Read the thread before you post!!!!!


Sorry, vent here, and please don't flame me for saying this.....

I'm getting really annoyed reading threads in which the exact same thing is said over and over again! Please please please please PLEASE read the existing posts before adding your own, and know what the original post was about before adding your thoughts!

If you don't have time/don't want to read every post in a long thread, then do what I do - just stay out of that thread!

Okay thanks, I hope ya'll don't hate me for saying it, but it's driving me nuts. I just finished reading new posts in a 20 page thread, and I bet 100 of those posts say the same exact thing! :deadhorse

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I'm not mad at you. :D I think what happens, however, is that the juicier threads have over 700 replies, and after reading a few hot responses, people just want to jump right in, so it is hard.

One suggestion I do have, however, is if a person is responding to a particular person's comment, they should quote; this way, we know if this is meant specifically for a particular person.

Gosh, don't know what to say. Not mad, but gosh, don't know what to say. Oh I'm sorry am I repeating myself? Only kidding :)

Specializes in med/surg/tele/neuro/rehab/corrections.

I just skim over when posts start repeating themselves.

It's not as bad as when people, for whatever reason, decide to change the font on the post and change the color and it makes it unreadable. (For me at least) Just leave it as it and we can all read it!

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Yep, drives me bonkers too. I know it's hard to read if it's a long thread, but if it's that long, someone might've already said what you wanted to post.

That thank-you button is a right handy little gadget to use in that case. ;)

LOL, hahaha, just saw the beating the dead horse cartoon!! Cute!

If you expect people to stay out of a thread versus posting something that has already been said, that is not going to happen. People want to have their say whether or not everyone before them said the same thing. I usually find something different in some of the posts and consider that reading all posts in a thread is just one of the courtesies of the site. I can skim the post if it doesn't interest me.

If you expect people to stay out of a thread versus posting something that has already been said, that is not going to happen. People want to have their say whether or not everyone before them said the same thing. I usually find something different in some of the posts and consider that reading all posts in a thread is just one of the courtesies of the site. I can skim the post if it doesn't interest me.

Agreed on all counts.

Sorry, vent here, and please don't flame me for saying this.....

I'm getting really annoyed reading threads in which the exact same thing is said over and over again! Please please please please PLEASE read the existing posts before adding your own, and know what the original post was about before adding your thoughts!

If you don't have time/don't want to read every post in a long thread, then do what I do - just stay out of that thread!

Okay thanks, I hope ya'll don't hate me for saying it, but it's driving me nuts. I just finished reading new posts in a 20 page thread, and I bet 100 of those posts say the same exact thing! :deadhorse

Hey I was always taught that repetition is a Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarvelous thing!

miko, just want to make sure i'm understanding you.

let's say op is asking for help and many respondents have the same advice...

that's what drives you nuts?

if so, every member here has a right to post their thoughts...

regardless of what others are posting.

if that's what you're referring to, i'm sorry, but that's on you.


Specializes in ER.
miko, just want to make sure i'm understanding you.

let's say op is asking for help and many respondents have the same advice...

that's what drives you nuts?

if so, every member here has a right to post their thoughts...

regardless of what others are posting.

if that's what you're referring to, i'm sorry, but that's on you.


And the OP has a right to express their thoughts too, correct?

I personally get down right nauseated reading some of the posts so when I see one that I know provokes that nauseated feeling I simply pass it by. The worst offender? The NCLEX questions :down:

And the OP has a right to express their thoughts too, correct?

I personally get down right nauseated reading some of the posts so when I see one that I know provokes that nauseated feeling I simply pass it by. The worst offender? The NCLEX questions :down:

of course miko has a right to express his/her thoughts.

no one suggested otherwise.

it has been encouraged a million times, for folks to do a search since it's likely every conceivable topic has been discussed on this board.

maybe some do, but obviously many don't.

but the bottom line is folks are going to continue to post what they want (within tos) and no one/nothing can stop that.

so ultimately, it is on us to deal with it.

may i suggest something for your nausea?;)


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