puberty talk!

Specialties School


Good morning everyone!

This will be our first year doing "the talk" to your 5th and 6th graders. Would greatly appreciate any tips advice on how to go about this subject. Samples, websites etc. How was your first talk with students?

Thank you

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

Two of our local doc's give the puberty/sex ed talk to our 6th graders (husband/wife couple). They are awesome and really get the kids asking good questions. I do the puberty talk with 4th and 5th grade girls. I use the video and samples from "always changing" which you can get for free from the Proctor and Gamble website. We do Q & A after the video. I was nervous my first year, but actually have a good time with it now. Our counselor comes and helps too. While I'm doing the girls - the 4th grade boys watch a video on hygiene only. I usually give them toothbrushes. The 5th grade boys watch the same "always changing" video (boys version of course) with a male teacher. It all seems to work out well.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

My best advice is to call in sick on the day you're scheduled to do that.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

my advice is to view the video yourself in advance and keep your q& a focused on the content of the video. The discussion can go off course into uncharted waters very easily. Also - keep any q&a short. video, 5-10 minutes of questions (again, focused questions - these are 11 year olds, need i say more??) hand out any samples and get out!! Cue the Mission impossible music!!

Oh, and practice keeping a straight face for when the WHOLE class laughs and freaks out at the part in the video where they go over basic anatomy. I still inwardly chuckle at the uproar when the video bodies grow their pubic hair. I freaking swear i'm going to lose it one day.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

zombieghoast...I see you lurking out there. How are you doing in the world of "real" nursing?

Specializes in 12 years as a school nurse.

I have used P&G's video and free samples every year for the 5th grade. I just showed it today actually! Over the last 5 years I've learned a few things I'm glad to share, maybe you'll find them helpful.

1. Set an anonymous question box with a stack of pink and blue index cards out in the classroom about a week before when I give out the letter (parent permission letter for students to participate and watch the video). I tell them to write any questions regarding puberty, growth and development, or hygiene on their color of card to be used the day of the video. cards are easy to sort by color and you can skip a card if it has a "question we've already answered" (or is inappropriate).

2. Separate boys and girls so they are more comfortable talking/discussing. A male teacher will get more questions and discussion from the boys.

3. Show video, give out more index cards for students to write down more questions that come up while watching the video. I tell them all to write something on their card, even if it's "no questions" so that I can shuffle all the cards at random.

4. Do post-test together, so they are all involved in reading/answering. Then I go through the index card questions and open up additional discussion. Larger classes tend to get louder and more out of control. Classroom teacher usually leaves the room, but one year we had a sub and she stayed- the kids did not get so loud that year. Any questions that are not appropriate I usually skip or say "that's out of the scope of what we're talking about today, you should ask you parent about that".

5. Girls enjoy a hands-on activity by actually opening a pad, panty liner, and tampon together. I show them how to put it on a pair of underwear and we see how many teaspoons of colored water one pad will actually hold.

6. Give out the sample packs, adding to them as your budget allows. I like to give deodorants to all the kids, but this year's girl kits did not have deodorants or pads, so I added those items myself.

I actually really enjoy doing this part of my job. I want the kids to be able to get accurate, factual information from a trusted source. I tell them they can come to me anytime, even once they are in high school with questions or concerns.

Good luck!!

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

My 9 year old is having that puberty talk today at school... it's interesting seeing it from the parent point of view on your child doing that talk that you did in 5th grade.

Specializes in School nursing.

I actually really enjoy doing this part of my job. I want the kids to be able to get accurate, factual information from a trusted source. I tell them they can come to me anytime, even once they are in high school with questions or concerns.

Good luck!!

Me too! Although I teach sex education which comes after puberty in grades 7,8, and 10 in my school. But I do a ton of puberty and anatomy review. I love it, but I've been told I'm weird :).

I use a great curriculum that isn't free, unfortunately, but uses social emotional learning skills to teach the subject. Happy to chat more about it if you'd like.

Specializes in Pediatric.
Specializes in Pediatric.

We do 4th girls, 5th and 6th boys and girls.

The 4th grade video is the old school always video. Not as many details and still enough information. They always ask a TON of questions.

Coach takes boys and I take girls in the upper grades.

We watch the newest Always video. More detailing and information. I give out samples of pads and deodorant. We did how ever remove the tampons from the samples. I do mention them but I always push them to consult a parent before using one. We had a 4th grade girl try it and it turned into a huge deal (prior to me) so I just took them out.

We send letters out a week prior and state they must return in writing if they want their child excused from the class. That way when a child says my parents said I don't have to, I show them the "in writing" form and they don't say much. They will do just about anything to get out of this class !!!

This year only the boys received a free sample of deodorant from P&G, the girls kit only contained the book and coupons for pads. Is this the same for everyone else? It doesn't seem fair!

This year only the boys received a free sample of deodorant from P&G, the girls kit only contained the book and coupons for pads. Is this the same for everyone else? It doesn't seem fair!

Yes! I thought it was unfair too! I busted open the box of pads that came with it and gave all of the girls 2 each, coupon with book, toothbrush and toothpaste and some chocolate in a little baggie.

oops now it doesn't seem fair to the boys....

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