Passed My Drug Screen!!!


Has anyone ever gone through the same nightmare as me (see "failed my drug screen) ??? Whew.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

congratulations. and no, I have yet to go thru your nightmare. I am sorry you endured all that.

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU, Psych, Med-surg...etc....

Great news! Glad it all worked out! :balloons:

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

Oh I am so glad for you!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) Thanks for the update, I was wondering about you!

AWWWW, now my agency rep tells me I did not complete yet another competency quiz, nor did they obtain references. Now lookee here...this should have been THEIR responsibility when I came in and spent 4.5 hours filling out their paperwork, signing on the dotted line, had my blood drawn, submitted just about every body fluid I could, had them climb up my rectum with a microscope on a background check etc. Now, tomorrow, day 62 of being out of work, I must go back in to the registry office, after returning from the east coast for 2 weeks famously jet lagged, driving 2 hours both ways to visit my Mom in the ICU and take care of my Dad, and trying to unpack in between. How much horse crap am I suppose to take to complete the occasional 8 hour shift for 34 bucks an hour? So, again, tomorrow I drag my weary orifice 30 miles away to sit and take some goofy RN competency test, provide references and give them hard copies of all the testing I have completed during this time. Is it me or am I jinxed? Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut...(see I got canned)

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

In 1996 my doctor gave me a RX for Tranzene, which is to help me with the trauma of working through this rough Texas weather. So from time to time I need to take one . A couple of years ago (2001-2002) I had to take a drug screen , I failed. Tranzene apparently says in your system months. The label had worn off and the doctor moved...I had to track the doctor down and get my medical records....Horrible Horrible.. Glad things worked out for you!!!!:uhoh3: :imbar

txspadequeen921 does your husband have a ponytail and is he in nursing school?

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

Nope , no pony tail. My husband is a Engineering student, he says nursing consist of to much drama. Why do you ask?

txspadequeen921 does your husband have a ponytail and is he in nursing school?
Specializes in Medical.

Haunted, I'm starting to think that Satan really did vomit on your doorstep! I'd like to say that things can only get better, but that doesn't seem to have been the case thus far... However, in the end what goes aound comes around, which means that you will win the lottery, and get to fire all those who have wronged you. Wait, how come you get to live my fantasy revenge scenario?!

This whole thread is a joke, right?

If you take something you know will show up on a drug screen, you either put off the drug screen or make sure you can back it up with a prescription.

If you can't back it up with a scrip, maybe you shouldn't be taking something that isn't prescribed for you? (Strictly speaking, isn't that abuse? If you need it, and you have it, you can't call your doc, tell him you've got the stuff, ask if it's OK to take--or pick up a new scrip you'll never fill--and there's your documentation?)

Who goes to a drug screen, knowing they can't pass it, without a means of backing up what they know is going to be the result?

Good luck, glad you passed, hope things improve for you. Cannot imagine how you could be an unemployed nurse for 62+ days, although I do hear they are closing hospitals out there, I also hear that they are being reopened with community support when the need (always known to nurses) was demonstrated. Check out the Long Beach area....

In 1996 my doctor gave me a RX for Tranzene, which is to help me with the trauma of working through this rough Texas weather. So from time to time I need to take one . A couple of years ago (2001-2002) I had to take a drug screen , I failed. Tranzene apparently says in your system months. The label had worn off and the doctor moved...I had to track the doctor down and get my medical records....Horrible Horrible.. Glad things worked out for you!!!!:uhoh3: :imbar

I searched every web site I could find about how long meds stay in your system and even Tranxene is flushed in about 10 days. The only quantatative screen would be a hair test, which is rarely done. I was also an idiot in giving them my first sample of the day. Always give a sample late in the day, drink plenty of fluids including cranberry juice and give mid stream catch. This was a 10 panel which was looking for metabolites. Look in your PDR for the half flife of drugs, that should give you an idea of your time frame. Just an FYI. Also, the super flush products are pretty good, although expensive. Lot's of ways to pass your test. I just had a false positive and , while I don't condone self medication, it happens.

I've never been drug tested. The only folks I know who have are on this board.

Must still be an East Coast thing. We don't drug test employees around here anymore.

Oh...unless you are going into corrections. Which I guess I could see.


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