Nursing Products We'd Like To See

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Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Our very own allnurses member moojoo had a thread requesting advice on how to deal with nurses who won't listen during shift report.

Seasoned allnurses member Emergent gave moojoo an idea on a method of getting and keeping that nurse's attention.



Any nursing products that you'd like to see?

I want the perfect chux\underpad  that stays always under the patient no matter how much they slide down in bed.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
17 minutes ago, RNperdiem said:

I want the perfect chux\underpad  that stays always under the patient no matter how much they slide down in bed.


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Daisy4RN suggested, "Maybe some of that ( face spray) for patients and family too, like 'calm' or 'tranquil' spray".

Well, Daisy, I agree! So a Nursing Products That We'd Like To See came up with:


Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

Haloperidol/lorazepam able to be administered in blow dart form

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
1 hour ago, Tenebrae said:

Haloperidol/lorazepam able to be administered in blow dart form


Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

A "smart" work phone that would kick back unnecessary/stupid calls to the caller..

The nurse still knows the pt has a pacemaker

The nurse has been on duty for 2 minutes and doesnt know

The nurse doesnt know if your brother talked to your mom last night 

You have already called 2 times to tell the nurse the pt is going to xray

The nurse still cannot make the MD appear for you

The nurse still cannot make (fill in the blank) appear out of thin air

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
44 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

A "smart" work phone that would kick back unnecessary/stupid calls to the caller..

maybe different buttons for each type of call?

45 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

The nurse still cannot make the MD appear for you


Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.
9 hours ago, RNperdiem said:

I want the perfect chux\underpad  that stays always under the patient no matter how much they slide down in bed.

And it never tears; it never leaves little bits of dry, sandy gel in the bed. 

Specializes in Psych.

I would LOVE an air conditioned gown. Working in a gown for hours on end is too hot and sweaty, especially when patients have the heat on.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
13 hours ago, ChickenHealer said:

I would LOVE an air conditioned gown. Working in a gown for hours on end is too hot and sweaty, especially when patients have the heat on.


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
17 hours ago, Kitiger said:

And it never tears; it never leaves little bits of dry, sandy gel in the bed. 

I apologize, kitiger, but this is the best product that I could come up with:


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