Well sorta...I just recently passed my boards after a year! I guess my question is have any of you after getting your license, started on a tele floor? And will I have difficulty adjusting to this...
When dealing with a person who had OCD and is doing his/her rituals, do you interupt them? or let them continue? In clinicals, they taught us to kinda distract them or limit them. But on some of the...
I took the NCLEx this morning...The computer stopped at 97! Such an odd number! I'm really worried though, a lot of people on this forum pass with 75, 105, 120, 265...But 97?!?! Wish me luck everyone!...
Ok, So I recently sent in my $75 reapplication fee, and usually I'll get a big packet on how to sign up to retake the NCLEx again! But this time I didn't! So I called the BRN, theguy that i talked to...
I also failed the NCLEX with 265 questions TWICE! I know how you feel man...Good luck on your next test! I'm in San Diego too, and next time I might go to Anaheim to take my test. I don't want to take...
How would you guys answer disaster questions? Would you go to the person who is life threatening? Or the person who has a chance to survive? I took Kaplan and they said "the greater good for the...
FAILED! I feel like crap right now! This was the second time too! The first time was at 75 questions, and now at 265! I guess the only good thing that came out of it is that I am near the passing...
My friend finished about 45-60 minutes before me...I just thought it was a priority question cause these machines were hooked up to patients, and could cause life threatening complications. But...
My test center was pretty busy, everytime some finished, the seat was immedietly taken. My friend from school and I took it at the same time. He found out already. Out of everyone in my class that...
Hi...I have also been waiting! It has been 1 week and 3 days for me! I know it doesn't matter, but how many questions did you get? Well, I hope we both pass, good
The first time I took the NCLEx, I got a letter 2 weeks later saying I failed. Do you think I still need to call them to make sure if anything is missing? If they sent me a failing letter the first...
My state (California) does not participate in the quick results. Has anyone on here, found out that they passed by mail? instead of finding out on the BRN
Ok, so my friend that I took the NCLEx with ended at 200 and I ended at 265. We both took it the same time, same place, and same day. His name showed up on the BRN website, and mine didn't! Is that a...