Nursing school and social life?


I was wondering about anyone out there that was doing nursing school with no kids. The reason is is that it is still hard not having kids going through school because I bet your use to having a social life and out partying some times (some not all people). When you have children though for me its like I dont really have a social life because my kids are my life and I never have a babysitter to go out and have fun. But when I was in school and didnt have kids I remember sometimes it was hard balancing a social life and school. Sometimes you want to just go out the night you should be studying hard. I was just wondering on that topic. Thanks

Haha what life? haha

just joking. Ive just turned 21 so enjoy going out and partying but Nursing school has def toned this down a lot. I work as an AIN a couple of nights a week so sometimes it gets crazy trying to juggle my family, friends, study, uni and work. Im in my last year so things are cooling down a bit, I found it really hard last year and I neglected my friends. My friends are really good though, they understand most of the time. Although I find that most of my mates are non-nursing so they really dont know what it's like - It's not just a matter of failing that unit though is it, what we dont learn or know can adeversly affect our patients so always remind myself of this.

Specializes in Acute Care.

I don't have kids/family/significant others etc. and the closest thing I have to a social life is posting on this website. :)

I don't have kids/family/significant others etc. and the closest thing I have to a social life is posting on this website. :)

LOL! Same here. I did just start talking to this guy though, even though I SO don't have time for him. Nursing school consumes EVERY second of my life (even my sleep, cause I'm having nightmares about it).

Social life? What's that?

Specializes in ICU.

My social life consists of hanging out in between classes

In the three minutes spare time we actually get a week, I'm just so tired from everything, I wouldn't even have the energy to go out:sleep:

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

I think I leave the house for something other than school or work maybe 1x a week!! Otherwise, it's on to school or off to work, then home to sleep or get ready for work. I've started talking to this one girl who lives up north, but it's just tough to find time for anything/anyone else while school is happening.

Specializes in Dialysis (All Modalities) , Ex-CVICU RN.

Toned down my social life yes. Should i have been studying on days i should have been? Maybe but i also don't want to be cooped up in the house.

It's all a balance. I don't have kids yet but i have two dogs. one of which commands my attention most of the time.

We just had spring break and i proceeded to not lay a finger on my books until last night. hehe oh well.

Specializes in ED.


Last saturday night I had off for the first time in months and do you know what I did? Turned down a night at the movies and went to bed early. How exciting is that. How pathetic is that? maybe once I am done in December that I can start to enjoy my life again. By the way you know what I did over the spring break? I sewed scrub tops so I will have a few when I graduate.

I enjoyed this thread immensely. I too have suffered from the lack of a social life during school. I'm currently going to school online, which means I virtually have no human contact other than church. It helped me to see that I am not alone, and that it will pay off. Thank you to the original poster, and subsequent responders for sharing your stories. We will get through it :)

Specializes in IMCU.

Que? Social life?

We have a day off tomorrow and I fully intend to sleep until midday then bumble around in PJs.

Seriously, I feel like I haven't been alone for a moment since I started NS. Need some alone time...urgently.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
I was wondering about anyone out there that was doing nursing school with no kids. The reason is is that it is still hard not having kids going through school because I bet your use to having a social life and out partying some times (some not all people). When you have children though for me its like I dont really have a social life because my kids are my life and I never have a babysitter to go out and have fun. But when I was in school and didnt have kids I remember sometimes it was hard balancing a social life and school. Sometimes you want to just go out the night you should be studying hard. I was just wondering on that topic. Thanks

I have kids and a social life.

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