Posting your Exam Grades on Facebook

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Does anyone find this really annoying? I'm usually private about my grades unless a good friend of mine from class asks me..... Does the whole world need to know? This is how the posts usually look. A&P 93%... just weird to me.. anyone else feel the same?

I'm happy for people when they do well, and i try to focus on my own self... most of the time i do ignore it... i took it as a bragging type of thing.. now i realize that it may not be the case for everyone posting... never thought of it that way....

Specializes in CNA/LPN.

I always post my grades on Facebook, but not obsessively, but throughout the term - and usually only for finals, projects, or overall grade. I usually only do it when I'm truly surprised. Like the fact that I made a 100% on my Math pre-req final? I was so shocked, and I wanted to boast just a tad, and let those who do care, know my progress and accomplishments.

Now, this may sound bad, but I'm honest on here - there are a few "friends" on my Facebook who are completely envious of me pursuing a career in Nursing, whether it be they are not sure what they want for their future, they messed up their academic standing/financial aid, etc, etc, etc. (one of those in particular is a family member) - I sometimes have a bit more of a reason I post my grades, hoping they take note of my progress, considering I know they have doubts of me in their little heads. I didn't care in high school, not even near as much as I should have, and they knew this...I think I have the right to comment/show here and there on my changed priorities/view of importance these days, just because. :clown:

mabye i'll start doing it now! i'm thinking i shouldn't have started this thread... oh well.

Specializes in CNA/LPN.
mabye i'll start doing it now! i'm thinking i shouldn't have started this thread... oh well.

No need in thinking that. I was glad to get insight on how it may be seen as bragging. I see some friends do it here and there, and I'm almost more than positive if I was taking the same class as a friend and they were boasting on their grades, while I am having a hard time in that area, I'd definitely see it in a different light, but I don't have any Nursing Student friends on my Facebook yet, but I can still see that side and just imagine how annoying it can truly get. I'm glad you started this thread, because next time, I'll think more about how I word something along these lines, or evaluate if it's worth posting, if it may come off as bragging too much, too often, etc. :)

I am afraid someone is going to get killed bc they share to much info on fb, some will get killed because of their grades ( jealousy can take over the mind sometimes) . So many straight A students have been killed. This doesn't happen only in movies, it's all over the news especially where I live.

I am afraid someone is going to get killed bc they share to much info on fb, some will get killed because of their grades ( jealousy can take over the mind sometimes) . So many straight A students have been killed. This doesn't happen only in movies, it's all over the news especially where I live.

point taken.

Specializes in cardiac-telemetry, hospice, ICU.

I think the world is becoming populated by facebook addicts

I don't generally post grades - maybe a comment that a test went well or that it was a nightmare.

However, even if I did - I am very selective on who I friend on facebook. I only have 1/2 dozen of my classmates on facebook because it is how I keep in touch with family and close friends who are too far for regular contact. I don't subscribe to the trend of friending every friend of a friend of your aunt's hairdresser's nephew.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I don't really see any issue. It seems in many things people feel that others shouldn't speak about the good things. They think it's bragging, or find it annoying if they are struggling. (not saying you specifically but something I see posted all the time). Like those doing well need to hide it because it might hurt the feelings of someone not doing well.

I have never understood this and I don't think I ever will. Just to use this topic as an example, someone posting it on THEIR facebook, they are excited and want to share. If someone doesn't want to see they can block them, or hide their posts. But that person shouldn't have to keep quiet because someone else might have done bad. They deserve their glory.

Now if Poster A was posting how bummed they were because they got a 42% and Poster B comes and comments on their post "That sucks, I got a 99%, GO ME!" Then yes, I can see the issue and I would say this is tacky and rude.

But Poster B should be able to make that comment on their own FB without having to feel bad about it. (I got a 99% GO ME part)

Another common theme I see on these boards if those getting "annoyed" by those posting they have jobs. Or if the person is venting about their job they get comments about how they should be lucky they even have a job and how so and so would cut off a arm and sell a kid to have that same job. Blah blah blah.

Again, I say BS to this. Everyone has the right to vent, brag and what not without being scolded for doing so.

BUT they should do so in their own "space" not go into other peoples vents or brags to make them feel bad. If that makes sense.

People should be more willing to be happy for others instead of always trying to make them feel bad. IMO

I see people putting down others for being attractive. Not the attractive person with an ugly personality. It all comes down to peoples own insecurities and that's something they need to learn to deal with and not take it out on the other person.

I do it sometimes. Especially when I do well on a test--I did well so I want to put it out there.

Nope. I'm only usually annoyed by things that affect me. Someone being happy about their grade and posting it on Facebook would not bother me one bit. Shout it from the mountain top, take out billboard ads if you want to.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Academics.

Don't be afraid of your own and others' accomplishments and be supportive when others don't do as well as they wanted to.


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