Upon listening to report from the daylight nurse, I was told that the patient was a DNR and was ordered to be on a non-rebreather to keep sats >90%. The confused pt had been continually pulling at his mask and refused to leave it on. On nasal cannula at 6l, pt dropped into the 70s and on roomair into the 60s. The daylight nurse stated that she did nothing because she considered this patient refusal.
I felt that since the patient was confused, he was not in the right mind frame to refuse. I notified the physician and he ordered soft wrist restraints bilaterally. I applied them and performed hourly assessments.
When night shift came on, the nurse who was following me listened to report. I asked if she had any questions and she said "Yeah, why the hell did you put restraints on that guy. You're just cruel." I then stated that his sats were low on both nasal cannula and roomair and that I couldn't just chart that I knew he was 60% on roomair and do nothing. She suggested that rather than record his sats on roomair, I should have held the nonrebreather on his face, obtained a good pulse ox reading, then let him remove the mask as he pleases for the rest of the shift. She then stated that she hopes that she never has a nurse like me who allows my patient to suffer and be restrained.
I honestly was trying to do what was best for the patient in restraining him. I suppose I figured it would be better to suffer in restraints than to suffer gasping for breath. But now I am second guessing my actions. Was I wrong in what I did? Does the fact that he is a DNR make a difference? What should I have done? Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!