Nurses eat anybody young old and indifferent

Nurses General Nursing


I often read on allnurses about Nurses eating their young but the older I get, the more experienced I get, the more I know Nurses do not eat their young they eat anybody and anything that gets in their way.

They have no time or consideration for whether they are morally right or wrong, they do not care who gets hurt in the consequences they are on a mission.

These "nurses" are not just male or female they are the ultimate perfect product they make no mistake themselves they have no sex, no race, no color, no religion, no morals they are not doing it most of the time because they care about their patients they are doing it simply because in they are attempting to make themselves look Good, and everybody else look bad.

God help you if you have a bad day, your feeling unwell, your workload is so intense that you have difficulty priortising. This is when they feed on you almost like a vulture waiting and hovering to attack it;s prey, almost lulling you into a false sense of security.

We worry about the ones who are nasty to us, who we know are watching everystep making our fingers shake in case we do something wrong with a procedure we can do with our eyes closed.

In reality we shoudl be worrying about the ones who smile in our face, who understand our problems but are waiting in the background to stab us hard in the back to make the vultures job so much easier.

Bitter I hear you all thinking as you read this, no not bitter just somebody who has had her eyes opened, somebody who considered herself to be a a good nurse, somebody who has never been written up, somebody who has never written up another nurse yet somebody who is working in a hostile environment watching it happen to others around her on a daily bases and somebody who knows it is only a matter of time before it happens to her



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Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

I love being a nurse.

I never want to do anything else.

Mike I am sure I will do the walking and I appreciate the reality check and maybe I should change or edit the title to

"I Work in a negative environment and I am feeling sorry for myself because I have to leave, and I dont want to'

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

PS it has taken me a few months to get to the venting stage and it feels good for me LOL

Hold it. Hold it right there. While, I find the second half of your post helpful, the first part--i.e., the "woman as the problem" bit is out of line. I used to believe that same statement, but honey,--PEOPLE can be backstabbing, and PEOPLE can be TOXIC. It isn't a woman thing, it's a PEOPLE thing. I'm a middle-aged "pre-nursing" student, and I'm coming from a Construction and Design Engineering background. I've been the only woman in an office more times than I care to think about, and the one thing I'm sure of is that some PEOPLE cannot be trusted. Those same men that I thought "oh, they'd never put me down" etc., were usually the same men that I found out later were the ones tearing me apart behind my back. Please don't hang this at a woman only door.

but as for your rules on how to deal with co-workers--right on! World just might be a better place if we all hung those rules on our mirrors and read 'em each morning before we went out into the world.

Thank you. I entered the nursing profession at 40 and have seen this kind of behavior in all walks of life. From men and women.

PEOPLE can be toxic.

However, we must simply refuse to stand for it. And come to the aid of a co-worker being mistreated.

There is a thread today about how obese/overweight people are treated by medical personnel and some of the examples given have NO responses by the people who observed that behavior.

Call people on their rudeness, disrespect, "people-eating".


Perhaps mob mentality exists due to fear of being individuals. I see this in my environment and can't stand it! I too came from a career that was male dominated and believe me men are just as bad, just sneakier and not as blatant with facial gestures.

The only way it will stop is with strong managers and coworkers who put an end to it. There is nothing like seeing a coworker's face when you confront them in the middle of a tirade with an audience. It's priceless!

I am too old to be playing high school and will not allow it around me, perhaps we should all stand up for the wounded and abused, then the abusers will be the lonely one.

As for the animal analogy, many don't give up their fellows; but surround and protect it. The glass is half full. : ) You have to be at work so many hours, why should it be any harder than it has to be?



As to men not being part of this . . . .the ones who are just do it behind the person's back.

An example that just came to mind . . . a woman friend of mine was commenting about her husband never talking with his male friends about their sex life and how much she appreciated that. Later that night my husband came home and told me that this guy (his friend and co-worker) was bragging about his wife's . . . skill . . . in bed. At work. In a group of men.

I am NOT a man-basher. This was one man. Just an example that some guys that do engage in negative behavior, do it quietly behind your back.


Uh, people, Mr Spock was the logical Vulcan from Star Trek. Dr. Spock was the child care expert. Let's try to be accurate, please.


We knew what was meant.

Are you a trekkie?

Perhaps it is because I am young (23), not yet a nurse (pre-nursing) and so obviously inexperienced, but I don't understand how anyone is willing to put up with this kind of behavior. I have had to report a co-worker for being a jerk, I have reported a professor at my college for being a jerk, and I have told people (politely, though admittedly not every time) directly how I felt about what they were doing.

If the higher up nurse management doesn't do anything about what's going on on your end, keep going up the rank. Talk to the freaking president of the hospital/institution if you have to. I'm sure that they would be GLAD to know what's going on, because they definitely don't want to lose good nurses.

If you go all the way to the top, and still nothing gets done, then perhaps it would be a good idea to go elsewhere. But you never know what kind of change can be made unless you try. Quitting is letting them win, and telling them that their behavior is acceptable - it's not.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.
No argument, here. And there have been days I've felt just like Madwife. I'm not sure whether I think it helps to vent, or just reinforces the negativity.

I do think one of the best solutions for a toxic workplace is voting with your feet. Which is arguably not a solution, but running away, but as I see it, if things are mostly good, you can work on making them better, but if they are mostly bad, it's time to save your own booty.

A case can be made (and a couple of times has been) that I should see how positive I am about nursing when I've been doing it x years. I can see that, but while I've only been a nurse for a bit over 3 years, I've been in healthcare for ten, so I'm not entirely naive, and mainly, I'm looking for ways to still love my job when I have been doing it x years. My strategy, so far, has been to try not to let the occassional bad day or bad week spoil a whole career for me. So a big part of my objection to broad generalizations like "nurses eat their young," or "male nurses are lazy," has less to do with the unfairness of them, and more with tarring a whole bunch of really great people with the same brush as a handful who might actually deserve it, thereby losing sight of what a joy the good ones are.

I was looking at another thread by someone who feels she has no choice but to go into nursing, even though she doesn't think she'll like it much. I guess I've decided I have nothing else to add to those who've already replied, but I can't help thinking what a miserable existence that portends, because I love my stupid job, and it still drives me a little nuts, sometimes.

So, it does need to change, but one thing we can readily change is not proclaiming __________ are __________ when the truth is that a rather small minority can be, at times.

True. All I know is, I worked on that unit for five years, 2.5 as a nurse, 2.5 as an aide. When I first graduated things slowly began to snowball on that unit. People left, management being passive. It just got worse and worse. Last July I had already made up my mind about leaving but wasn't sure about it because I had just bought a condo and was afraid to leave but by January, I was ready, found the best job at the best hospital and I'm happy now. There still is some drama but not like my other job.

TO EVERYONE, yes PEOPLE ARE TOXIC. I'm sorry if I blamed all women but I was projecting what I went through, my own personal experience, onto every women out in the world.

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.

Feel free to vent away, this is allegedly a safe place for it.

I tend to disagree. Most nurses I know are ones, who go to work, do their jobs and go home. They participate in meetings, a group improvement projects and retention meetings and all that stuff. They are too busy to eat each other, nor anyone else for that matter. They are young nurses, seasoned nurse and even nurses older than me. They go to work to do what they like, get away from their husband and kids for a bit, make money, socialize with other adults as opposed to small children.

But bottom line as we all know it. Work is work. I love what I do and who I work with. I also leave that at the door. I never take it home with me. I always stop on the way home at the gym, and get a good work out in before going home, the only time I really miss, is when there is severly inclement weather.

Ive seen a few nurses who try to make others unhappy. I have no idea why, except they are unhappy themselves. I just smile and ignore them completely. They really don't exist in my sphere of consciousness

But good luck to you. I hope things get better for you.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.
I love being a nurse.

I never want to do anything else.

Mike I am sure I will do the walking and I appreciate the reality check and maybe I should change or edit the title to

"I Work in a negative environment and I am feeling sorry for myself because I have to leave, and I dont want to'

Don't sorry for yourself. Sometimes it's better to move on than stay. If I had stayed at my last job, I know I would have gone crazy.

They certainly eat interns! I'm a former nurse turned doctor, and while I realize I'm "just an intern," and that nurses can be rude to me without fear of any consequence whatsoever, why are you?! Ok, I realize it's not all of nurses because a lot are AWESOME! Smart, funny, hard working....and even nicer when they learn I used to be a nurse. I'm talking about the ones who have been mean since day one. I suppose when I was a nurse, there was a certain anti-doctor vibe, but I didn't pick up on it as strongly until I was on the outside. I find myself expending so much energy sucking up to the nurses and trying to be ultranice, helpful, and quickly and nicely respond to all pages. (And yes, some pages are really annoying, like a call for iron supplements at 2 AM on a patient I'm cross-covering, but I really try not to let on to the fact that I am annoyed.)

Anyway, just wanted to speak for the doctor (in training) wing....some nurses are super mean to us too! And don't even get me started on how mean they are to medical students.....

I noticed that, like sharks, there is also a feeding frenzy when one is "caught" being imperfect.

Great analogy.

Specializes in Public Health, TB.


When I read about the petty stuff you've dealt with, my coffee nearly came out my nose! I have worked with that person, I swear!

After taking a communications class where I got lots of practice, I forced myself not to react with a smart remark, but look her in the eye, perhaps with a dramatic pause, repeat what she said, and then agree, sort of. "Wow, a med error could occur if the old room number was on the MAR and the RN didn't check the name stamp and armband? It's great that you caught that." "You are saying that someone should look up what has occurred during their entire hospital stay? It's time for me to leave, so that falls to you." "Why, yes, that page is full. You will definitely need a new one."

I have to remind myself constantly that I will not lower myself to that level.:nono:

If you want to have a discussion about my work habits it will be with the manager present and when I am well rested, not at the end of a 12 hour shift.

Snarky begets snarky.

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