** I Did It **

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Whoo Hoo!!! I can't believe it! I passed the last hurdle and am now a nursing student! I start Jan 9.

I left the lab exam tonight almost in tears. I felt for sure that I had failed. I felt that way from almost the start of the test.

Instructor told us to come back in an hour if we wanted to know our results.

That was an hour form h*ll, let me tell you. I started looking up alternate careers online while i was waiting I was so sure that I had bombed the lab exam.

Imagine my shock when I went in, sure to be told I failed the exam and as a result the course. (lecture + lab in one grade)

I made an 81% on the exam. You could have knocked me over with a feather. There was so much I didn't know. Almost 3/4 of the exam was fill in the blank. UGH!!! After my 68% on the lecture final the other day, I just knew it was all over with tonight, I felt worse leaving this lab exam than I did leaving the final.

So.....ended up that I am 1 point short of a B for the course but I'll take that C+ with a huge smile. (I'll probably retake the course in a 6 week summer session to bring up the C for my GPA)

I couldn't stop smiling on the way out of school and I screamed with joy and happiness in the car while driving home.

I DID IT!!!!!!! Yippee!!! I can't believe I pulled it off, coming back from failing at the end of the course. I am so happy and excited!

Thank you all again! I can't tell you how blessed I am by your support, encouragement and prayers.

My first husband told me that my GED didn't count since I didn't go to High School in America.....talk about not having support, I know all about it. Needless to say I divorced that jerk and never regrettet it :chuckle

Keep driving forward and keep in touch with your friends on this board :) The 15 year old is going through puberty so don't take what she says to heart, she'll grow up eventually. My son was not easy to deal with at that age and now that he is going on 22 and not living with me anymore he has changed. He calls and is all sweet:chuckle misses his mom and is probably sorry but of course won't say that!

Kinda funny about the GED. I quit high school in the last half of my senior year (quite a dumb move...long story) I was married very young to my first husband whenI got my GED certificate in the mail (looked like a regular diploma.) His first words were: "What are you gonna do with THAT? Hang it on the wall?" very sarcastically.

This from a guy who did manage to graduate high school somehow, but still, after 17 years of knowing me can not spell my name......or much else for that matter. :angryfire

These teens are gonna be the death of me, let me tell you - we have 17.5yo boy, 16yo boy, 15yo girl, and 14yo girl for teens here. What is that saying? That which does not kill you makes you stronger? :rotfl:

Kinda funny about the GED. I quit high school in the last half of my senior year (quite a dumb move...long story) I was married very young to my first husband whenI got my GED certificate in the mail (looked like a regular diploma.) His first words were: "What are you gonna do with THAT? Hang it on the wall?" very sarcastically.

This from a guy who did manage to graduate high school somehow, but still, after 17 years of knowing me can not spell my name......or much else for that matter. :angryfire

These teens are gonna be the death of me, let me tell you - we have 17.5yo boy, 16yo boy, 15yo girl, and 14yo girl for teens here. What is that saying? That which does not kill you makes you stronger? :rotfl:

Get earplugs :rotfl: or better yet, those fuzzy earmuffs :rotfl: :rotfl: and tune them out!

How do you do it with all those kids?????? You deserve a medal!

My ex couldn't spell either....hhmmm makes you scratch your head!

My "new" ( married 12 years) can't spell either but has a genius math brain:)

At least he is supportive of me and wouldn't think of saying something stupid like that! Those kids will grow up eventually, I am 46 and have a 7 year old to tend to. Will I ever go to nursing school???? At least you know that you are going.....keep up the good work

These teens are gonna be the death of me, let me tell you - we have 17.5yo boy, 16yo boy, 15yo girl, and 14yo girl for teens here. What is that saying? That which does not kill you makes you stronger? :rotfl:
I'd say so! You had a really busy spell there!! LOL The teen years are so fun! Our kids are more spread out and for a while there I wondered what the heck I was doing -- dealing with the older or younger ones one at a time would have seemed somehow a lot easier (but not really lol). My teens are a 19 yo son and an 18-tomorrow daughter! Then there is my 11 year old daughter at the threshold and my 7 yo son not there yet! It's getting a bit easier for the time being!

So ..... you have accomplished something REALLY BIG and don't ever let anyone, even your family, diminish it!

Well my ride's here so I have to skeedaddle!! Rejoice in your accomplishment!! You deserve it! xo

Specializes in Geriatrics.


36_1_55.gif welcome to the wonderful world of nursing school!! 36_1_40.gif

good luck to ya!!!

My 15yo daughter asked me what grade I got on my lecture final and I told her a 68 - she says sarcastically "wow, a 68%, thats something to be proud of." (she's a type A, pefectionist - straight A and nothing else is acceptable student, but still - it was very rude.) To me, that was something to be proud of considering all of the circumstances! :angryfire

haha, i was so happy when i saw my 65, i was like, everyones like, oh i see. at least it made me happy to get :chuckle

Thanks everybody! I am so excited - a little scared too!

I appreciate you all and these forums. My husband was like "good, I told you that you could do it." and then went back to doing what he was doing.

I wanted a big hug and a little bit of a happy celebration. :o

My 15yo daughter asked me what grade I got on my lecture final and I told her a 68 - she says sarcastically "wow, a 68%, thats something to be proud of." (she's a type A, pefectionist - straight A and nothing else is acceptable student, but still - it was very rude.) To me, that was something to be proud of considering all of the circumstances! :angryfire

So, I don't have a lot of support, and I guess maybe to someone who hasn't been through what I've been through this past semester along with having to succeed in school and all of that pressure wouldn't realize that I feel like I've actually accomplished something "big."

I don't know, I guess I expected more of a positive reaction from my family.

(Actually my 8yo daughter did jump up and down and scream in happiness for me, so thats something!)

Anyhow, y'all sure understand here! Thanks again.

Now, I get to go shopping! Shoes, stethescopes, uniforms (yuck - I think we have to wear that pepto bismal pink color BLECH!), PDA, supplies......FUN! :)

You'll be pretty in pepto-pink :rotfl:

Specializes in Urgent Care.

Congratulations, you did it!! :)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Awesome! Congratulations!

congrats, I dont know how you did it. The fun is just beginning. My 20 year old still gets jealous of the time i spend studying dont let the 15yr old get ya down. Good luck in nursing school.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

congratulations!:balloons: :balloons:

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