Nurses: How far is your commute?


And what's the length of your shifts? How long of a commute is reasonable for you? What do you think of the coworkers who drive from farther away?

I have a 5-10 minute walk to work. I like it. Especially when it snows!

I drove 110 miles one way for 3 months on a travel assignment; mornings was fine but the late night ride home wasn't---12 hour shifts.:sarcastic:

M-F 7AM-3PM, about 22 miles and 25 minutes (but only for 9 months of the year ;))

Previously I had a 40 minute commute and did the standard 12 hour shifts.

4 minutes :geek: 12-14 hour shifts

A "reasonable" commute would be 30 minutes I suppose... But I am very lucky!

I don't "think anything" of coworkers who have to drive from further away. They love their homes and their jobs, that's what matters.

Specializes in Clinical Documentation Specialist, LTC.

Currently 23 miles one way, 8am-4:30pm. I have driven more than 50 miles one way for 12 hour shifts, but I hated that job so it wasn't worth it. That job was just to fill in the pay gap until something permanent came along. Thank God it did! I am now a Clinical Documentation Specialist at a major hospital as of this week and am thrilled!!

I have driven as few as 8 miles one way for a 10 hour a day job with no benefits, but am used to driving more than 20 miles one way, so it's not a big deal for me since I live in the sticks and have no choice since I choose not to live in a bad neighborhood.

People drive as far as they need to to make ends meet when there are no other options, and those who love what they do are willing to make the long commutes. My hat's off and prayers for safety to those with long commutes.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

My new job is 5 miles each way, all streets though so takes about 12 to 15 minutes. My last job was 30 miles all fwy and took 30 to 45 minutes. I liked that job better though. The one perk is I haven't filled my tank in forever.

Specializes in MCH,NICU,NNsy,Educ,Village Nursing.

Stateside-45 minutes one way. Overseas---8000 miles to get there (16-24 hours), then 15-20 minutes one way, depending on taxi and traffic. Thankfully, hours worked onsite are around 4-6/day.

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Public Health.

Two weeks ago it was 60 miles each way and hours were 7am-3pm.

Now its 8 mins form home (that's if I hit red lights) and hours are 8am-5pm

Specializes in Geriatrics.

25 miles round trip, 5 days a week, 0615-1445.

5 miles or so. It's important to me to live close to my job - and since I don't have a family right now, it's also pretty easy! I just don't feel comfortable driving very far after a 12 hour shift.

Specializes in Critical care.

35 miles and takes me 45-60 minutes depending on traffic. It's an easy stress free commute. I love my unit and there are plenty of others with commutes similar to mine and plenty with commutes of just 20 minutes. If I took a job in the opposite direction I would have been paid a bit more, but had a much more stressful commute that could have taken anywhere from 45 minutes (with no traffic) to easily double that (even more if there was some type of accident or breakdown on the highway). I work combinations of 8 and 12 hour shifts. I treated myself and renewed my subscription to Sirius Satelite Radio so I have great music to keep me occupied on my drive :) it makes it a lot more bearable and I even look forward to it.

Specializes in Palliative, Onc, Med-Surg, Home Hospice.

I work 12's and it takes me about 25min to get to tworkand 35min to get home. I work nights and hit rush hour on my way home.

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