Published Jul 10, 2009
5,758 Posts
Every once I post a second hand story that I just got to talk about even while I have a hard time believing it. This one is about a manager that suspected an employee of meeting with a person on work hours for a romantic liaison. The manager wanted to follow this person and catch him "flagrante delicto", AND the manager wanted my friend to come along as a witness. My friend said, "NO, that isn't in my job description!" I accused this friend of pulling my leg. They insist it really happened.:icon_roll
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
With all of the crazy things I have seen happen at my job, I guess I can believe it. People amaze me, they don't have enough to do, so they create nonsense.
Otessa, BSN, RN
1,601 Posts
I believe it. There have been stranger happenings over my 22 year career in healthcare......
931 Posts
You would think that this doesn't happen, but sadly it really does, my spouse has been asked to go with a supervisor to catch someone who they thought was sleeping through most of the night shift. Certainly would not be something I would want to do.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
LOL - in this day and age, most supervisors try to avoid getting into any type of "he said - she said" situations where it's just their word that an infraction has been committed. So they frequently ask for a witness. I swear, some times you just feel the need for another person because you can't believe what you're seeing and need someone else to witness it!!!
Truth is often MUCH stranger than fiction -- and common sense really isn't. I have been privy to a lot of really strange workplace behavior over the years. Honest-to-G examples: CNA Sleeping on the job - tucked in nice and comfy in an empty room; staff episodes of "gettin busy" - in all sorts of strange places, including a supply closet (red faces all round); staff chowing down on diverted patient trays. . . . Hey, it makes for some great 'war stories'.
146 Posts
I totally believe it. In fact on my relatively tame unit I know of a couple of rumors going around about coworkers getting it on, and they are believable enough for me to cast some doubts.
370 Posts
I believe it. When I was orienting in my current supervisor job, I was told several times by different supervisors to always have a witness when you suspect something as major as sleeping, inebriation, or even canoodling on the job. If not, everything is based on your word alone and the he-said, she-said arguments begin.
Baloney Amputation, BSN, LPN, RN
1,130 Posts
I have been on the receiving end of this nonsense where it was known about us being in a bar on a date, etc., and then reported to us by management the next day, even though our managers had not been to the bar. (These were NOT working hours, either, when we were spotted together.) Despite what I suspect was that job's management's best efforts, my husband and I, who were lateral employees, not boss/subordinate, are soon to celebrate our 6-year anniversary.
ETA: We were acutely aware of this going on when we were on our off hours, so we were very careful to never be in the med room together with the door closed or anything that would cause people to "talk" more than they were. Needless to say, paws and smoochies were OFF during work, but we would kiss goodbye after we were married.
258 Posts
Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up.....
At the large academic hospital that i work at downtown Chicago, there was a similar story.
We heard the residents one morning snickering over some meeting they had earlier. Apparently the whole new group of residents were lectured about 'inappropriate conduct on campus' as there was a couple (2 residents/docs) caught having sex in the hospital chapel in the wee morning hours when they thought they were 'alone'. This particular chapel has a security video camera on 24/7......
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
having had the unfortunate experience of walking in on the director of nursing with the medical director of the er in flagrente, i sincerely wish i'd had a witness. (actually there were plenty of witnesses, but they were all pretty hard to pin down since most of them were merely passing strangers.) when the story started to circulate, i wished fervently i'd had someone with me to tell my side of the story!
i've seen patients going at with their spouses, with a prostitute and in one case, someone else's spouse. i've had nurses admit to me (while drinking) that they'd gotten it on with patients or with the spouses of patients. i've seen the aftermath of physicians (married) and nurses being caught in supply rooms or "empty" offices. i've seen two nurses who were married to other people taking their breaks in an empty on call room. (two divorces, one remarriage and then they were interviewed in the hospital newsletter on valentine's day because it was "so romantic" that they "found each other at work." i'm thinking it would be more romantic if they'd both been single when they found each other!)
the truth is so strange we don't need to make things up!
681 Posts
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The ones I have trouble believing are the ilk of "Fired for NO Reason." There was some reason, and we can argue whether it was a good reason, but there was some reason.
Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up.....At the large academic hospital that i work at downtown Chicago, there was a similar story.We heard the residents one morning snickering over some meeting they had earlier. Apparently the whole new group of residents were lectured about 'inappropriate conduct on campus' as there was a couple (2 residents/docs) caught having sex in the hospital chapel in the wee morning hours when they thought they were 'alone'. This particular chapel has a security video camera on 24/7......
I'll bet the people monitoring the cameras didn't report it till the show was over.