NCLEX results in California


I am taking the NCLEX December 1. How long has it taken other nurses to receive their results from the CA Board of Nursing?

If you are in Ca, and attended CA schools, then you are looking at anywhere from 4 days to a month.

If you are a foreign grad, then you are looking at about one week, plus the time that it takes for them to mail the envelope to your home. Without a SSN#, you will only get the letter, since an actual license is not issued without it.

Not sure by your user name, which category that you fall into. There is no set time frame for California.

Hi there! Usually you can check online at within 3-4 days of taking the exam. If you see your name then you passed and it will have your license number next to your name and the date they issued it, BUT and this is a big BUT I have had friends who received their license in the mail 3 weeks after they took their test and their name didn't show up online until a MONTH after they took it, weird I know, but true. So basically don't get too freaked out if your name doesn't appear online in a few days. You'll defiantly have your results in the mail in 4 weeks!

Im in the same boat as you... I took the NCLEX in Cali last Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. The test shut off at 75 questions, and now I check the BON website everyday. I figure that due to the holidays it is going to take a little longer to post, plus PearsonVue says that they have 24- 72 hours to send your test results to the BON.

The wait is killing me!!!

I am in the same boat as you. I took mine last Saturday (Nov. 26) and I'm very anxiuos to know if I passed or failed. This is my second attempt and the waiting is killing me. My feelings are worst than the first time I took it. Now, as far as the waiting period..last I took it (July) it took almost 5 weeks for me to get my result in the mail (FAILED), so now I'm hoping that since they already have me on file that it'll be faster to get the result. My exam stopped between 102-110. If you answered the last question right, does it mean you have a good chance of passing? I think I may have answered the last one correctly....Goodluck to both of us!

Im in the same boat as you... I took the NCLEX in Cali last Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. The test shut off at 75 questions, and now I check the BON website everyday. I figure that due to the holidays it is going to take a little longer to post, plus PearsonVue says that they have 24- 72 hours to send your test results to the BON.

The wait is killing me!!!

Do you know for a fact that CA has received all documents that they needed? California still processes each file by hand, and does a review of each file by a human, etc. So time will also depend on how many files that the review has to see, plus most state offices were closed for the entire weekend, meaning that they only worked three days last week. I would not expect to hear anything for at least another two weeks, if you do, consider yourself quite lucky.:)

hi there...i took my nclex last week. which part of the website should i go to? i cant seem to find any link pertaining to the nclex results....pls reply to my email.

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They don't post results, only if you have received a license number. You would go to license verification and see if your name is there.

Not sure which exam that you took, but with the PN, you will need to wait until you receive a leeter from the BON, as a license will not be issued until you pay the fee. And if you are a foreign grad, it won't be listed, if you do not have a SSN# submitted to them.

thank you for answering. im a foreign graduate. took the nclex-rn exam for california. how come my friends are saying i could check as early as now, in the internet, if i passed or there such a site? its been 2 weeks already. im also waiting for my cgfns results. i took the exam last nov 9.

If you do not have a SSN#, you will not see your results posted, as a lceinse will not be issued to you until they receive the number from you.

Which state did your friends take the NCLEX for? And do they have SSN#s?

Does anyone know if it's a good sign the computer shuts down at 100? Been taking the test for 3 times,all 75, and fourth try is 100.

Hi -

I really know how you feel!!! I took my NCLEX 2 days ago and I'm so worried. This is my 2nd time taking it AND I'm so scared. I try to keep myself busy but sometimes, I just CANT stop thinking about the results. My boyfriend had to get his license (not in nursing) and he was told the results RIGHT AFTER THE TEST.

I really wish that's how nursing results were like but so well..........good luck.

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