Railroaded at work

Nurses General Nursing


I accepted a job on a PCU. The requirements were simply, willing to train Med Surg RN w/expereince. I have my ACLS and passed their telemetry exam, not just a simple version either, with 96.6%. I further had to take a Critical Care class and pass with 81%. Which is did with exactly 81%.

I have a BSN from Oregon Health and Sciences University. I am a caring and thoughtful RN/person.

I struggled at first in this new hospital learning a new charting system (DOS) and free text. I was used to using Horizons Clinical, a click the box type of program used the the Povidence Health systems. I was also used to using a Pyxis and a scanner to administer medications. The new hospital uses the old, pull the med out of the drawer and do your 5 checks of administration and sign off in the book.

So, it was overwhelming for me at 47 to go into a new unit and learn so much of everything. New skills, higher acuity, where is everything, what to chart...med book.

I still look like I'm in my 30s. Its good and bad . It probably helped in getting the job but I think it is a detriment, in a way, on the floor. I have a 47 year old's confidence and give off an aire of self-acceptance. I seems that you have to grovel and eat sh** from some of the nurses in order to fit it. One of my preceptors was arguing that if a QRS comples is >.10, this indicates a conduction block. I tried to tactfully get her to rethink this, "I've always been told it is >.12" or something like that. It was just one thing that got me off on a bad foot with this particular preceptor. I had approached her three times that shift to report my guy had'nt peed since having his foley removed. The first time was just after taking report that he would be coming to our floor. I was told the foley had been removed and I asked "has he peed yet." I was told no. After I got off the phone, I went to her and told her about the guy including "and he hasn't peed yet." The second time I went to her to inform...not yet, she responded, "It's still early" The shift was busy. At change of shift (I'd had him about 5 hours at this point) I told her he still hadn't peed, we instructed the aid to obtain a bladder scan. The oncoming RN was not happy with us at report. The next day this preceptor confronted me at the start of shift and accused me right on the floor of never having given her a heads up about this. I was speechless but did not intend to argue on the floor. I just acknowledged the concern and apologized in an effort to get along/fit in. I was later that week called into the Manager's office and accused of being misleading in regard to my experience in my interview. I was told "We are ready to part ways with you."

I am a single mom and had invested quite an effort into this job or I would have probably left at that time. But I stuck it out. It got better for a while. Then when I made the transition to nights, my position was a night position, my personal hell began. I was assigned a very pleasant appearing RN, an older woman who also looks suprisingly younger. She is newly divorced and I only mention this because she is probably one of the most miserable people I have ever encountered in my life. When I enthusiastically told her, "I want to do well. It is my hope that a year from now, I will be cross-trained into the ICU," her response was..."Good Luck! I've been here for years and they've never cross trained me." This was said in the most sour tone. And while she looks younger, she has the mannerisms and coloquialisms of a much older person. In a conversational/sarcastic tone stated that the 24 hour check of orders which had already been performed and resulted seemed to me "busy work". I never said I wouldn't do it. Her response was, "You'll do it and put it away, or you'll be done with and put away." Again, speechless. I just don't know people who think like this let alone say it aloud. Oh, did I mention, I'm a city girl and this is a rural community. This nurse has worked here for 20 years. It is her first and only nursing job. So, she never appreciated my coming from outside, new system and all. Most who start new to this unit are nursing school grads who have cut their teeth here. And so, entirely different learning curve.

Its gotten unbearable. The click this woman belongs to has it out for me. All I can say is I've been nice. So nice, in fact, that the manager mentioned specifically, "Everyone says you're real nice, it's just that you can't seem to do the job. Oye....let me tell you. The reports she gets are skewed. They will say, "she failed to manage 5 patients." and leave out the details, like: I was working with three, one of whom was a 3:1 when asked to admit a forth. Then, having a 5th forced on me when I had already refused stating it was unsafe because my 3:1 was so terribly busy. This same night, having the Charge request of my preceptor to report unsafe staffing on the way to meet with my managers. And still my preceptor having the audacity to simply report, "unable to manage 5 patients."

The last night I worked, Wednesday, I was given 5 patients. Everyone else had 3, maybe 4. Part of my correction plan for not being able to manage 5 was to "take 5 patients every night". So, I started with 5 and handed off my easiest patient at 2300 because even my evil preceptor acknowledged it was unsafe. She has further forbid me from delegating tasks. I am expected to do EVERYTHING. And she stated she was told by management not to help me. So, I had a poor quality of sleep that day. I was given a young male aid who was more interested in the basketball game in the breakroom than in being on the floor. He failed to report critical VS to me. And at the end of the shift, I realized I had neglected to turn an elderly and frail woman more often than I should have. She was Alert and Oriented and I would have expected her to say something about having stool incontinence sooner in the shift, but she didn't say anything and I didn't think to just peek in until about 6 am. I asked my preceptor to come in the room to assist me as the woman was not able to help. My preceptor came in with my aid and took over my patient. She told me to go and pass my morning meds and she and the aid would clean my patient up.

During report, I was recommending to the on-coming nurse, "we might want to order an air mattress" for this patient. My preceptor was standing next to me at this point and added, "she has a red mark over her coccyx". The on-coming nurse was the same who had accused me of never reporting to her about the man who didn't pee after having his foley removed. That evening as I was preparing to go into work, I got a call from my manager telling me I'd been suspended and the were performing an investigation. I am to report to work on Tuesday. I expect to be fired.

I feel terrible about the little lady. I also feel I was set up to fail and am now being kicked for doing just that. I am also very fearful about losing my license should this little lady go on to develop an ulcer on her bottom.

Does anyone have any such experience. I accept my responsibility here. I would hope for the best in terms of, the little lady's interventions came in time to save her bottom. If not fired I will resign. And I would seek another job in another capacity. I think I'm burned out of floor nursing for now.

Please feedback and this is a shortened version of the nasty encounters I've endured in this hospital. Don't know why I can't get accepted by the majority of nurses. I'm an idealist and I know most nursing personalities are "guardians" (if you are familiar with those terms). I can't stand petty, grumpy, negative focused people and maybe they sense that in me even though I smile and try to get along. I am a little stand-offish by nature. I don't drink and so have declined a couple of invitations to "go out." A lot of the nurses drink because they talk about it. I don't drink coffee either and that makes me stand out because the night shift all share in various coffees. I'm not unpolite about it. I'm LDS and I've shared that. And I have overheard a few unkind stories about missionaries at the door from my preceptor. She talked openly in front of me, knowing I'm LDS, about pulling her dog back from going out to be friendly to the boys who showed up at her door and shutting the door in their faces (boys who are far from home, 19-21 y.o.). I've heard another nurse make negative comments about mormons. Again, I've been open about being LDS only because of the coffee thing, having offered that in declining someone's offer for coffee.

Again, very fearful for my license. Any feedback that would be helpful is appreciated.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

I didn't find Ruby's post to be hostile. She has many years of experience as a nurse and precepting nurses. You wanted feedback and you got feedback, not all of it is going to be to your liking. Perhaps instead of making smart retorts to Ruby's view of your situation, you could reflect on yourself and your situation, then you will find the resolution to your dilemma. After all this is about you.

I didn't find Ruby's post to be hostile. She has many years of experience as a nurse and precepting nurses. You wanted feedback and you got feedback, not all of it is going to be to your liking. Perhaps instead of making smart retorts to Ruby's view of your situation, you could reflect on yourself and your situation, then you will find the resolution to your dilemma. After all this is about you.

I think I'm beginning to see what your problem is. Ruby actually was rather straightforward but not hostile or mean with what she said. She wrote what many others are thinking when they read this thread.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

I have to agree with you, Cali. Why pussyfoot around it and not say what you mean to say? Ruby, as always, was offering an honest point of view. Too many people misinterpret straight-forwardness as being harsh. It's not harsh. It's honest.

"There's only one thing to do, OP: Resign, do it now, don't even attend the meeting except to deliver your letter (better yet, deliver it to HR). Then run, don't walk, out of there."

And so, my dilemna, if I resign, I have to pay back the sign on bonus...and I don't have it. single mom/paycheck to paycheck right now.

Are you sure you won't have to pay it back if you get fired? I see your point... but if this is not the case (you will have to pay it back either way), I would still say, resign! At least you can walk out of there with dignity (getting fired is very, very devastating. I didn't even get fired (I was forced to resign from my first job - and it's still haunting me sometimes, 11 years later). Anyway, I don't think they can force you to pay back anything - they can ask for it, but if you don't pay, well you just won't be eligible for rehire (gee...)

Again, best of luck to you.


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

i had a very similar experience (maybe it was at this same hospital!) except i went in there as an experienced telemetry nurse! i couldn't believe what the snotty little preceptor was trying to pull on me! i reported her to the supervisor and snapped right back in the manager's face and quit on the spot when they tried pulling that crap on me (because i had been a manager too). you're just too kind. find another job. these people are not going to change to accommodate you. there are better nurses in the world. the reason the old prude has been there for 20 years and they tolerate the guy who watches his games on tv is because there are others who tolerate this. the problem starts with the manager who is letting all this go on.

I put forward some possibilities that you might not have been pristine in this conflict. You seemed acutely distressed and a couple of us put some decent thought and time into our responses. Claiming that these responses are "ugly" indicates to me that what you wanted was tea and sympathy, not the considered advice or opinion of people who have been around for a while.

Good luck and you are welcome.

I still look like I'm in my 30s. Its good and bad . It probably helped in getting the job but I think it is a detriment, in a way, on the floor. I have a 47 year old's confidence and give off an aire of self-acceptance. I seems that you have to grovel and eat sh** from some of the nurses in order to fit it.

I can't stand petty, grumpy, negative focused people and maybe they sense that in me even though I smile and try to get along.

out of your entire post, these 2 statements especially stood out to me.

i found them very telling, in terms of your gen'l disposition/attitude.

maybe you have been railroaded, i don't know.

but if i professed to be an attractive, educated woman who complains about being victimized by the 'little people', i'd be hard-pressed to examine MY role in how this chain of events escalated to where it is today.

furthermore, ruby was not "ugly" in her post.

you pleaded for feedback, and you've gotten it.

just by admitting that "you can't stand petty, grumpy...", perhaps you come across as a cavalier know-it-all, that needs to be brought down a notch or two.

i'm not saying the others approach to 'handling' you, is right.

but i truly believe that you need to look inwardly, to find your answer.

i'm thinking it really does, start with you.

best of everything to you.


On an LDS note - Las Vegas has a huge LDS community - and I still have nice Mormon girls who will go out with us heathens for coffee or drinks. So they have something else...it doesn't ruin them to go out on a hen party. You will work with people everyday - even as patients who do things you don't. Loosen up enough to enjoy their company, you might learn something.

Specializes in CTICU.

It amazes me when people get upset about answers posted to questions THEY asked. The power of a forum is the ability to get opinions from a wide variety of people, with varying backgrounds and experience.

We don't know you - remember that we are basing our opinions on what YOU said about yourself and the situation. Perhaps you are not aware of how you are perceived, but I agree that you came off in your post as thinking you are better than the people you were working with. That doesn't mean they didn't treat you poorly, but it may be a factor.

There's no point getting upset at people who cared enough to reply - take what is relevant, ignore what isn't, and perhaps take a closer look at your own role in this situation.

I think the OP is hurt and vulnerable right now, so Ruby's post sounded harsh to her- although it did not sound that way to others.

I have been in toxic environments where if you handed the staff a pot of gold on a silver platter they would critisize you and put you down.

As a traveler, I am sent to many toxic units that can't keep staff.

Some units love me- others hate me.

You will be much better off away from that unit.

Don't mention religion or "Where I used to work, we had such and such equipment and we did it this way.."

Also, those missionaries that knock on doors- nobody is happy to see them but their mothers. They are universally annoying and nobody cares that they are far from home or whatever.

And..I don't see how anyone looking younger than their age has anything to do with anything.

I'm wishing you a much better experience at your next job.

Hang in there, girl! :icon_hug:

Thank you Valerie Salva. It is good to know there are nurses with soul like you out there.

Thank you for giving kind words to this girl at this time.

A word of kindness is a seed, which dropped by chance, springs up a flower. A kind word and pleasant voice are gifts easy to give. It is like lighting another man's candle with your own, which loses none of it brilliancy by what the other gains. if all men acted on this principle the world would be much happier than it is.

There's no point getting upset at people who cared enough to reply - take what is relevant, ignore what isn't, and perhaps take a closer look at your own role in this situation.

Ok, I've had a little sleep. I will review and re-think. I apologize if I offended and the intent was truly well-meaning. I am scared, and vulnerable and already getting bashed at work. Really don't need further bashing here. I'm careful for how I speak to others probably because I am very sensitive to hurtful comments.

But will give some thought to these posts.

Thanks again.

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