Published Feb 12, 2008
5 Posts
Hi AllNurses,
How are you all?
I have a question, you see I took the NCLEX-RN last December 12, 2007. I told a graduate from here that I took it for 32 minutes ( I went inside the room at around 8:05 then got out at around 8:49 minus the time that I took to fill in for those instructions which I think took me almost 12 minutes, that makes it around 32 minutes for the exam proper) he was somewhat irritated by that notion that I took it for just that time and he said he took it for almost 4 hours for 75 items. He was suspecting that I was blowing some smoke. So can anyone tell me why is he so upset by that?Maybe because I graduated from an ordinary school in the Philppines and he graduated from a university here in California?I just dont know.
Just confused,
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
I'm assuming that you had 75 questions. That's less than 30 seconds a question which obviously can be done but what is the big hurry? I purposely sat and relaxed between each question.
As long as it worked out for you I guess that's all that matters but I wouldn't recommend rushing through it. You don't get extra points for getting through it faster.
There's nothing to be confused about, the object is to pass, that's all
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I was in the first class (1994) that did the computerized NCLEX-RN. It took me 20 minutes from the time I started till I finished. I am not a great test-taker but I never change answers and always go with my first thought.
Everyone's test-taking strategies are different. What works for one, might not work for the next. I don't answer questions about how long it took because it took long enough to pass. That's the ultimate answer, IMHO.
Don't think it has anything to do with educational institution either.
112 Posts
It took me probably 45 minutes from start to finish, with 75 items. I didn't change any answers though, which could be part of the reason.
645 Posts
It took me a little longer, about an hour, but I got real nervous and took a break in there and went out to regroup myself. I only had the minimal also and passed. So if you don't count break, it did not take me a hour to complete. Everyone takes tests differently. Some people fly right through them and others take a long time to complete them. All that matters is if you pass.
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
I don't believe you're confused at all, but I do believe you're seeking validation for having taken (and passed) the exam quickly. Why you need that, I'm not sure, as most certainly you know other people (from the Philippines) who also took a long time to complete the exam.
Some people take tests quickly, others slowly; you went to school so you of course know this. Did everyone in your class complete this exam in 32 minutes? Of course not. Some, I'm sure, took hours.
The right amount of time to take this exam is the amount of time each person requires, period.
It's true that passing is all that matters but I don't see why the OP is confused about 38 minutes vs 2 hours.
Some people evidently "fly" through and others "turtle" through. Big Deal.
I do agree with not changing your initial answer. I didn't do that either. I found that I had to relax between each question, with eyes closed, in order to stay focused. I don't even know how long it took me. I had 265 questions and if I remember correctly it took me about 3.5 hours. So probably less than a minute each but I never thought about it before now.
I don't believe you're confused at all, but I do believe you're seeking validation for having taken (and passed) the exam quickly. Why you need that, I'm not sure, as most certainly you know other people (from the Philippines) who also took a long time to complete the exam. Some people take tests quickly, others slowly; you went to school so you of course know this. Did everyone in your class complete this exam in 32 minutes? Of course not. Some, I'm sure, took hours.The right amount of time to take this exam is the amount of time each person requires, period.
:yeahthat: :yeahthat:
627 Posts
I was in the first class (1994) that did the computerized NCLEX-RN. It took me 20 minutes from the time I started till I finished. I am not a great test-taker but I never change answers and always go with my first thought. Everyone's test-taking strategies are different. What works for one, might not work for the next. I don't answer questions about how long it took because it took long enough to pass. That's the ultimate answer, IMHO. Don't think it has anything to do with educational institution either.
Absolutely! Though I don't know why the test is so weird, it is a unique experience. I truly believe that the most important skill you need for taking it is understand the test. Being a good college test taker could well work against somebody.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
The time that it takes one to complete the exam also has no bearing in determining if one passes or does not pass.
Each has their own way of testing, and to say that one is correct and the other did not do it right because they took longer, just holds no water.
And we have seen C students do just as well on the exam as those that were straight A students, as well as those that trained overseas. The exam is based on common sense with the ABCs thrown in, and nothing more. Those that always did the best in their programs do not always to well on the NCLEX exam, because their skills usually involved memory and that does not work on this exam.
I have students that have completed it in about 30 minutes, and then to the other extreme where they timed out after the full six hours, and guess what? They still all passed. And that is what matters, nothing more.
Ms. RN
45 Posts
I think the time does not matter. I took my boards yesterday and was done in about 45 minutes with the minimum. A girl in my class was done in 30 minutes with the minimum. She would always be done with her test very fast and at first I thought she had poor grades. When I got to know her she was just a very fast reader. Our whole class was baffled at how fast she could test. It kind of made one instructor upset and each time there was a test she would say lets see how fast u finish this time. Of course she would be done early and we loved it because it got under our instructor skin. I seen this lady grades and she had all A's and B's. She was just a VERY VERY VERY fast reader. Good Luck
403 Posts
i also was in and out in less than 30 min passed on 75 questions although when i got out i to was shocked how quick i had been actualy though i had blown it fortunatly didnt.