Necessary to believe in God?

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, I did a search for GOD and came up with 200 pages of 5492 threads. Perhaps what I am looking for was somewhere in there, but WOW! The closest I have come were these posts which clearly show than an abundance of people DO believe in God:

I am curious about the number of people who do NOT believe in a traditional Higher Power.

What brought me to this was a recent theological discussion with my Jewish girlfriend. We are basically on the same wavelength (so I suppose thats good for us), where she believes in the God who created everything but doesnt care about what happens in the world, only about the outcome, (sort of like a science experiment), and I believe only in the POSSIBILITY of such an entity but not in the context of any organized religion which I have come across thus far. (Satanism is the closest I have found to what I believe, though even that seems to not be all encompassing. I do not prescribe to any religion so please don't get hung up on a particular reference or lack of here and miss the point of my question.)

I DO BELIEVE RELIGION IS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CIVILIZED SOCIETIES!!! I just have no faith in the whole omnipotent, omniscient, loving God thing to whom we should devote our lives, depriving ourselves of certain experiences that seem to be the very nature of our existence, spending time on our knees seeking guidance from and worshiping. I AM NOT CRITICIZING ANYONE FOR PRACTICING RELIGION!!!

My question is this: do you all feel it is necessary for a care provider to believe in and/or have faith in God or does it matter if he/she believes there might not be a second chance in "Heaven" and have only one FINITE life to live so therefore it is mandatory to ensure everyone gets the best possible chance to be happy and make our marks (so to speak) the only time around?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

I remember wanting to be a cop, cause they look so FINE in uniform! Never thought of nursing as sexy though.

Specializes in LDRP; Education.
Originally posted by SmilingBluEyes

To elaborate, I mean it is good to believe in a CAUSE greater than ourselves. One problem with our society, is, I believe, we are not raising our kids to believe in anything greater than themselves, whether it be a deity or cause or belief system. WE need to believe in SOMETHING greater than ourSELVES. We need to understand the cause of humankind is a GREATER thing than ourselves, our goals, our wants, material or otherwise. It is what makes us CIVIL and elevates us above the animal kingdom.

Agree 100%. I also believe this falls in line with individual spirituality, not necessarily religious, as another poster said. One can be deeply spiritual but not necessarily a believer of God.

Originally posted by redshiloh

... Never thought of nursing as sexy...

Not specifically nursing itself, but definitely nurses!! ;)


With friends like this...

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by fab4fan


With friends like this...

With friends like this...who needs an enema?;)
Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by 3rdShiftGuy

I'd rather talk about abortion or guns. Now those are topics that we can talk about reasonably without shoving our opinions down each others throats, don't you think?

Now-you do not have a UTERUS-therefore you have no right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with hers...........:chuckle :kiss (I use that one my husband-and we just agree to disagree-I don't talk about the subject other then to say that I will vote with the candidate who backs my beliefs...and I leave it at that...honestly-I was just messing with ya-being sarcastic....)

Yep...big time.

Just when you think that people are getting past the "nurse as trollop/gay guy/airhead/vindictive psychopath/your stereotype of choice," someone steps up to the plate and proves you wrong.

I'm just sorry that it comes from one of our own.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by fab4fan

Yep...big time.

Just when you think that people are getting past the "nurse as trollop/gay guy/airhead/vindictive psychopath/your stereotype of choice," someone steps up to the plate and proves you wrong.

I'm just sorry that it comes from one of our own.

Me too Fab(have missed you on the boards-how's tricks?) Funny thing at work today-saw a nurse wearing a white t-shirt with angels on it and a religous message in tall letters...Funny thing is she is the nastiest,meanest,laziest...most dis-liked person in the facilty...what a hypocrit.And out of uniform to boot..imagine that....So-ya have to be a believer to be a good nurse-but can a believer be a crappy nurse? It's a conundrum....
Specializes in Cardiovascular.

In the beginning there was NOTHING, then it exploded (amazing how nothing can explode) and now we have EVERYTHING!

Originally posted by ktwlpn

Me too Fab(have missed you on the boards-how's tricks?) Funny thing at work today-saw a nurse wearing a white t-shirt with angels on it and a religous message in tall letters...Funny thing is she is the nastiest,meanest,laziest...most dis-liked person in the facilty...what a hypocrit.And out of uniform to boot..imagine that....So-ya have to be a believer to be a good nurse-but can a believer be a crappy nurse? It's a conundrum....

Yes, it's rather sad when someone puts nursing stereo-typing back to the stone age.

Too add: I have [/i]absolutley no[/i] problem with people being religious/having beliefs, I just find it offensive if they ram it down other peoples throats. Their beliefs are no more valid than mine and it certainly doesn't make them any better as a nurse. Also, what would happen if someone had a slogan about the devil on them? The bible-bashers would be out in their droves against it, saying it's corrupting society. The bible is full of contradictions anyway and BS anyway.

Originally posted by AMV

In the beginning there was NOTHING, then it exploded (amazing how nothing can explode) and now we have EVERYTHING!

I find it more amazing that an entity created earth and the universe in 6 days and people actually BELIEVE it. I mean, really?

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Some people believe a LOT of things that others do not. outta here.

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