Necessary to believe in God?

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, I did a search for GOD and came up with 200 pages of 5492 threads. Perhaps what I am looking for was somewhere in there, but WOW! The closest I have come were these posts which clearly show than an abundance of people DO believe in God:

I am curious about the number of people who do NOT believe in a traditional Higher Power.

What brought me to this was a recent theological discussion with my Jewish girlfriend. We are basically on the same wavelength (so I suppose thats good for us), where she believes in the God who created everything but doesnt care about what happens in the world, only about the outcome, (sort of like a science experiment), and I believe only in the POSSIBILITY of such an entity but not in the context of any organized religion which I have come across thus far. (Satanism is the closest I have found to what I believe, though even that seems to not be all encompassing. I do not prescribe to any religion so please don't get hung up on a particular reference or lack of here and miss the point of my question.)

I DO BELIEVE RELIGION IS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CIVILIZED SOCIETIES!!! I just have no faith in the whole omnipotent, omniscient, loving God thing to whom we should devote our lives, depriving ourselves of certain experiences that seem to be the very nature of our existence, spending time on our knees seeking guidance from and worshiping. I AM NOT CRITICIZING ANYONE FOR PRACTICING RELIGION!!!

My question is this: do you all feel it is necessary for a care provider to believe in and/or have faith in God or does it matter if he/she believes there might not be a second chance in "Heaven" and have only one FINITE life to live so therefore it is mandatory to ensure everyone gets the best possible chance to be happy and make our marks (so to speak) the only time around?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

Originally posted by fab4fan

Yep...big time.

Just when you think that people are getting past the "nurse as trollop/gay guy/airhead/vindictive psychopath/your stereotype of choice," someone steps up to the plate and proves you wrong.

I'm just sorry that it comes from one of our own.

Not quite sure, but to whom was this directed? If it was to me, please elaborate.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by Eddye

Not quite sure, but to whom was this directed? If it was to me, please elaborate.

I believe that I can do that-most women in nursing have a BIG problem with attitudes like yours.See for yourself-do a search on the board regarding stereotyping and sexualizing women in the medical field.Most of us strive to be seen as PROFESSIONALS-not sex kittens in short,tight white uniforms.....

HELLLLOOOOOO NURSE!! haha gotta be honest here, one of the original reasons I became interested in nursing (I'm sure thousands will think it immature, as do I), was because nurses are just ruthlessly SEXY! There have been plenty of other reasons since but that was one of the first.

hmmm, I also feel this way about female cops and marines (something about a woman with a gun and a restraining device!), but a nurse brandishing a stethoscope and a syringe, marching down the hall in that crisp, sharp looking, little white uniform, just aching to dole out a healthy dose of "How ya feeling today?" .... WOW!! Be still my V-Tach beating heart!

Yes it is .... Believe in God very much......

Originally posted by Eddye

Not quite sure, but to whom was this directed? If it was to me, please elaborate.

Please Eddye, don't be coy. Yes, I directed that at you. The last thing we need is someone within the profession fostering the "nurses are sex-kittens" stereotype.

If you can't see how your comments were damaging, I ask you to go back to one of your professors in nursing and ask her/him for an opinion. :rolleyes:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

for a laugh, read my tagline. just trying to lighten it up around here.....


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I know some VERY good nurses who are atheists and this seems NOT to bother or hinder their practices in the LEAST!!! THEY ARE MORAL AND HONEST PEOPLE, just like their so-called Christian coworkers.

Originally posted by ktwlpn

...stereotyping and sexualizing women in the medical field. ...not sex kittens in short,tight white uniforms.....

WHOA! Put on the brakes! I also put nurses in the same category as cops and marines, all three positions of power which require a person (woman or man) with a "take-charge, get down to business, let's get the job done" type of attitude who is also intelligent, competent, and capable of thinking on her/his feet. Did you miss that or just choose not to see it? You picked out one small part of what I said, (which, btw, has NOTHING to do with the original question, I was simply responding to someone else), and decided to focus your entire response on that, misquoting me in the process (I said nothing about "sex-kittens", or nurses wearing "short" or "tight" uniforms.) I also made allusions to the fact that I view nurses as healers just waiting to help those in need. NO WHERE did I say ANYTHING about lack of professionalism!! Somebody was reading into my comment way too much.

My only point was that I am a human being, (I even admitted my comment to probably be a bit immature), and I think nurses, cops, and marines (along with lawyers, CEOs, wall-street types, paramedics, firefighters and a whole SLEW of other women in positions where they are allowed to exhibit something other than the traditional roles of the woman) are sexy. That's how I feel, you don't have to approve of or even like it, but certainly no one is going to change it simply by saying I should go ask someone else how THEY feel.

Originally posted by fab4fan

...If you can't see how your comments were damaging, I ask you to go back to one of your professors in nursing and ask her/him for an opinion. :rolleyes:

Damaging to what? Your ego? This makes it sound like you think I am not entitled to feel this way about women because you are one, I'm not, and you think I am wrong. Or maybe it's deeper than that?

Hmmm, I just read back over that whole thing, (I didn't change any of it though because I certainly believe it should have been said.) Apologies it looks like I went off a little there though. I'm just frustrated with the whole feminist thing that personifies men as being idiot sexists because they are attracted to certain types of women. (Possibly one of my own misperceptions?) I guarantee most women probably feel the same way about certain types of men, (Sailors maybe? lmao) as I do about the types of women I mentioned.

Originally posted by SmilingBluEyes

I know some VERY good nurses who are atheists and this seems NOT to bother or hinder their practices in the LEAST!!! THEY ARE MORAL AND HONEST PEOPLE, just like their so-called Christian coworkers.

'nuff said

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

have a wonderful day eddye.

Originally posted by ktwlpn

With friends like this...who needs an enema?;)


Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
Originally posted by Angelica

I think it's unfortunate that some people believe that morality comes only from God, and that atheists are therefore immoral.

I have signed up for a hospice training class that starts next week. I want to spend a few hours a week providing respite. I'm doing it because I'm a nice person and I care about people. Of course, because I'm an atheist, some of you are probably thinking that my true motivation for volunteering is to ransack homes for loose change as soon as the family members are out the door.

Actually we all know that you are really trying to recruit new souls to Satan, as told to you by Madelyn O'Hare speaking from the grave.

(Please let them realize that I am being sarcastic)

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by ktwlpn

Now-you do not have a UTERUS-therefore you have no right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with hers...........:chuckle :kiss (I use that one my husband-and we just agree to disagree-I don't talk about the subject other then to say that I will vote with the candidate who backs my beliefs...and I leave it at that...honestly-I was just messing with ya-being sarcastic....)

hehehe....believe you me, I choose my battles wisely and those are topics that are off limits to me!

On a veggie board, knowing I would stir up controversy, but had to say it anyway. During a discussion on abortion, I said something to the effect that I was amazed at the number of pro-abortion vegans, how they won't even eat honey because it harms bees, they won't eat meat, won't even hurt a fly because it's immoral, but they will kill an unborn child. Boy you should have seen the flames fly. I was burned to a crisp and then stomped to ashes. LOL

I know better now.

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