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All Content by WannaBeNrse

  1. Hi there, I am finally actually almost done with my ADN Program (graduating in December :)) and am wondering about the next step. I knew right from the start that I want to go on to get my BSN...
  2. Hi all, I am looking at different schools and was wondering if it will make a difference to employers in the future where I get my MSN. I noticed that traditional universities have quite strict...
  3. Hello, I am thinking about going back to school, and from what I've seen and read, WGU seems to be the most efficient and cost-effective way to go. Is there anyone here who has gone through the 38 CU...
  4. Hi, I am still fairly new to psych nursing (a little over a year now), and I really LOVE what I do. But, every time I am taking care of a highly delusional patient, I find myself wondering how to...
  5. Safe staffing levels

    Wow.... those ratios are scary. We have a 1:4 ratio, and one psych aide (small unit). I could not imagine being the only RN for 16 psychotic and/or suicidal
  6. Why choose Psych Nursing?

    Hi there :) I'm an INFP ;-) I actually found myself in the same dilemma when I decided to go back to school six years ago. I was always drawn to psychology and/or social work - but with two little...
  7. Hi, I am about 7 weeks away from being officially a nursing student :-) My program starts on January 12, 2009. We had an orientation last week, and were told to get a stethoscope, and that "you can...
  8. CMA posing as nurse...?

    Hi, I have a question: Is it legal for a CMA to pose as a nurse and give medical advice? I called the clinic here this a.m., because I have a fever & sore throat, and the clinic's receptionist,...
  9. Hi, I need some advise. I just passed my Boards and will start my new job as an RN on med/surg in a small hospital on Monday. And I also just found out that I am pregnant. Probably around 6 weeks or...
  10. Brand new license, brand new job, and pregnant...

    Thank you girls sooo much for your replies. I think you are all right, I should probably not jump the gun and tell them right away, especially since I haven't even been to the doctor yet. But I am...
  11. Brand new license, brand new job, and pregnant...

    That's what I'd like to do since it is not even DR. confirmed yet- but what if they assign me to patients with CMV or radiation implants or whatever else may harm my
  12. Virtual ATI is a great program- if you follow you're coach's recommendations and wait for the green light, your chance of passing should be excellent. The VATI predictor is very difficult. I scored...
  13. HELP w/SATA question??

    Hmm, I'd say 2,3,4,5,7. He's in resp. acidosis, and yes I also read this as respiratory distress... the PaO2 is really
  14. Prioritizing.... O2 vs. sitting up

    Thank you all. Now that you put it that way.....I agree that sitting up should be the FIRST intervention. These tests really make you second-guess the simplest
  15. Hi, I came across a question today that was about coming to a pediatric asthma patient's room and finding him dyspneic.... the two answer choices I was torn between were "position in high fowler's" or...
  16. nclex pn...nervous!!!

    Here in MN we can see the results on the BON website the very next morning... I feel really bad for those poor Cali nurses that have to wait it out for six
  17. Hi there, is anyone else here using VATI for NCLEX (RN) prep? Our school made us buy it and I do think it's a good program because it helps me structure my reviews, but HOLY COW those initial...
  18. Bad Interview?

    Hi, I had my first interview for an RN position yesterday (I am graduating next week). First of all, I arrived 10 min. early, but they kept me waiting 15 minutes past the scheduled time (so 25 minutes...
  19. Hi, I was just wondering if this happened to anyone else- I took nclex-pn on tuesday, and according to the BON web site, my license was issued this morning :) Now the sad thing is, the DON at my work...
  20. VBAC: new insights

    Hi, I just wanna add to that, according to the international cesarean awareness network (www.ican.org), the risk of a uterine rupture for a woman with a low transverse incision is 0.87%. Now compare...
  21. Hi, I took the nclex-PN yesterday.... the pearsonvue web site still says "your results are not available at this time", but as of this morning, my application status on the MN board of nursing site...
  22. Well it doesn't say anything about a license yet- all it says is "application status: Passed exam 12/29/2009"; yesterday, it did not say that yet. still says nothing under
  23. @Jessicuy: You'll know your results the same day
  24. When can I apply for jobs?

    Hi, I will be done with the LPN program in mid-December, and I hope to take my boards shortly after Christmas (or before if possible....but I don't think it will go this fast). So when should I start...
  25. How Will Universal Health Care Change Nursing?

    Universal healthcare means less cost, more choices, and better care and outcomes for everybody. If you don't believe this, do some research regarding different healthcare systems. No system is as...