SAD mindset of "future nurses" *sigh*

Nurses General Nursing


this is what i saw someone who wishes to only be a "peds" nurse posted....i let her know that in nursing school, you do everything & peds is only a small portion of clinical....


dam...i question myself???do i really wanna wipe ass everyday,,??a grown stank booty ass elderly at that~hmmmmmm"

i feel sorry for those in her care in the future..

Specializes in none.

We'll hear from this nurse someday. Under the heading, why can't I past my boards.

Or the pubescent, incontinent 13 year old spastic quad who has an explosion. Poop... period blood... hair... it ain't pretty.

There are people in my class that believe that after nursing school, they will never touch a adult old person butt again because they are "going to be a peds nurse". I am pretty sure that is code for "unemployed".

I'm a peds nurse. I sure wish I wasn't cleaning grown up butts. But apparently I haven't yet been promoted to "cute little kids only" unit yet. Peds hospitals take adults. Up to 24 years old. Sometimes older. And if they're an adult coming to the kids hospital, chances are, they ain't gonna be continent.

Let me tell you, my patient last week had more hair on his legs and butt than my husband has. I was breaking into my memory for the hairy butt cleaning skills that I learned in my time doing grown people.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.
I'm a peds nurse. I sure wish I wasn't cleaning grown up butts. But apparently I haven't yet been promoted to "cute little kids only" unit yet. Peds hospitals take adults. Up to 24 years old. Sometimes older. And if they're an adult coming to the kids hospital, chances are, they ain't gonna be continent.

Let me tell you, my patient last week had more hair on his legs and butt than my husband has. I was breaking into my memory for the hairy butt cleaning skills that I learned in my time doing grown people.

:lol2: I'm sorry, but this made me giggle. I bet your husband appreciates your sharing, rofl!

Specializes in nursing education.
I'll attempt to shoot down her character, I've got no reservations about it. That person is NOT a future nurse, they are a future college fail-out with a bunch of student loan debt that they refuse to pay a job in fast food, if any job at all. The only thing you should be outraged about is that as a taxpayer, you're holding the bag for her unpaid student loans and you've paid for her education with Pell grants. And a 21 year old with a kid - I'll bet my right kidney the taxpayers are subsidizing at least her education if not more of her life and her lifestyle choices.

I am sad to say that many of my co-workers are former "nursing students" who couldn't make it past the pre-reqs, or current pre-nursing students who are failing or getting C's in their pre-reqs. When we used to have tuition reimbursement, the company was paying for it. Now mystery gov't money is.

"I'm going to go all the way to nurse practitioner!" Yeah, "past" your classes first.

Dude what is it with people and poop? I'm with Grn Tea, that is probably the lowest on the lows of my list of important things for the day, I seriously have never once thought "awe man, I have to see poop or maybe some hairy butts today". I actually think I would be a lot less stressed if I literally only cleaned poop. Do they ever poop I wonder? I wonder if its so gross and disgusting that they are unable to wipe themselves, because they are in fear for their life to be near the dreaded poop.

There are SO many threads about this. Maybe there is an actual phobia? More likely its the idontwannabeagrownupbecauseitsyucky-obia

Specializes in OB (with a history of cardiac).
I loved pedi because 'accidents' happen in any age group but at least theirs is manageable

HEHEHE! I don't doubt it (what you're saying)- but it makes me laugh because for the last month or three my daughter who is almost 15 months is in that stage where she will not for the life of her or myself hold still when I'm changing her diaper...and we use cloth diapers too! Her little hands go RIGHT down to her little girl part (which is usually full of poo if she's been really active and naturally we feed her a lot of fruits and veggies) and then we have a nekkid poopy butt fingerpainter on the loose! (We ditched the changing table...we're living dangerously!)

Specializes in OB (with a history of cardiac).

As for miss too-good-for- butt-wiping; wow. Good luck with all of that. I'm interested to see how peds works out for her. Maybe it's that I'm tired and crabby right now but she sounds like the type that would also yell and scream at elderly people too, and hit them, and if she would treat an elder that way, why wouldn't she treat a 13 month old that way, or a 5 year old with down syndrome?

Specializes in none.
I am sad to say that many of my co-workers are former "nursing students" who couldn't make it past the pre-reqs, or current pre-nursing students who are failing or getting C's in their pre-reqs. When we used to have tuition reimbursement, the company was paying for it. Now mystery gov't money is.

"I'm going to go all the way to nurse practitioner!" Yeah, "past" your classes first.

But she can't be bothered passing her class. In her mind, she's already a nurse.

"Angels and Ministers of Grace Defend us!" --- Hamlet

Specializes in Pedi.
I'm a peds nurse. I sure wish I wasn't cleaning grown up butts. But apparently I haven't yet been promoted to "cute little kids only" unit yet. Peds hospitals take adults. Up to 24 years old. Sometimes older. And if they're an adult coming to the kids hospital, chances are, they ain't gonna be continent.

Let me tell you, my patient last week had more hair on his legs and butt than my husband has. I was breaking into my memory for the hairy butt cleaning skills that I learned in my time doing grown people.

The oldest patient I've seen at my pediatric hospital was in their 40s. That's a regular occurrence on some of the medical floors. People who think peds is pretty because there's no old people poo never cease to amuse me....

Specializes in Skilled Nursing/Rehab.

I just wanted to say that the phrase "hairy butt cleaning skills" just made me laugh out loud. Thanks - I needed that!

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