OCC - 2009 applicants / 2010 ADN prospective students

U.S.A. Michigan


I just wanted to start a post for all of those OCC students who are waiting to get into the ADN program (regular or accelerated) in 2010. There are only 2 more months until the acceptance letters will be mailed out. Let's keep in touch and keep each other updated!


Specializes in Neuroscience.

Sorry to hear that jaaey:crying2: Better luck next time, and I hope you get in next year, or to Macomb.

So far, I have one A- and the rest A's, and a few more classes to go, but the really hard ones are out of the way after this semester, so I should be alright for next years program, with a 3.972 if all goes well. To get GPA you just take the 11 classes, add up the points (4 for A, 3.7 for A-) and divide by 11, right?

Specializes in Oncology.

It would be good to get it but again don't know how I was going to do financially and manage time.

I just need to retake a&p I, politics, and sociology which I got b and b+.

If I get all A. My GPA will be around 3.9xx. So I will be all set for next year round. If the GPA won't get extremely high!!!

Otherwise, I am not really sad or happy about it. At least I have summer break to enjoy my summer after 2 long years in school.

jaaaey77 forget Macomb. i live in Macomb and the requirements for MCCC are impossible. they only have 3 or 4 prereqs, which of course you need a A in all four classes and then you have to take a test that you pay $5o for and they average 1000 applicants for about 150 slots. OCC is the easiest school to get into by far. Even WCCC makes you write an essay on why you want to become an nurse. I dont know about you but i dont like someone deciding my fate based on whether or not they like my essay. Just hang in there and get your grades up.

Specializes in Oncology.

Thanks for your info, whosurdaddy.

ok I now got a letter in my hand and I am glad to share this info with you.

I guess those who got in, won't get this detail in their letter.


Just wanted to say congratulations to all who got in:yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah:. I am a second year student who graduates in May, so just get ready for the ride of your life:yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah:. You can do it!!!!

TO IfYouSeeAmy:

Actually, to calculate your GPA, you have to take into account how many credits each class is. There are calculators online that you can do this with. Adding up all the grade points and dividing will get you an inaccurate GPA.

This is the simple calculator I used.... http://www.college-scholarships.com/online_college_gpa_calculator.htm.

Hope that helps!:nurse:

Specializes in Oncology.
TO IfYouSeeAmy:

Actually, to calculate your GPA, you have to take into account how many credits each class is. There are calculators online that you can do this with. Adding up all the grade points and dividing will get you an inaccurate GPA.

This is the simple calculator I used.... http://www.college-scholarships.com/online_college_gpa_calculator.htm.

Hope that helps!:nurse:

I tried it. But it's still not the same as the one that nursing school gave me.

I did on an iphone app too and I got the same result as the website which is lower than stated in my letter.

Well that is strange... mine matched up exactly.

I have no clue, then!

I wish you the best of luck, though!

And thanks to everyone who posted on this whole thread, it kept me sane while I waited and "heard" all kinds of rumors. :)


this is the website I was given at the Nursing information session. They said it is the one they use.

I ended up getting my letter afterall....but didn't get in. I missed the cutoff by 3/100ths. What a disappointment but still best wishes to everyone else moving on.

I ended up getting my letter afterall....but didn't get in. I missed the cutoff by 3/100ths. What a disappointment but still best wishes to everyone else moving on.

I too share your pain, one more year.

Thanks househead4life. This website/posts have made me feel better and have reminded me that I'm not in this alone. Time to get out the occ schedule book. We'll be ready next year.

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