San Francisco State University (SFSU) BSN Program

U.S.A. California


Has anyone gotten a response from the SFSU BSN Program? I emailed someone a while ago and they said it would be rolling around sometime between April and May (how vague :zzzzz). I am just a nervous wreck as everyone else waiting for their ACCEPTANCES (positive thinking!). I think I'm going insane checking the website once or twice a day :banghead:. I've read somewhere around this forum that people have already been admitted or denied into the MSN program and the Accelerated BSN @ the Canada branch, but I applied at the main campus.

Here's hoping and praying... :nurse:

Oh, I contacted the School of Nursing and they said that it just means that you got in the school, NOT the nursing program. They haven't released any acceptance letters yet. They said they are going to send out admission letters sometime next week. Good luck to all of us!


So it's official? Wow congratulations! I'm a transfer student, too, and I applied to sfsu's nursing program. I got that "congratulations you got in" message on my webpage as well, but on the bottom page, where it states my details, my primary major was changed to biology (which was my secondary major). it was nursing before, now they changed it.

So does your primary major still say "nursing" on it, or did it change? i called the school of nursing and they said the congratulations only means we got in the school, because the school of nursing has not released any information on whether people got in or not. they will do that next week they said.

I got in CSM's nursing prog, but am hoping to get in sf state's :)

Thank you for the well wishes...It s the BSN on the main campus. I had 4.0 overall and in pre-reqs, and 3/3 co-reqs. I would highly recommend for the multi-cultural experience co-req to possibly work/volunteer with homeless, or AIDS patients. Project Homeless Connect is a good organization to volunteer at. i also volunteered on a nursing floor in a hospital doing unit clerk work, not even direct patient contact, worked up about 150 hours. good luck to you all...

ya, mine still said nursing. they said the same thing to me at the number for the nursing dept., but i have a friend in the registrar office and she said i def. got in.

Wow! Ack! I got the same congratulations message, and my major still says nursing, but I haven't got an inside contact with the registrar's office, LOL! So now I wait and freak out till Monday, b/c it's Saturday morning and I don't expect anyone will be in the office! Ack!

Oh your major still says nursing on it??? Mine changed to my secondary major! OH....that means I probably didn't make it. I have a 3.9 gpa and 3/3 on the supplemental criteria. Wow...I still didn't make it. That's kinda sad. It's alright, I guess I'm going to CSM's nursing program :)


So you probably made it! So what was your gpa and supplemental criteria?

awww Kayellow, don't give up just yet!!!! it hasnt been the last day of april yet and i still believe that there's still hope for you! but i guess if all fails, CSM is also a good choice.

i'm still rooting for ya.

I checked my application status before reading this thread, and then went back to double check. I didn't get admitted :( At the time of application I only had a handful of pre-reqs done... like 2/3 of my physio anatomy courses (im in a quarter system) and other stuff I can't remember. Since the application period I finished stats, chem 30a/b, micro, rest of a/p. I think I only qualified for 2/3 of the supplemental actions too.

In my case would me pre-req gpa at the time of application be a 4.0 if I only had 2 classes in? Long shot but you never know... haha. I was still missing a huge bulk of the classes though but I completed everything from fall til now with only a B in stats and chem30a, rest are A's.


When you checked your status, did it say that you were denied admission, or was your application still in review?

I applied to the off campus program at Canada College. It's a different applicant pool, but probably the same admissions process, since it's through SFSU. My application is still under review. I too have some key prerequisites in progress. I completed Chemistry last semester with an "A" and I'm doing Physiology right now.

It is in review, but I'm pretty sure I won't be accepted with all the courses in progress at the time of application. I emailed the nursing dept a few weeks back if they wanted my updated transcripts and was replied that it wouldn't really help or change anything really. Other wise I have a pretty solid gpa, too bad it won't be looked at :cry: I'm from SJ and I couldn't even apply to SJSU or East Bay and Humboldt because all of the prereqs were to be done by feb or something, so I was pretty much denied on the spot even though everything will be completed before summer. I don't really want to pay the extra housing fee's since I live right there too but meh. I also applied to sdsu and sac since I also consider since I need to pay for rent why not, and their programs are shorter. I kind of figure that if I get my bs a semester or 2 earlier it means I'll be working earlier and make up for the money saved living at home and more.


Does the first letter of your last name begin with any letter A-J?? Just trying to see if our theory holds ;)

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