Published Jul 12, 2012
1 Post
I'm an old RN (my 50th) currently working in NY hospital. Now hospital required all RN to get BSN in nursing. Oh lord .. I graduated nursing school in another country many years back and that school even does not exist anymore! I tried but wasn't able to verify my education anymore.. Does anybody know what online program can accept me to RN-BSN program?
182 Posts
Check out Excelsior in New York
prettymica, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN, APRN, NP
814 Posts
Indiana State University
492 Posts
Online programs are extremely expensive and often lack the credentials of a traditional program. Be careful and do your research before signing on the dotted line. You're best and most affordable bet is a state university that offers an RN-BSN program. Your hospital should pay for this mandate!
Best to you,
Mrs H.
941 Posts
Checkout WGU
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
Many online programs are very inexpensive, and are fully accredited. You just have to do your homework. I agree with the previous poster to check out Western Governors University. Another good program is Fort Hays.
tokmom, BSN, RN
4,568 Posts
Going the online route in Feb. I'm going to be 50 in a few days. Gulp! I hear you on going back to school. Anyway, do your homework on schools. There are many out there and are accredited like any other brick and mortar school. Heck, many are, they just like to up the student population without adding buildings. My work is going to pay for mine with tuition reimbursement and I went on FAFSA and filed for student aid. I was received some grants that will help. My education won't cost me much if anything.
Any ideas where your records might be? Can you do some digging and see if they are on microfilm, somewhere?
53 Posts
Wow that's a tough situation. There must be some way to verify that you are a nurse, can you check with the HR dept. at your job or previous jobs? Surely they confirmed that you graduated. It won't be transcripts, but if they can at least verify your diploma or certificate,they might make an exception. If you were educated in a different country, does that even qualify? I would go to the school and explain your situation, hopefully they will be able to offer a solution. If you don't take care of this, you may lose your job. If you apply somewhere else, they will want proof that you are a nurse, so it seems that you have no choice. Good luck, I hope that it all works out.
Conqueror+, BSN, RN
1,457 Posts
Many programs will take you but you will be treated as a diploma nurse which may mean more classes to take. It will be tough without a transcript though. Contact your BON and see if they can give you a copy of the transcript you used to get licensed. Hang in there
lhflanurseNP, APRN
737 Posts
I just completed my RN-BSN at the ripe old age of 58! It was a little hard getting into the routine, but once I found my footing, I actually enjoyed it. Managed to graduate Summa and am now starting my MSN online courses towards my FNP degree. Good luck. There are many online schools. The only problem I may find is that your school is no longer active. I too woulr recommend contacting the BON. You may also be able to talk to advisors and explain your situation.
NotMyProblem MSN, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN
2,690 Posts
Wow!!!! Tough situation to be in! My LPN school ceased to exist many years ago and even though I still have the official diploma and have kept a valid LPN license since that day that I first got it a hundred years ago, the local community college treated me as if I was walking right in off the street. Bridging was out of the question since I had everything I needed to prove that I went to a valid nursing school EXCEPT a transcript. I had the original diploma, still do; I had a valid LPN license, still do; but no transcript. The vocational school that I attended was bought out by an area technical school and then they changed their name to -----Technical College. With all of those changes, nobody knew what was done with the records of the first school. I've paid for archive searches several times over the years with no results until I finally gave up on becoming an RN......until I contacted Excelsior College in 2009. Now my student copy unoffical transcript from EC remains under lock and key in my closet safe.
Right now, my job is not requiring a BSN but I've heard about other areas doing so. Even when I was looking for other RN positions, I met with the ever-popular phrase that I heard when I was an LPN: "Oh, you're just an LPN; we want an RN". Now it's, "Oh, you're just an RN; we want a BSN". So, while it's my choice and not a mandated thing, I figure I would work on a few classes here and there without the stresses of deadlines that a mandate imposes.
Good luck to you!!!! Been there, done that:nailbiting:
Not_A_Hat_Person, RN
2,900 Posts
Have you checked SUNY Learning Network (formerly SUNY Empire State College)? It has been around for a long time, and started as a correspondence school, but it has RN-BSN programs in a few cities. CUNY also has RN-BSN programs in New York City.