Rediscovering Professionalism in Nursing


After working 10 years in acute care I became disillusioned, took a job as an office nurse and I am now working in community health. While working on my BSN, I have rekindled that sense of pride and professionalism that I felt at my pinning ceremony 14 years ago while earning my AAS. The BSN program has empowered me to rediscover what it was that drove me to enter nursing in the first place.. I have re-examined my values and have grown in self-awareness. By studying the history of nursing and the potential power nurses could have if they were to become activist for the profession, I have become excited about my future in nursing. If anyone else has rediscovered the sense of professionalism in nursing after losing it please share their experience.

Specializes in ER.

TThe BSN had the opposite effect on me, but after I got out into the world and found that I could make a difference to patients AND to policies I feel much better about my career, and nursing in general. Being overworked and having no say in my own practice was my downfall.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Awesome. Best wishes to you. Welcome to the BB.

Curious as to the main issues that eroded the positive sense of nursing in your particular situation for those first ten years. :(

Congrats on finding your way back and thanks for sharing gratifying outcome. :cool: It isn't always an easy task. :rolleyes:

I am an LPN and very disillusioned. Your posts gives me hope as I am working on my RN. I am hoping that this will open up more gratifying job oppertunities. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

good for you. sounds as if you are happy. i hope this light continues to shine for you...

and that does NOT again become an BSN-only argument thread. we have had enough of those.

I, too, am disappointed at how much I AM NOT valued as a LPN. (NO flames, please!)

I have called numerous places, searched on the internet for jobs and went to different places. LPN's are just not needed anymore (around here anyway...)

Because of this, I am also determined to return to get my ASN.

I love nursing and am a very good nurse. I just wish LPN's were more of a valued commodity than it seems we are.

I had the same experience when I returned to school. Perhaps being challenged in class, and learning more about the profession helps us appreciate our day to day activities.

Specializes in Psych.

I attended the National Teaching Institute of the AACN this year and it really boosted my spirits. It also made me acutely aware of undervalued nurses our at my place of employment.

It's good to read a positive post about nursing.

>An increased sense of professionalism and committment comes with each nursing degree as you move up the academic ladder from ADN> BSN> MSN> PhD. Education is a liberating force and GREATLY increases your power to control variables in your work life.

> As had been stated, studying our history is a good way renew yourself. It also helps us avoid making the same mistakes that have been made in the past

>In addition to studying nursing history, I've found reading scholarly nursing journals a real inspiration. It reminds me that there is intelligent life on planet Nursing.

>The average hospital/LTC nurse doesn't realize how many good things are going on in nursing these days and that they can experience them through increaesd formal higher education. (To be interpreted as:GET YOUR MSN0.

All the really neat things happening in nursing are occuring outside those hospitl walls. It's unfortunate that 60% of nurses are still there beating out a living and reliving the oppression of the old diploma schools.

Just my thoughts, Edward, IL

Specializes in Step down, ICU, ER, PACU, Amb. Surg.

I am a proud graduate of an AAS program and was able to find pride in the profession again after a work injury that almost cost me my career forced me back into the job market and I took a civil service position for the DoD.....Where the emphasis is on pride in doing the best job possible and delivering top notch quality care. But I think the disillusionment hinges on over worked and understaffed, unsafe conditions. My heart goes out to the LPNs that are responding here, saying that they are disillusioned and not respected. I was taught and learned the value of a good LPN and I must say that there have been times I would have rather had the LPN working with me over a choice few RNs.... sometimes it is the subordinants that can make or break a good nurse.....always treat them like you want to be treated. It is encouraging to see that somany are finding the original pride that drew them into nursing to begin with and I hope that this new road ro re-selfdiscovery continues to glow bright.

Originally posted by chigap

I attended the National Teaching Institute of the AACN this year and it really boosted my spirits. It also made me acutely aware of undervalued nurses our at my place of employment.

We need to be reminded often how important our work is.

NTI of 1992 left me so excited about nursing. I had learned so much, associaten with nurses from all of North America, and being in New Orleans, cradle of Jazz and American music made it that much more exciting.

I suugest all of us at least check our our state nurses associations and specialty organizations. Take a CE class and bring friends.

I have learned over the years not to complain unless I am willing to try to change the problem. (Still find myself complaining).

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