had an uncomfortable situation in pre op. anyone else experienced this. I was recently transferred to pre op. i am not a young nurse so thought i could handle everything. recently had a high anxiety patient who was treated with kid gloves. spouse was allowed in pre op and even in recovery when he woke up. he was there for inguinal hernia surgery. i went into his room and explained that i had to shave his pubic area. he asked why when the incision was way above that area. they were both very nice people but do not like spouses in the room during pre op. i explained that i would be shaving his pubic are and then taping his penis to the opposite side. he was fine with that. i then asked his wife to step out of the room and he told me no she is staying. I was taken aback and said to him i just want you to be comfortable. he stated he was comfortable with his wife there and then his wife said seems to me the only one uncomfortable here is you. went to my charge nurse and told her i was not comfortable touching a males genitals with his wife there. she went in and told them they would shave him in the or. they just shook their heads but were fine. like i said they were very niv=ce people. is there something wrong with me that i am not comfortable touching male genitals with the spouse present. i am supposed to be a professional and this time made me feel like i cant handle it. any advise would be appreciated