Published Sep 4, 2018
KeeperOfTheIceRN, ADN
655 Posts
How many of you do salt water rinses and/or soaking for various complaints? Its not something that I think would need an MD order, but wanted to see what you guys thought!
0 Posts
I don't do it here, but the school nurse at DD's school does them for everything. We joke that it is like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with the windex- sore throat? Salt water rinse. Stomach ache? Salt water rinse. Menstrual crams? Salt water rinse...
In all seriousness, I think it is one of those things that actually can help certain issues and gives us an students "something to do" that is not medicine and does not require any type or order. The only reason I have not done it here is because I do not have easy access to cups.
659 Posts
I do them only if the student requests one. That lets me know that they have done them at home, and they know how to do them.
I don't do it here, but the school nurse at DD's school does them for everything. We joke that it is like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with the windex- sore throat? Salt water rinse. Stomach ache? Salt water rinse. Menstrual crams? Salt water rinse...In all seriousness, I think it is one of those things that actually can help certain issues and gives us an students "something to do" that is not medicine and does not require any type or order. The only reason I have not done it here is because I do not have easy access to cups.
Hahaha love the reference! I haven't really had a reason to do them either (most of my sore throat complaints just want the peppermints on my desk!) but I do have a finger that could benefit from a soaking to help with swelling r/t an ingrown nail (parents are aware).
12,646 Posts
Me too!
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
I've never done that. I did have a sub one time who was a non practicing dentist that had a couple kids rinse their mouth with salt water to help stop bleeding from a tooth that came out.
But since you brought up the subject...what kind of salt are you using and how do you mix this potion?
I've never done that. I did have a sub one time who was a non practicing dentist that had a couple kids rinse their mouth with salt water to help stop bleeding from a tooth that came out. But since you brought up the subject...what kind of salt are you using and how do you mix this potion?
I've considered the salt water rinse for that reason too but have never actually done it...may try it next time! For today, I'm using plain old table salt in a 1/2 tsp salt to 1 cup water ratio. I may go on and get some Epsom salt for soaking injuries but I personally feel the table salt would be better for mouth rinses, but that part is just my opinion!
BrisketRN, BSN, RN
916 Posts
I do the occasional salt water rinse for sore throats or a canker sore when the student or parent requests. I use some good ol' Morton table salt in a cup of warm water.
420 Posts
We've used SW rinses for sore throat or any mouth issues, bit tongue, lost tooth, etc. One thing I don't do is soaks...ankle, foot, etc. That gets abused for time out of class very quickly! They can soak ankles and feet at home.
1,294 Posts
No epsom salt soaking unless I have a parent/doctors note and parent provides the Epsom salts - this is something that can be done at home unless doctors note states during school hours. I do salt water gargles for sore throats - I honestly don't think it does anything except make the kids (and parents) feel like I am doing something. Loose/lost teeth just get cool water rinse if they are bleeding.
913 Posts
I don't but only because I'm K-3 and don't trust the kids to know how to gargle & not swallow. Maybe 3rd graders could... The previous nurse must have because there was a container of salt in my cabinet.
Have Nurse, ADN, RN
3 Articles; 719 Posts
I must confess that growing up in my house, we also did that, and used those portions. It works for a lot of stuff!