Published Dec 30, 2009
110 Posts
I took the nclex-PN yesterday.... the pearsonvue web site still says "your results are not available at this time", but as of this morning, my application status on the MN board of nursing site says "Passed exam 12/29/2009"...... soooo, can I trust this? Or do I have to wait for pearson to have my results up before I can be sure?
I had 85 questions with TONS of SATA, pharmacology, infection control, and prioritizing.
Thanks :)
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Pearsonvue are unofficial results if your name and license number is on your BON website then you should trust that. Pearsonvue will not release results until 48 hours has passed many times we see states release results before that.
14,633 Posts
It's the BON that actually issues you your license -- if they say you passed and have a license, that's what counts!
Well it doesn't say anything about a license yet- all it says is "application status: Passed exam 12/29/2009"; yesterday, it did not say that yet. still says nothing under license
If it states passed then you have passed.
258 Posts
You passed dear. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
112 Posts
Wohoo........ as long as you have a licence number with your name and Registered nurse, you are good to go and can apply for a job. Congratulations my dear.
154 Posts
congratulations !!!!! Woo-hoo !!!! Now that's how you end theyear.....celebrate!!celebrate!! Please be safe...........
64 Posts
:ancong!::beer::hpygrp: We believe you passed
87 Posts
431 Posts
Hi,I took the nclex-PN yesterday.... the pearsonvue web site still says "your results are not available at this time", but as of this morning, my application status on the MN board of nursing site says "Passed exam 12/29/2009"...... soooo, can I trust this? Or do I have to wait for pearson to have my results up before I can be sure?I had 85 questions with TONS of SATA, pharmacology, infection control, and prioritizing.Thanks :)
Congrats, you PASSED!! :dncgbby: