Pasadena city college nursing school

U.S.A. California


I was looking at the PCC nursing school brochure and it said that upon acceptance of nursing school, they take the grade point average of the required prerequisite courses only. Does this mean that every other class that I took and received a grade for has no effect on their decision to accept me or not? Thank you very much

I got a letter from Citrus already too. I got accepted into their program. I had a 4.0 in my sciences so maybe thats why if what you say is true. Im going to the orientation and everything, but I would prefer to go to pcc if accepted. Good luck to you all.....

Specializes in Ambulatory.

KarmaRene - Congrats on your acceptance into Citrus! Perhaps you had a higher overall GPA than me or something, but I don't think having a 4.0 science GPA alone will "guarantee" one's acceptance anymore. My science GPA is 4.0 and I obviously wasn't selected. Maybe I'm biased because I got into a couple CSU BSN programs. But I feel like right now, it's harder to get into community college nursing programs than CSU nursing programs.


I completely agree with you!!! I'm sure my science GPA didnt "seal the deal" for me. Im sure its because of my overall GPA and the fact that I dont need any additional classes. Im actually BSN ready after this spring semester. Plus, the fact that I am an LVN already. So, Im sure that helped tilt the scales in my favor! I just hope that their program is just as good if I dont get into PCC. I just want to get this over already. He he he, Best of luck!!

Hello Everyone.

I applied to PCC too and heard through the grapevine that they received 600 applications. FYI I've been applying for three semesters and still no response. I was an alternate last semester but, didn't make the cut. I have an "A" on both my physiology classes and "B" on micro and english. I guess my grades are not high enough:( I'm contemplating retaking my english class. I know that besides grades, the selecting committee needs to take into consideration the students age, gender and ethnic background.. They need to comply with a city/state mandated protocol when choosing students. They have to be equally selective and have a little bit of everything in their pool of students. I don't think we are going to hear any news from them at least for another week( according to my last phone call). Good luck to all!!

Hi peekabu,

I am an applicant for this fall as well (PCC) and I called since the anticipation was killing me. I heard there were over 700 applicants. This is my first time applying to PCC and my GPA is good but not great. Should be interesting. I guess a few more weeks to wait! Good luck.

Hello Everyone.

I applied to PCC too and heard through the grapevine that they received 600 applications. FYI I've been applying for three semesters and still no response. I was an alternate last semester but, didn't make the cut. I have an "A" on both my physiology classes and "B" on micro and english. I guess my grades are not high enough:( I'm contemplating retaking my english class. I know that besides grades, the selecting committee needs to take into consideration the students age, gender and ethnic background.. They need to comply with a city/state mandated protocol when choosing students. They have to be equally selective and have a little bit of everything in their pool of students. I don't think we are going to hear any news from them at least for another week( according to my last phone call). Good luck to all!!

I did hear from a counselor that they look at the English grade. You should retake it. We've all waited this long, mid as well retake it and bump that GPA. Either way, I hope we all get in. Good Luck to us all. I will post it whether i get in or not. BUT I WILL!!


You are right about the english class. I failed to mention that on my previous post. tx:-)

The main class grades PCC looks at are: Micro, Physiology, English 1c, Anatomy. Your best bet is to get an A in every one of those classes or maybe a B in one or two of them. Your chances go down if you have any "W" (withdrawals) or if you retake classes. Students used to be chosen by lottery but not any more. I'm in 4th semester now and the majority of the students are definitely A students! And for those who get accepted, I would suggest buying the NCLEX RN study guide by Saunders and practicing questions before you even begin because otherwise, it's a shock when you take those exams in 1st semester...many A students getting C's on exams and B students barely surviving (if at all). You need to get used to the type of questions asked so you know how to study for them - tests questions are very different than what you are used to.

I suggest that when taking any of the above classes mentioned, do not take them during Summer/Winter break and don't take them at the same time - expect maybe English (if it's your 1st language).

Also, for those who don't know.....many students who have graduated nursing school cannot find jobs right now....unless you're planning to move to Riverside or Bakersfield, Calif. Most all "New Grad" programs at hospitals in Los Angeles area have been indefinitely cancelled till further notice. Hospitals want experienced nurses...not new grads! I don't know why everyone is still talking about how nurses are in such demand!

Good Luck!

More to learn,

I am getting ready to start the bridge program in September. What advice if any do you have for me entering into the 3rd semester. I have been a VN for 2 years, and Im STILL beyond nervous about the transition. IDK what I am going to do!! LoL. I took the transition course already and had to defer my acceptance until the fall. Im already preparing to cut my hours and resign from my other job entirely when Fall semester starts. What else can I or should I be doing this summer to get myself ready?

Also, what site are you doing clinicals at? How is your instructor? recommend or no? I want to go to Methodist when I get to 4th semester. I had the instructor that teaches there for my transition course during the winter session and she is tough, but I think I would be able to learn a lot from her.

Any and ALL advice, study guides made in class or any other information you would like to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and BEST OF LUCK on your completion. Im going to tell you congrats ahead of time because Im sure if you made it that far, you are ready to finish in a few weeks!!!

The main class grades PCC looks at are: Micro, Physiology, English 1c, Anatomy. Your best bet is to get an A in every one of those classes or maybe a B in one or two of them. Your chances go down if you have any "W" (withdrawals) or if you retake classes. Students used to be chosen by lottery but not any more. I'm in 4th semester now and the majority of the students are definitely A students! And for those who get accepted, I would suggest buying the NCLEX RN study guide by Saunders and practicing questions before you even begin because otherwise, it's a shock when you take those exams in 1st semester...many A students getting C's on exams and B students barely surviving (if at all). You need to get used to the type of questions asked so you know how to study for them - tests questions are very different than what you are used to.

I suggest that when taking any of the above classes mentioned, do not take them during Summer/Winter break and don't take them at the same time - expect maybe English (if it's your 1st language).

Also, for those who don't know.....many students who have graduated nursing school cannot find jobs right now....unless you're planning to move to Riverside or Bakersfield, Calif. Most all "New Grad" programs at hospitals in Los Angeles area have been indefinitely cancelled till further notice. Hospitals want experienced nurses...not new grads! I don't know why everyone is still talking about how nurses are in such demand!

Good Luck!

wow, i have my assoiciates in science degree, a B in english and havent done the BIG 3 SCii pre-req, i am not worried because i am really good at bio but even if i get an A in the pre-req science courses plus the B english wont guarantee a spot?

wow...what is the world coming to when getting into nursing school was just as hard as getting into med school?


I'm going to ask some of my LVN bridge friends cause I KNOW they will have some really good input. I remember them saying they were pretty lost at the beginning because the teachers assumed that they knew things that the rest of us were taught in 1st/2nd semester. Check back and I'll have an answer for you. And yes, I've already passed .... providing I don't make any med errors the next few weeks during clinicals! I'm not sure what to tell you about which teacher to take. They all changed after I had 3rd semester but I do know that some are considered tough teachers but some people liked them. ------ is a really nice lady as is ------. I'd stay away from ----- but then, it might just be a personality thing. I just never had any of these teachers for clinical; just theory.

For 4th semester; There is one good teacher to take if you want to work at Methodist cause she is currently employed there. ---- take her, speak only when absolutely necessary and listen hard cause she talks a lot and really fast. Hope that's helpful!

"wow...what is the world coming to when getting into nursing school was just as hard as getting into med school?"


That's because being an RN is just as important as being a doctor (or more :)). Plus...the competition is getting tougher however, there are many "very smart" students in our class that (in my opinion) will not make good nurses!

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