are nurses satisfied?


I am a nursing student and I had my first clinical I was SOOO excited! I thought it was so cool and I was so happy! The patients were so nice and funny. ( i was in a nursing home) but I noticed the staff didnt share my enthusiasm. The nurses were nice but they didnt seem excited about thier jobs and were a little on autopilot. Are all nurses like that after a while? Do you lose satisfaction in being a nurse over time.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

How old are you and how long have you been working if ever?

After a while every job no matter what looses it's excitement.

Im 20 and I havent really ever worked outside of small jobs like workstudy on campus

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I love my job, but after a while you seem to get bored with the same routine. Thats how every and any job is after a while. I am glad my job likes to float nurses after a certain amount of time to keep you on your toes and give you something new and different to do once in a while. Nursing homes can be as if you are in the same day, everyday. So I can see why the nurses can look like they are on autopilot. As a student you are new and excited about working with patients and helping them. When you actually get a job the newness wears off!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I think it doesn't really have that much to do with satisfaction. Sometimes a job is a job, you can still be satisfied with it even if you go on autopilot.

Satisfaction and enthusiasm aren't the same. You can really enjoy your job but it still be monotonous. With that being said, not everyone is cut out for every job... even nurses. The more experience you get the more you will realize nursing is just like every other job, there are those that are good at what they do and those that aren't.

Hopefully this will be an experience you will carry with you and remember that for your patients. Good luck with the rest of your clinicals and nursing career.

Specializes in geriatrics, IV, Nurse management.

I love my job! I'm a new grad, and this is what I've wanted to do for years! Maybe they were just having a rough day? I know when I have a rough day I'm not the happiest nurse, but when I get home I know I did my best. If you find in the future you're losing satisfaction, then you have to fix it:) Take additional courses, and take some time to relax.

LOL Maybe I'm just an exception since I love taking courses to broaden my experience.

How old are you and how long have you been working if ever?

After a while every job no matter what looses it's excitement.

Then it becomes work. If it is a career you love and chose, it is always fun for you. I know(I've been there)

Specializes in Orthopedics.

The routine can bring you down after a while--that's why it's always nice to have a few days off to yourself every month (if you can swing it, that is). Breaks up the routine and keeps working fresh. Having different patients always helps me; gives the chance to meet lots people from various backgrounds and walks of life.

If you're not feeling that enthusiasm any more and it's affecting your work-might be a good idea to fix it. As long as you stay fresh and keep learning and growing you should be good :D

One reason I like working in the hospital is the constant turnover of pts. I a SNF the pts are the same, the routine is the same, etc. Enjoy your enthusiasm and learn all you can! I am sure the residents found you and your classmates a refreshing change as well! Best of luck in your new career

Specializes in Cardiac.

I think satisfaction is subjective.

I have been a CNA in my hospital float pool for 2 years now and I do like my job, but I think I'm becoming less satisfied. The reason I'm becoming less satisfied is not because I don't like my job or career choice, but because I want to learn more. In my hospital I'm used mainly in med/surg areas and my heart is in critical care. I've been looking for a second job either in critical care or ER just because I want to learn some new things.

I hope I've shown you another way of looking at satisfaction…

When I first started I was so excited to go into work all the time because I was constantly learning. I still learn new things everyday at work, but I feel like I have a pretty good handle on my job and I'm not learning as much as when I was brand new..


Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

I definitely like the variety factor and most always liked floating for that reason.Two shifts here three there, I could see with fresh eyes and not get caught up in the personnel personal/political dramas. Of course, now that I'm an "Oldie" and have had the benefit of a different kind of nursing in the earlier years of this career, I am somewhat less satisfied. The overload of tasks now piled on nurses is very draining, and I don't care how well you prioritize, it is nearly impossible and being on the edge for 12 hours is quite brutal. It seems less and less about the patient. I like private duty now, but even that is changing because fewer and fewer patients can afford it.I've not had a raise for years and years. I doubt I'll get to retire in the traditional sense. If I sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself, well, sure, in a way I am.............but I feel sorrier for the patients who are paying more for less.The only satisfaction I feel these days is the personal satisfaction of being able to hang on to the human-to-human contact, those small moments when the system doesn't matter.

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