Need $ fast to apy for all the Pre-nursing stuff!


Hi guys,

Well I'm in for January 2006 and I'm thrilled.

Orientation is at Purdue Calumet on Nov 17th.

The lsit of things I have to buy and take care of even BEFORE school starts is HUGE! I have some savings but a lot of my money is tied up.

I have filled out the Aid forms and scholarship forms for tuition in January BUT WHERE CAN I GET MONEY TO PAY FOR THE STUFF I NEED BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS!

Anybody know of any oragnizations that will float pre-aid to an admitted nursing student to help pay for tests, doctor's visits, lab tests, extra vaccination, uniforms, badges, Re-cert training in CPR, PDA and a few books we need pre-program?

Anyone! HELP!


Check with your county health dept for the vaccinations, you can usually get them for a very reasonable price. You maly also be able to get your physical done there as well. It will depend on where you live.

Is there a student health dept at your school? That is another option, especially if they offer an NP program.

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

Or you can do what I did: separate the costs from each paycheck. Like, from one check you buy the uniforms, the other one you get vaccinations... That is the only way I could afford it all. Write it all on paper and plan it out. It worked out for me and I really do not make a lot of money as a Nurse Aide.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

A private student loan? Do a google search.

Specializes in NICU/L&D, Hospice.

Time to swallow the pride and ask family and friends! You never know who might help.

Good luck!

If all else fails, plant a money tree:rotfl: .



Hi guys,

Well I'm in for January 2006 and I'm thrilled.

Orientation is at Purdue Calumet on Nov 17th.

The lsit of things I have to buy and take care of even BEFORE school starts is HUGE! I have some savings but a lot of my money is tied up.

I have filled out the Aid forms and scholarship forms for tuition in January BUT WHERE CAN I GET MONEY TO PAY FOR THE STUFF I NEED BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS!

Anybody know of any oragnizations that will float pre-aid to an admitted nursing student to help pay for tests, doctor's visits, lab tests, extra vaccination, uniforms, badges, Re-cert training in CPR, PDA and a few books we need pre-program?

Anyone! HELP!


Go to county health dept. for vaccinations and check out the Red Cross for the CPR. I believe it's free from them. Will insurance pick up the lab tests and dr. visit? If not, check out a free clinic. If you can't pay for the lab tests in one lump sum hospitals will allow you to make payments. Can you borrow the books from someone who has been in the program previously?

Don't stress, at least you're in! Good Luck!!! :)

Specializes in Urgent Care.

Ask for the stuff for Christmas. A stethescope, scrubs, shoes. It helps!!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I am also in for Jan. I had to pay an RN deposit 500.00, student kit, 75.00, uniforms, 50.00, , 30.00, and books 1200.00 :crying2:

Anyhow, I took out a loan from the credit union.

Good luck :)

~falls over~ 1200.00 for BOOKS for one semester?? OMG OMG

I'm paying everything out of pocket and that is hellish. Dear lord oh lord I pray this is not the norm?!


Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.
~falls over~ 1200.00 for BOOKS for one semester?? OMG OMG

I'm paying everything out of pocket and that is hellish. Dear lord oh lord I pray this is not the norm?!


Our books are quoted at $1200 also. In orientation, they did say that included the clinical kit and uniforms though. I got a private student loan because I won't get regular financal aid until after I need some of my expenses paid for. I don't know what your credit is like, but American General will give a loan to anyone. You can pre-pay it at no penalty too.

Specializes in ICU, ER, HH, NICU, now FNP.


Provate loan - tuition answerloan

Another idea - some colleges have short term emergency loan funds available that are meant to tide you over until your iad comes in. Be sure to ask about those. When I went to another univ here in Texas you could get a short term emergency loan for up to 3 mos for interest of like 2% compounded never!


Do you have a link to American General?


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