Published Oct 27, 2018
23 Posts
Im wondering if anyone else at other facilities is crossing this issue. Fall risk patients insisting on privacy in the bathroom and falling in the process. If a patient insists we cannot enter the bathroom and they fall where is the liability and can we insist we have to come in no matter what. Even when the door is cracked and we are right there it doesn't guarantee they won't fall. My patient insisted I leave the bathroom I instructed him to not get up I'd be at the door and I was with the door cracked open he kept telling me he needed privacy and didn't want me to look at him while in the bathroom even though I explained the policy and risk. Of course he ended up falling but luckily didn't get hurt. My manager told me in the future I can't leave the bathroom even if they insist. My question is where is the line with patient rights and what is the policy at your facility. Thanks!
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,186 Posts
In my practice with bulimic girls I have found that they often ask for bathroom privacy. We can't actually stop them from purging but the theory is they won't if we are watching. Still patient's Rights says we have to afford them bathroom privacy so we let them go in and they have to sing a song while they are in there. Let's see Davey do one with that?
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
pressure sensing alarm on toilet seat. and make sure they are deemed competent..
2,221 Posts
Patients have a right to their privacy. Document proper education given re: fall risk, benefit vs risk of having assist, patient refusal to have assist, etc. Nothing else you can do if they refuse. I don't think you can stay in the BR after they refuse unless your facility has a policy, have you checked that?
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
"My manager told me in the future I can't leave the bathroom even if they insist." You have been directed by management. Review the facility policy for yourself.
1,592 Posts
I don't leave them alone. They are a fall risk. If they were to fall and hit their head in the bathroom, that could have serious consequences for their health.
I explain it's for their safety. Their safety outweighs their embarrassment.
perhaps we are looking at this wrong, perhaps we need to make BRs safer.
746 Posts
pressure sensing alarm on toilet seat.
I had no idea these were a thing. Do they work well?
7,736 Posts
Can you engage the help of family/POA? It won't hurt if they know in advance that the pt is refusing because of the risk of pt safety.
Daisy Joyce
264 Posts
Some people can't go if they're being watched.
I confess. I'm one of these.
Pepper The Cat, BSN, RN
1,787 Posts
Yep, this is me!!