a front runner,

she had to make some tough choices and she had to smile when she must have been unhappy

doing a photo shoot is part of the game in running for doesn't mean a whole lot but it gets her in the public eye w/o bill around..and in the end she is going to have to show that she can and will be a president that is decisive..if she continues to hang on to bill she will appear weak..

i have no problem with pols doing what pols do whether it is kissing babies, cutting ribbons to big events, wearing silly hats you do what yo have to do

Specializes in or/trauma/teaching/geriatrics.

if following a nurse for 2 hours of her shift and coming to dinner at her house is all it takes for a Union these days to endorse a canditate, then I believe we are in much worse shape then I originally thought.

ALL WE LIKE SHEEP...............................................................;)

When I see a candidate wipe someone's butt, do trach care on someone with thick white secretions, change a dressing on a wound that smells to high heaven, etc, (you get my point), then I will be impressed. I was not impressed when Edwards did it, not impressed by Clinton doing it...would not be impressed by a conservative candidate doing it (my party) since it would also be a "photo op". Shadowing does not equate to any understanding of a nurses job. Get rid of the cameras, your assistants and come assist me with all the duties I have to try and fit in one 8 hour shift. I love nursing and hate all the admin BS. It is the hardest job I have done, but it is the most rewarding. I do not regret for a minute taking it on.

I do give Hilary some credit for trying to improve the lot of nurses, but like others have brought up, sit down with us and listen to what we have to say. The good, the bad, the reason we sometimes want to quit and the reasons some do quit.

Specializes in or/trauma/teaching/geriatrics.
When I see a candidate wipe someone's butt, do trach care on someone with thick white secretions, change a dressing on a wound that smells to high heaven, etc, (you get my point), then I will be impressed. I was not impressed when Edwards did it, not impressed by Clinton doing it...would not be impressed by a conservative candidate doing it (my party) since it would also be a "photo op". Shadowing does not equate to any understanding of a nurses job. Get rid of the cameras, your assistants and come assist me with all the duties I have to try and fit in one 8 hour shift. I love nursing and hate all the admin BS. It is the hardest job I have done, but it is the most rewarding. I do not regret for a minute taking it on.

I do give Hilary some credit for trying to improve the lot of nurses, but like others have brought up, sit down with us and listen to what we have to say. The good, the bad, the reason we sometimes want to quit and the reasons some do quit.

excuse me when and where has Mrs. Clinton ever, and I do mean ever........done anything to improve the lot of nursing..........she is all about getting healthcare to everyone. not about improving Nursing.....:trout:

Specializes in or/trauma/teaching/geriatrics.

getting healthcare to everyone is a great goal. I even like it. It is not going to improve the lot of nurses unless we increase our numbers and the rate of retiring profs is rather alarming as is the admission rate of clinicals at most nursing schools. Think that there will be a bigger push by insurance industry and pols and pencil pushers to get less trained personell in to "make up for the shortage" of nurses that is going to hit this country with a loud splat in just a few years........................ Just where do you think Mrs. Clinton stands on the Nursing shortage issue.

most certainly not behind nurses unless it is with a knife to the back.

lets just call me scared in OHIO:o

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