Published Aug 24, 2005
lpnstudentin2010, LPN
1,318 Posts
Ok...I am not a nurse but I want to let you all know how much you do for us..the patient...means. I just had a surgery (reconstructive surgery on the right zygomatic arch) on last thursday the OR nurse came into the pre-op holding area and was all, "Hi I am Colleen and I will be your OR nurse today, I will be there with you the whole time, as you go to sleep and through the whole thing. Don't worry." And while I was being put under she was there holding my hand and talking to me. Today we went back into the hospital because there was some swelling, since I am only 17 my mom was there. Well on the way to the hospital I got dizzy so we did vallet parking and when we got to the right office complex my mom really had to go to the bathroom and told me, "now if you get dizzy get on the floor" and the nurses were all, "O is she dizzy, lets get her some water and get her lying down in one of the exam rooms" so they got me a pillow, blankett, turned off the lights and let me sleep till the doc was ready (half an hour later, he had been in surgery) and while he asperated the liquid that caused the swelling one of the nurses was holding my had the whole time. I just wanted to let you guys know YOU ROCK!!!
20,964 Posts
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nice post MEG!
heal well.
jnette, ASN, EMT-I
4,388 Posts
Meg... so glad to hear you were well taken care of, and I personally want you to know how VERY good it is to hear a sincere "THANK YOU" now and then. It is music to our ears. :Melody: :) :Melody:
So to respond... thank YOU !!!
17 Articles; 45,831 Posts
You made my day, Meg and I wasn't even your nurse. :balloons:
Thank you for the kind words.
475 Posts
Nurses are very special people. Unique, too.
1,119 Posts
Wonderful to see posts like this. I hope you plan to pursue nursing.
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Thank you!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,692 Posts
nursemary9, BSN, RN
657 Posts
Thanks, Meg
It was nice of you to let us know!!
Mary Ann
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I am not a nurse, but that was beautiful. :)
I am sure you will make a great one too Meg.
Is this to corny of a note to send to the OR nurse i mentioned. I dont want to sound sappy but i want to let her know how much it meant to me. Just want to know what you think. if it is to much or anything.
Dear Colleen,
I was one of your patients in the OR last Thursday. I wanted to let you know how very much your kindness meant to me. From the moment you said, "I am Colleen and I will be your nurse in the OR" I felt like we had a connection and I trusted you. You saying, "I will be there with you while you go to sleep and the whole time" really made me feel special, like I matter. Then holding my hand and talking soothingly to me while Andres put me to sleep was truly calming.
I was talking to my mom yesterday about how I was feeling before the surgery. She thought I was going to be really scared and would need her to go with me in to the OR before I was put under. But having you there made me know that I would be ok and everything would be ok and I was able to relax.
I just wanted to let you know how much everything you did for me meant to me.
624 Posts
First, thanks for the kind words.
Your note does not appear corny at all.
And, finally, I totally agree! Nurses Rule!
Kind Regards,