Radonda Vaught Trial

Nurses General Nursing

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"Fourteen Nashvillians were chosen Monday, March 21, 2022 to sit as a jury in the case of RaDonda Vaught, a former Medical Center nurse charged in the death of a patient. She faces charges of reckless homicide and impaired adult abuse in the 2017 death of Charlene Murphey."

For more on this story, see

Jury chosen in homicide trial of ex-Vanderbilt nurse RaDonda Vaught after fatal drug error

RaDonda Vaught’s Arraignment - Guilty or Not of Reckless Homicide and Patient Abuse?

Tennessee Nurse RaDonda Vaught - Legal Perspectives of Fatal Medication Error

What do you think the verdict should/will be?

Specializes in Inpatient Oncology/Public Health.
2 minutes ago, Anonymous865 said:

I don't know of a transcript.  The 2nd time the board considered the complaint against her, the board meeting was live streamed.  The links to the live stream are here

https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/healthprofboards/nursing/meeting-schedule/Nursing Public Notice July 22-33, 2021.pdf

It was 2 days long.  The first day was testimony.  The 2nd day was the board discussing the case.

Radonda Vaught starts testifying about 3:50 on the first day.

Thanks. Everything I had heard before was that she had given Versed in the past but not the day before. Wow. 

Specializes in Inpatient Oncology/Public Health.
3 hours ago, Hoosier_RN said:

I'm part of a FB nursing group. They are all defending RV, and wringing their hands that all nurses are now going to be fired, sued, and lose their licenses for everything under the sun. When I brought up the points that she being discussed in this thread, I was disregarded as ignorant, although everyone else admitted that they'd never read any of the complaint, etc

I’ve noticed if you express any opinion other than supportive on FB, it goes like this: 

Them: “are you even a nurse? I bet you’ve never worked in a hospital.” 

“Oh so you’re perfect and have never made a single error in your whole career?”

”But what about …” 

It’s a parade of logical fallacies and downright viciousness. And stalking profiles to see if your position is worthy enough to have an opinion. 

46 minutes ago, sistrmoon said:

I’ve noticed if you express any opinion other than supportive on FB, it goes like this: 

Them: “are you even a nurse? I bet you’ve never worked in a hospital.” 

“Oh so you’re perfect and have never made a single error in your whole career?”

”But what about …” 

It’s a parade of logical fallacies and downright viciousness. And stalking profiles to see if your position is worthy enough to have an opinion. 

Yeah I just got called a “paper pusher nurse” and that Karma is going to get me by a complete stranger who can’t even see my profile. Ooooo, so burned.  LMAO! 

Specializes in ER.
3 hours ago, klone said:


It’s driving me CRAZY because I’m currently on a 7-day mute on FB and it’s killing me that I can’t speak up. 

How did that happen? ?

Specializes in Dialysis.
1 hour ago, sistrmoon said:

I’ve noticed if you express any opinion other than supportive on FB, it goes like this: 

Them: “are you even a nurse? I bet you’ve never worked in a hospital.” 

“Oh so you’re perfect and have never made a single error in your whole career?”

”But what about …” 

It’s a parade of logical fallacies and downright viciousness. And stalking profiles to see if your position is worthy enough to have an opinion. 

1 of the idiots who've commented actually works with me, so she knows...

My answer to those who question me online about being a nurse is: anyone who hallucinates that I actually care what they think about me or my nursing practice is in for a bad, shocking reality, especially if I don't know you. I worry about my practice and how I would answer for it in court if I would ever need to. Protecting your precious feelings are definitely not on that menu!

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

My 2 cents. A colleague posted this on FB (I know, I know) but it resonated with me:

"I get nurses backing nurses, but come on y’all! Radonda was criminally negligent, more so than Vanderbilt. She literally accepted 6 override warnings before receiving the medication, and you guys know Versed or midalozam will not give you 6 override warnings. You also have to reconstitute vecuronium and any nurse that has ever given Versed knows that reconstitution is not required. So that was technically another warning for her. Both medications require cardiac monitoring which did not occur. She also stated that she had not administered Versed before that day, but was shown to have administered it to a different patient the previous day. We all make mistakes and she did admit that she screwed up, but she had so many warnings before overriding vecuronium (one of the most important warnings stating that it was a paralytic). She should have also known that Versed or midalozam is not a paralytic. Vanderbilt did not override 6 warnings, reconstitute a drug, and administer said drug with no monitoring. Yeah, I can agree with saying Vanderbilt screwed up in the way they handled the situation. Just my opinion on it after taking a deeper dive into the case."

We have all made mistakes, but this is beyond an "error". 

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
39 minutes ago, Wuzzie said:

Yeah I just got called a “paper pusher nurse” and that Karma is going to get me by a complete stranger who can’t even see my profile. Ooooo, so burned.  LMAO! 

I can't even engage with people on facebook anymore. I just post cute pictures of my daughter. I'm over all of it. LOL

Specializes in ER.
2 minutes ago, Lunah said:

I can't even engage with people on facebook anymore. I just post cute pictures of my daughter. I'm over all of it. LOL

FB is not the place for serious discussion. Great for sharing photos and being supportive of family and friends. 

Now I’m sick and “not transformational”. You can’t make this stuff up!?

5 hours ago, MunoRN said:

... So if a patient gets pulmonary obliterans and dies from Amio that was given for stable Aifib, I should be able to pursue reckless homicide charges against all the nurses who willingly gave the patient Amio?


I don't think that's the correct analogy.  If the patient dies when then nurse intending to give Amio gives Anectine instead, and then walks away...that seems more appropriate example. 

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
12 hours ago, Emergent said:

How did that happen? ?

For me it's usually for describing a violent act I would like to do upon some unnamed hypothetical person. Once I said that I would like to "punch in the throat" nurse managers who make arbitrary rules for their staff without any rhyme or reason. This last time I was talking to my friend in a private group about her psycho manager (also a nurse, weird) and I said I would "cut a ***"

So, yeah. I'm actually not a violent person. Apparently *** nurse managers make me want to commit violence. Anyway, I'm out of the clink as of this evening. Longest week ever.

Specializes in Dialysis.
11 hours ago, Emergent said:

How did that happen? ?

I know you asked klone this, but I recently was out for 14 days for responding to my cousin by saying "do you want me to round house you in the face?" with ??? after the comment. She had asked me if I wanted to go to kickboxing with her. I haven't done kickboxing in about 5 years. TPTB at fb decided I was inciting violence ?

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