President Biden thread


Wow.  No one has started such a thread yet?

After promising that most K-8 students would be in schools in the first 100 days,  apparently Joe is afraid to lead on this and has drastically scaled back that goal.

Instead, we're shooting for about half to go to school at least one day a week,  by the end of April.


Oh, what do ya know?  There are actions Biden can take without legislation.   

'Biden administration officials are readying to publish a new rule to more rapidly reject some migrants from asylum soon after crossing the border, Axios has learned."

Specializes in Hospice.
Beerman said:

Oh, what do ya know?  There are actions Biden can take without legislation.   

'Biden administration officials are readying to publish a new rule to more rapidly reject some migrants from asylum soon after crossing the border, Axios has learned."

I thought the big no-no was illegal entry. When did requesting asylum become illegal entry?

Try again.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
heron said:

I thought the big no-no was illegal entry. When did requesting asylum become illegal entry?

Try again.

I suspect that the issue is immigration, in general, for many Trump supporters.  

Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.
toomuchbaloney said:

I suspect that the issue is immigration, in general, for many Trump supporters.  

Nah. Trump supporters believe there is good people on both sides of the boarder. 


Specializes in Public Health, TB.
toomuchbaloney said:

I suspect that the issue is immigration, in general, for many Trump supporters.  

More specifically, the issue is brown immigration. I don't hear peep from Trump supporters about the quarter of a million of Ukrainian refugees. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:

Nah. Trump supporters believe there is good people on both sides of the boarder. 


Really?  That must be why he said that the southern border immigrants are criminals. Or, maybe you forgot what Trump has actually said and conflate Trump's idea of good people on both sides of the racist divide intentionally.  

Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.
nursej22 said:

More specifically, the issue is brown immigration. I don't hear peep from Trump supporters about the quarter of a million of Ukrainian refugees. 

Probably because they are actual refugees in the midst of an actual war? 

Do you think all Ukrainians are not "brown"? This is what happens when all you see is color. Not all Ukrainians are white. 

And not all Mexicans are "brown" to use your terminology.  

Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.
toomuchbaloney said:

Really?  That must be why he said that the southern border immigrants are criminals. Or, maybe you forgot what Trump has actually said and conflate Trump's idea of good people on both sides of the racist divide intentionally.  

Hmmm? Are people who smuggle drugs and child sex trafickers that "immigrate" to the US are not criminals? Do they tend to go through the proper legal immigration process? The child sex traffickers go to the points of entry to claim asylum? Legally? Loool 😆 😆 

Almost every criminal crosses the boarder illegally. And if they are not criminals they become so when the first thing they do is commit a crime. You are a stickler for details and a strick arbitration of words. 

Yes perhaps I should have been more clear and included the full contexts of what Trump really said. I'll adapt for the current context. 

" There are very fine people on both sides of the boarder.  Except for the criminals and rapist, they should be condemed totally"...  Same for the neo nazis and white supremist.  

Wow, I was almost let back into the Democrat party with my incomplete missing context statement.... thanks for calling it out. 


Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
Crusades said:

Hmmm? Are people who smuggle drugs and child sex trafickers that "immigrate" to the US are not criminals? Do they tend to go through the proper legal immigration process? The child sex traffickers go to the points of entry to claim asylum? Legally? Loool 😆 😆 

Almost every criminal crosses the boarder illegally. And if they are not criminals they become so when the first thing they do is commit a crime. You are a stickler for details and a strick arbitration of words. 

Yes perhaps I should have been more clear and included the full contexts of what Trump really said. I'll adapt for the current context. 

" There are very fine people on both sides of the boarder.  Except for the criminals and rapist, they should be condemed totally"...  Same for the neo nazis and white supremist.  

Wow, I was almost let back into the Democrat party with my incomplete missing context statement.... thanks for calling it out. 


What?  What you have in quotes makes no sense.  And it's the b o r d e r.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:

Hmmm? Are people who smuggle drugs and child sex trafickers that "immigrate" to the US are not criminals? Do they tend to go through the proper legal immigration process? The child sex traffickers go to the points of entry to claim asylum? Legally? Loool 😆 😆 

Almost every criminal crosses the boarder illegally. And if they are not criminals they become so when the first thing they do is commit a crime. You are a stickler for details and a strick arbitration of words. 

Yes perhaps I should have been more clear and included the full contexts of what Trump really said. I'll adapt for the current context. 

" There are very fine people on both sides of the boarder.  Except for the criminals and rapist, they should be condemed totally"...  Same for the neo nazis and white supremist.  

Wow, I was almost let back into the Democrat party with my incomplete missing context statement.... thanks for calling it out. 



That almost made sense.  It has nothing to do with Biden but I bet you feel like you made some kind of a point.  

Meanwhile, Biden is actually willing to find common ground on the topic of immigration and border control while your candidate preferred to maintain chaos.  

Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.
toomuchbaloney said:


That almost made sense.  It has nothing to do with Biden but I bet you feel like you made some kind of a point.  

Meanwhile, Biden is actually willing to find common ground on the topic of immigration and border control while your candidate preferred to maintain chaos.  

Pretty sure the current dumpsterfire at the border is under Biden. 

And the democrats are enraged Biden called an illegal alien an illegal alien. 

So that explains some things....


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:

Pretty sure the current dumpsterfire at the border is under Biden. 

And the democrats are enraged Biden called an illegal alien an illegal alien. 

So that explains some things....


Good for you for knowing that Biden is president.  Too bad you don't know that the president was willing to sign bipartisan and sweeping border/ immigration reform and Trump preferred the dumpster fire. 

Enraged... hahaha 

It's easy to slip into the ugly language of conservatives, it gets repeated so often we sort of get used to it.  It happens to everyone from time to time if we aren't very careful.  

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