SAD mindset of "future nurses" *sigh*

Nurses General Nursing


this is what i saw someone who wishes to only be a "peds" nurse posted....i let her know that in nursing school, you do everything & peds is only a small portion of clinical....


dam...i question myself???do i really wanna wipe ass everyday,,??a grown stank booty ass elderly at that~hmmmmmm"

i feel sorry for those in her care in the future..

Specializes in Pedi.
People like that will be brought up short very quickly.

As far as peds, it's not that pleasant when a baby has a blow-out in his diaper and has poop all over his body, hid hair, etc.

Or the pubescent, incontinent 13 year old spastic quad who has an explosion. Poop... period blood... hair... it ain't pretty. But it's such a small part of what we do that we do it without thinking.

I used to think I would love peds because I babysit a lot and do SS at my church. It's very different when the kid is sick. We had one day of peds (in a hospital setting) during OB and I hated it. We did peds clinical in the community, so that's why we only had one hospital day.

I think you actually need to finish all your clinical rotations before you decide.

Specializes in Cardiac.

Just from their wording the person who posted that honestly sounds ignorant. I am currently a nursing student and I don't feel that way at all! I think of how I'd want a nurse treating my family members & care for my patients in the same manner... and I also know that these people are ill if they are in the hospital. They probably don't feel too good about having to let someone else clean up their "ass". Please don't look at all student nurses in this light; some of us are actually coming into this professional because we want to make a difference...

I'll attempt to shoot down her character, I've got no reservations about it. That person is NOT a future nurse, they are a future college fail-out with a bunch of student loan debt that they refuse to pay a job in fast food, if any job at all. The only thing you should be outraged about is that as a taxpayer, you're holding the bag for her unpaid student loans and you've paid for her education with Pell grants. And a 21 year old with a kid - I'll bet my right kidney the taxpayers are subsidizing at least her education if not more of her life and her lifestyle choices.

Sometimes when I read such ignorance on my Facebook, i find myself looking over my shoulder. I am afraid someone will see that i am friends with people that speak like that!

Today in class, the first day of third quarter with a new instructor, we went around the room and introduced ourselves to the instructor. Everyone said their name and what they wanted to be when they "grew up". Half the room said L&D, Peds, or ER. I don't want to orient then to the reality that it will be a hard climb just to get employed, much less in those highly desired specialties. That way, there are more med/surg jobs for me! :)

This in no way represents the "mindset of future nurses" or even the mindset of the average highschool educated human being. Don't know why you are even wasting your time by giving their response attention, don't know why I am even wasting my time responding to it lol guess I am trying to keep from doing homework ;) I don't see anyone who has actually gone through the process and been admitted to nursing school as having this mind set, and if they did, they wouldn't make it past the first clinical day.

There are people in my class that believe that after nursing school, they will never touch a adult old person butt again because they are "going to be a peds nurse". I am pretty sure that is code for "unemployed". Granted, they are much more articulate, but they exist!

Please don't look at all student nurses in this light; some of us are actually coming into this professional because we want to make a difference...

Nobody in their right minds would put all students in this light; I wouldn't even think of this as one bad one ruining a barrel. This particular malcontent isn't representative of the student population, IMO....just an example of what to keep OUT of our profession!

She probably could have worded it a little different however I have heard the sentiment voiced many times, by nursing students and nurses. I choice to work with children because I like them better. If I have to clean poo, I would rather clean up kid poo. The thought of working with adult patients has no appeal to me, maybe poo factors in but its not ultimate deciding factor.

There are people in my class that believe that after nursing school, they will never touch a adult old person butt again because they are "going to be a peds nurse". I am pretty sure that is code for "unemployed". Granted, they are much more articulate, but they exist!

Then they are kidding themselves, big time. You never know where your next job might be; sometimes a unit or facility closes, a hospital merges with another, and you're no longer doing what you've been doing. Reassignments happen. Nurses switch employers and fields all the time, so to say what you'll "never do" is really short-sighted.

BTW, I did like the "code for unemployed"...I think you're on the money there ;)

Today in class, the first day of third quarter with a new instructor, we went around the room and introduced ourselves to the instructor. Everyone said their name and what they wanted to be when they "grew up". Half the room said L&D, Peds, or ER. I don't want to orient then to the reality that it will be a hard climb just to get employed, much less in those highly desired specialties. That way, there are more med/surg jobs for me! :)

Don't forget ICU, for those who are plotting their path to CRNA before the pre-reqs are done!

I think every class has the kind of response yours did, when asked that same question. The more glam jobs (or at least what people THINK are glam jobs) are always the ones that garner the most "I've wanted to be a ____ nurse all my life" answers.

I was one of the minority that said "I have NO IDEA" lol.....and I didn't....and sometimes wonder if I even know now! :)

Ha! we are on the same page then! My answer was and has always been, "Wherever hires me." I think people forget that nursing is like any industry. people getting MBAs don't think they are going to get hired immediately as the CEO of a fortune 500 company. I dont know why nursing students believe so strongly that they will get their "Dream job" right off the bat.

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